Tractor-trailer deaths in Texas – Car Mod Pros Portal

Authorities in San Antonio said they found 46 bodies inside or near a tractor-trailer in what they’re calling a suspected case of human trafficking. ABC News’ Andrea Fujii reports.


By carmodpros


37 thoughts on “Tractor-trailer deaths in Texas”
  1. These people can afford $8000 a pop for a ride into the US. They are not looking for a better life. Not of these victims ever looks like the are missing meals. They are not looking for a better life…they are looking for one of luxury of big houses in the country, big trucks, and a sweet novia toxica on the side. They want to look cool with cute little English phrases that pollute the Spanish language. Don't get me wrong this massive loss of life is atrocious. Things have got to change. If these people are resourceful enough to save 10 grand in cold hard cash, they are resourceful enough make their countries better. Hell I want to retire to Mexico( I am not an immigrant but a 3 generation American) and get away from the race politics senseless violence and just plain meanness of American society….but noooo. México can't..or won't get rid of all those damned I am stuck here…Chile here I come…I speak the lingo and got a nest egg…and I won't be blowing it all on some guy shoving me in a crate and a stowaway on a cargo ship

  2. Ok so someone tell how these people are so desperate to find "a better life" If they are so desperately seeking opportunity how is that they can afford to ride into the US at $8,000….yes $8,000 a pop . This stuff does not make any sense at all. If life is so damn bad in Mexico and elsewhere down south how is it they can afford that kind of money. They could use that money to make their businesses and their own countries better. We have enough problems here with militarized police, race based politics,growing senseless violence, soaring inflation and a neo-feudal economy, and we can't absorb anymore of the worlds problems. There was an Univision report where the reporter asked a grieving relative of a deceased how it was that they deceased was able to get that kind of money( with a heavy insinuation of " since was supposed to be so poor and wanting a better life) and the woman mumbled something about saving a little here and there and wouldn't say more. How many here now how hard it is to legitimately save $8k cold hard cash in this country of supposedly roads paved with gold. They think they can come here and strike gold as the next food truck tycoon on the food network, construction or landscaping empire. Well let me tell you…for every one of those guys there are 100,000 that are stuck roasting on a hot roof ine the Texas sun, cleaning up the messes and making tacos for rich spoiled frat boys and sorority girls in Any college Town USA working for less than a living wage…now in the dystopia known as the good old is that a better life. These people either want a handout( and I have this out of the mouths of caravaners) or a better life is code for a life of luxury…and both are unacceptable.

  3. Where is Our Border Czar in all of this … Kanala has got to be the only XO in history not expected to be responsible for the lives of those people traveling under her authority.

  4. can anyone answer did no one had a phone to call the drive requesting a stop to drink water break????– why would someone take so much risk if already inside the border--Its not UK where cops check work permit at every check point—they could have walked…….it isn't adding up!————-911 dial 911–they got Mexican translator—gutemala too——cops yelling still better than getting burnt——they yell, I know-sometimes they are rude too-but I will call 911 better than being burnt—-

  5. No RUSH— but answers to these questions are needed eventually- say a plane lands in an unknown location over the hot and humid sea—-how long will people inside live @ 40 degree Celsius assuming no food and sea water and no room to move around—-WHEN SHOULD THE SEARCH STOP—stats needed!

  6. It is Satanic Ritual Abuse. Observe the black and white Illuminati shirt. If this does not make you physically ill. You are deranged or a narcissistic parasite. Anger is a sacred emotion for a reason..

  7. Yes this is scary. There is this Eastern European American girl in Houston Texas her name is Natalia D Marova she’s being exploited by dangerous black men and forced to do it. They take the money drug her and beat her please help her

  8. These poor people! We need to open the borders and get rid of all checkpoints along the southern border! They’d still be alive if they were walking or in an open air truck. Racists! There’s blood on your hands.

  9. Can someone explain how an enormous trailer that size simply drives over the border undetected? I was under the impression we at least have check points everywhere along the border. Is that not the case? This is obviously something that's happening a lot. Anyone can actually drive right in? Or was someone here paid off?

  10. That Governor's bold, while his gun policies just allowed the killing of all them kids in that school. What you think we just forgot about that🤔🤔

  11. When will we get trailer truck control to end these mass killings. Nobody needs a military style assault trailer. If only we had more laws against trailers this wouldnt happen.

  12. How this tractor trailer was even able to cross the US Mexico border and secondly US custom and border protection inspection with very tight security.

  13. If 48 people were gunned down, and 12 others seriously injured in the shooting, then this would be a national tragedy that would pre-empt every other news story for a week or more. Everybody would be screaming for more border control. Instead, it will be the story of the day, and in two days it will be completely forgotten about. Nothing will change at the border.

  14. I doubt this happen. At least not how the media is covering it. It's thin sheet metal, possibly aluminum. They are not in a solid steel box. They are people from a hot region, they would of known to kick a whole in the side of the trailer before they overheated. They would do that while still knowing they could be caught and sent back. 43 people were there, so at least a dozen kicking on a part would of tore a hole in the side of it.

  15. Right, CANCUN CRUZ, cause that’s what people usually do, when they want to cross OPEN BORDERS: 
    They board totally cramped overcrowded tractor trailers without enough air to breath, water or ac in the sweltering heat. 
    Or, during the rare occurrence of a freezing cold, without adequate heating respectively. 
    I bet LYING TED that’s how you travel all the time, when you make use of your privileged passport which opens that southern border for you any time it suits you.
    Like whenever a state of emergency at home prompts you to leave for a little vacation in Cancun. 
    Just to ensure you don’t run the risk of ending up involuntarily, accidentally serving the good of your constituents.

    I am not pretending that opening up all borders was the obvious easy policy solution here. 
    Undoubtedly, unlimited, unregulated mass immigration would have grave negative, possibly incalculable effects for any well off country.
    But let‘s be at least honest here: Securing borders, too, always comes at a high price: 
    It costs a lot of funding in taxpayer money. And tragically, it costs a whole lot of lives.

    My deepest condolences to the families of the deceased.

  16. And the Biden administration continues its Blackout on how badly they screwed up the Border. If he ignores it so will the Press. These deaths are a direct result of his & Kamalas policies, just like Afghanastan, they simply dont care. I can not believe Hispanic people will vote Democratic. They simply don't care. Shameful!

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