Trading temporarily halted as markets plummet despite Fed intervention | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

The Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted more than 2,250 points or 9.7% just after trading began Monday.

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By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “Trading temporarily halted as markets plummet despite Fed intervention | ABC News”
  1. Forex trading is real and legitimate. You don't need to have millions before you start. Yes, that's the honest truth, don't let anyone affect your fear.  I used to be skeptical about everything, but today with the right administrator / mentor, I'm financially stable.  You can start earning today like me, all you need is an honest and reliable account manager to operate on your behalf.  I highly recommend Mrs Rachel Brooke, she is the woman behind my success story.  At first I doubted my experience with false mentors, but I am happy to have done so because with my investment capital of € 2,200, I made a withdrawal of € 15,050 in 1 week. Reach out to her  or whatsapp  +14422433874

  2. There’s no good reason to throw more money at the stock market. Why not you may ask? Because companies don’t really raise capital that way anymore. It’s just a kind of number without a purpose at this point. What needs to be done for the stock market is for it to be punished. It needs to take a bath. Yes, really. Why do I say that? Well, The vast, vast majority of stocks are owned by a tiny number of people, and an even tinier number of actors, at this point, mostly hedge funds and so forth. How do they behave? Well, they know they’re going to get bailed out, so what economists call "moral hazard" has set in. They allocate capital to largely stupid, pointless uses and never to genuinely useful ones. The risks of catastrophe are in that way socialized, while the profits of all these pointless things are privatized. The big IPOs of the last decade or so have been Facebook and whatnot. The markets have allocated exactly no capital to the risk of things like this global pandemic. They’ve allocated pennies to the risk of even larger catastrophes like climate change. Think about it. Why is that? Because (duh) they’re bailed out! When they can make free money by investing in nonsense with zero social purpose, tech apps, and derivatives, hell, why bother taking a real risk? the market should be made to take a bath or at least a partial one. Sure, maybe bail out the small investor. But Goldman Sachs? Hedge funds? Wall St? psst, please. That’s only going to continue the fatal trend of making markets evade risk, and pass it on to the rest of us. Stay safe and vigilant, my friends. ~T.bone~ (I'll have the video up soon to explain this even further, along with other useful information to think on.)

  3. I love how we can create 1.5 trillion dollars out of thin air. But when it comes to Medicare for all or free college. All you hear is how will we pay for this?

  4. lol fake news keep blaming the virus. the swine flu killed more than half a million ppl and the market did not crash like this,the murican economy is fundamentally unsound

  5. More harm will be done by closing things up. Look, as a species we will not go extinct by a Coronaviris. We've made it this far just fine. To be fair, what war crimes you've committed in the Middle East have killed more than this stupid virus, and drained your economy beyond anything else. And you never worried about that. So get real, and let life do its thing, for goodness sake. I'm saying this overall, even if this video wasn't exactly about this. And I know you government people read all these comments. So, hope this one helps.

  6. Man I wish I had some money to invest. Now is the time to go Full Bull. Bet on America. When this virus runs its course and they all do where do you think America will be? Just fine thank you. Keep selling dummies.

  7. Remember when Trump tweeted "If the stock market ever has to shut down, the President should resign immediately!"… There's always a karma tweet for him….

  8. Most people cannot afford to loose value in stocks as much of their retirement income is from stocks and/or bonds. Back in 2008/09, during the financial crisis, I had a paper loss of around 15%, – but I held on and did not sell, and gained back far more than I "lost". Not everyone can do what I did, but look at the stock market crashes since the mid-1800's – there was always a notable upswing after the crash, those who could afford to hold on to (legit) investments gained back the losses.

  9. A Nation cannot be truly great without a Moral Compass and the Truth is a moral compass can only point you in the right direction; it can't make you go there. This Nation need to elect leaders who have a strong moral compass, Leaders who are honest, straightforward, and tough, with a love of justice and fair play. None of which has been exhibited by Trump, The House or Senate Republicans and those Democrats who wavered in both houses of congress. On May 2018, The U.S. Pandemic Response Team and the NSC’s entire Global Health Security unit shut down, by order of Trump. This Trump called for dissolution of this team inside the NSC agency in his words ”I’m a businessman and can’t see people getting paid for sitting around doing nothing” GHS team within the NSC could have over ruled the CDC to allow Corona Testing test from Germany to be used here in the US (which was being using in Korea, Japan and other nations). Which are able to provide results in a matter of a few hours (6-7) opposed to the CDC test which failed to test correctly? We the People must take back our country. This election year there can’t be a blue wave or a “Big Blue Wave” as there was in the mid-term elections, this election year it Must be, Needs to be a Tsunami. A Tsunami which needs to flows across the political landscape of this nation to let the GOP’ers and those Democrats failed to stand up to trump will cost them their positions in both the House and the Senate. This Tsunami must cover both houses of congress in a way, ”If” (I pray not) trump is re-elected by way of the antiquated Electoral College (as he was in 2016) and not the popular vote, he can and will be removed from office before the end 2021. The Republican Party is No Longer the Grand Old Party (GOP) but is the party of Sycophantic Racist Bigoted Xenophobes, who prostrate themselves before their Deity a Misogynistic, Egotistical; Megalomaniac; Demagogue, Authoritarian, Xenophobic White Nationalist 73 year old man-child. I wonder how all will it take the Trumpster’s and the Republican Senators or Representatives to turn on Trump once one of children, grandchild or family members come down with or (god forbid) die of the virus? It’s been written "Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it". I believe if we the people of this Nation does not learn from the past Three and a half months let alone the last Three years of its history CORRECTLY and re-elect Trump as POTUS, then this Nation is Simply Doomed. Vote, Vote, Vote!!!

  10. We need someone who will stand up for the middle class and poor, protect OUR interests! The only one not standing up for rich elites is Bernie Sanders! Social democracy has got to be better than this. Bernie Sanders 2020!

  11. again the FED is blowing up the debt bubble of the 100% under debt corporations. We are not dumb, all stocks are worthless, no penny in the corporations. The dividend is paid from debt, the new cheap debt. I predict a total crash of this soap-bubble called the DJI.

  12. Lol, you all know this is just the beginning, right? Wait until ALL businesses get closed and the bodies start piling up by the hundreds every day. Not being negative. Speaking about the reality. The chance to flatten the curve is gone. There is no one in the US who has any idea how many people have the disease because there isnt nearly enough testing. All this talk in front of the cameras is meaningless. Get into cash and Gold as soon as possible.

  13. Poor has been the new black for a long time now u will see with ur own eyes 💩🌪️

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