Anna Nicole Smiths daughter visits the small town where her mom grew up: Part 1
Smith died five months after her daughter was born. Dannielynn, now a teenager, traveled with her father 20/20 consultant Larry Birkhead to Mexia, Texas, where they met Smiths childhood friend.
#ABCNews #ABC2020 #Documentary #AnnaNicoleSmith
Great job dad. Hope your raising her in the fear and admonition of the Lord. God bless!!
I can't imagine growing up in a small town like that where there is absolutely nothing to do. Bless those folks, that can't be easy.
I think Daniel did a great job raising this young lady she looks very polite and focused and kept her out of the public eye
in her interviews, she sounds high
Fun fact my dad knew her growing up and locals pronounce Mexia "ma-hair" and Jim’s Krispies Chicken is the best thing there. God I’m glad I’m not there either it’s a dream killer
Danny is her twin ! Rip Ana.
She is so pretty
If she wanted a little girl so bad to dress up, then she should of gotten herself a doll
Im sorry yall but i thought of nicki when i saw the title
I see a mix of both
Such a beautiful young girl .
Her voice is just like her moms
Could never understand why Anna Nicole would choose a man like that horrible sponging lawyer she had, over a nice good-looking man Like Larry!
1:55 “you are your mommyâ€ÂÂÂÂ🥺ðŸ’â€ÂÂÂ
So now the world and Daniel Lynn is reminded once again that mommy was a STRIPPER!!! This documentary sounds so fake.
Miserable story. It just feels like he is STILL trying to CASH IN with these interviews. Just keep your life PRIVATE–that is what he wanted right??!!! Here abc ,cbs, 20/20 are all trying to put a positive spin on a story that was filled with fame, greed, carlessness, drug abuse, alcohol abuse. Just keep YOUR LIFE PRIVATE FOR YOUR DAUGHTERS SAKE!!
So Larry sought out Anna Nicole’s old friends, solely so Danilynn could hear stories of her mama? Dear god, what a man. I remember how people used to tear him apart. I do think he was not the greatest guy. But that little girl has obviously changed him so much. Great father.
omg larry hasn’t changed since 2010, thats how you age when you’re an unproblematic good dad
This was incredibly heartbreaking when she died leaving behind her sweet baby. Dannielynn is beautiful her dad did a great job.
Awesome dad Larry is.
Her daughter looks exactly like her!! Allah (God) bless her! So sweet!
She looked crazy as hell!!!
The world owes Anna Nicole Smith an apology. Queen of the bimbos 💖💖💖
Hmmm there is something weird about her posture and standing position/behaviour. As an abused child myself, the way she stands/behaves/talks rings the ''red flag allert'' bell.
RIP to her brother also Anna 1st born!! I belive his name was Daniel he od also! So so sadz!!!
Wow she lookz jus lik her momma!! Jus remember momma grew up dirt poor in a trailer park!! She was a good mom & gave u everything so b good & make her proudz… RIP MISS ANNA NICOLE SMITH
Her mommas big ole smile
I see so many comments that doubted Larry as a father. But he wasn't from hollywood. He was just a photographer who came from the midwest. Nice family. I am not surprised at all hes kept her away from evil Hollywood knowing what it did to ana and Danny.
Whoa she looks exactly like her mom
Wow she is a spitter of her mum!! Beautiful
Lemme look for the full document cause I know ABCs fraudulent ass will stop uploading at PART 6…🙄
Thank you Larry for doing such an amazing job with Dannielynn, she’s gorgeous like her mom and down to earth and humble like you. All my love!!
Larry don’t sit right with me
Omg Russell county ky
She’s adorable