Tornado outbreak across the Midwest l ABCNews

Tornado outbreak across the Midwest l ABCNews

ABC News Ginger Zee reports on the severe weather conditions in the Midwest where a hospital and several businesses were destroyed.

#ABCNews #Tornadoes #SouthDakota #SiouxFalls


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38 thoughts on “Tornado outbreak across the Midwest l ABCNews

  1. My mom came and woke me up around 11 and told me to get to the basement. When the tornadoes stopped I was up until 4 watching news coverage of the damage and keeping up to date on Instagram and Facebook. I was shook.

  2. I was in north Sioux Falls and was lucky enough not to get hit by a tornado but the high winds and rain made water come through my window seal and flooded my dorm 😭

  3. I was one hour north of Sioux Falls attending college in Madison when I got word about the tornadoes in the middle of the night. I never went to sleep that night because I wanted to check on all my friends and family there to make sure they were safe. My house in Sioux Falls was close to getting hit too because it was just 3 blocks away from the Advanced Auto Parts that got destroyed! I'm just thankful that nobody was killed and that my house was still in one piece!

  4. My radio kept saying “Tornado Warning” but I ignore it because mostly everything that hits Sioux Falls is in Iowa or Minnesota. Apparently it was for our city, and wondering why the hell everyone was like “OH MY GOD, TORNADO HIT LAST NIGHT” was all over my school. I think this is the first tornadoes that we had since 30 years.

  5. Please for your childrens sake listen,
    Your polar vortex will return by February next year,
    Check Nasas satellite footage of snowy mountains in feb 11th
    2018-2019… The Sun is going into deep Solar Maunder Minimum,
    Mini ice age for 50 years like in the 1600-1700s

  6. That was the tornado right there? Oh jeez…..I was scared and felt like I was going to throw up that night. was crazy…I’m twitching right now.

  7. Bruh this was so shocking cuz like- shit like this never happens in Sioux Falls but then BAM- Geostorm be hitting South Dakota and Florida like a fucking Colossal Titan from AoT

  8. Tornado hits South Dakota hospital —

    On 9/11 (11/9), the 254th day of the year with 111 days remaining. Date numerologies are 59, 39, 32, and 23.

    geoengineered weather event = 119 (RR)
    haarp flattens hospital = 119 (RR)
    haarp happy with the results = 119 (R)
    fire chief brad goodroad = 119 (R)
    health care = 119 (KFW Kabbalah)
    haarp follows masonic orders = 119 (R)
    haarp picks on sioux falls = 1198 (Jewish)
    haarp makes tornados = 1194 (Sumerian)
    avera heart hospital = 1194 (Sumerian)
    weaponized tornado = 254 (RO)
    tornado in sioux falls on 9/11/2019 = 254 (ALW Kabbalah)
    no death or injuries = 254 (RO)
    haarp follows masonic orders = 254 (KFW Kabbalah)
    sioux falls, sd tornado on 9/11/2019 = 111 (R)
    haarp strikes again = 111 (RR)
    haarp controls weather = 111 (RR)
    haarp controls the weather = 111 (R)
    haarp engineers tornados = 111 (R)
    geoengineered tornados = 111 (R)
    geoengineering on display = 111 (RR)
    weaponized weather event = 111 (R)
    masons order haarp tornados = 111 (R)
    health care = 111 (ALW Kabbalah)
    sioux falls tornado = 1111 (Jewish)
    advanced auto parts = 1110 (Sumerian)

    haarp tornado = 59 (R)
    good job haarp = 59 (RR)
    avera = 59 (LCH Kabbalah)
    pizza ranch = 59 (R)
    advanced auto parts = 59 (R)
    brad goodroad = 59 (R)
    nick gibbs = 59 (RR)
    ritual disaster = 59 (R)
    haarp strikes again = 592 (Jewish)
    sioux falls = 39 (R)
    tornado = 39 (RR)
    tenhaken = 39 (RR)
    natasha sundet = 39 (R)
    ns = 39 (LCH Kabbalah)
    gibbs = 39 (O)
    masons order sioux falls tornado = 390 (RO)
    kohls = 390 (Sumerian)
    tornado destroys hospital = 309 (RO)
    geoengineering = 309 (Jewish)
    nick gibbs = 167 (RO), the 39th prime no.
    tornado in sioux falls on 9/11 = 1673 (Sumerian)
    storm = 32 (RR)
    disaster = 32 (RR)
    sioux falls, sd = 322 (Franc Baconis)
    haarp tornado = 131 (O), the 32nd prime no.
    south dakota = 131 (LCH Kabbalah), the 32nd prime no.
    haarp weather weaponization = 131 (RR), the 32nd prime no.
    sioux falls, sd tornado on 9/11/2019 = 1318 (Jewish)
    geoengineered tornados = 1314 (Jewish)
    avera heart hospital = 1319 (Jewish)
    sd = 23 (O)
    sioux falls, s. dak. = 203 (KFW Kabbalah)
    haarp-generated weather = 203 (O)
    weather disaster = 230 (RO)
    midwest = 83 (KFW Kabbalah), the 23rd prime no.
    heitkamp = 83 (O), the 23rd prime no.
    sundet = 83 (O), the 23rd prime no.

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