Top US health officials self-quarantine after White House aide tests positive l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Dr. Anthony Fauci and other officials have self-quarantined after a White House aide tested positive for COVID-19, but Mike Pence plans to be at work after his press secretary tested positive.

#ABCNews #Covid19 #DrFauci #MikePence #Quarantine


By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “Top US health officials self-quarantine after White House aide tests positive l ABC News”
  1. Look its real its real.. Even Dr Fauci is sick.. Hahaha ever since he started getting exposed they had to up the anti and be like it's legit even HE got sick…. Total bullshit

  2. Is the White House scientist now!! They should’ve been taking precautions from the beginning but when you got a moron running the country that’s what you get. They all should’ve knew better maybe they think they are immune to it they’re special. Smdh.

  3. These three so-called experts put their lives in danger not wearing a mask to appease the Lord and Master at the White House, so Gentlemen you have only yourselves to blame. There is no excuse for kissing Trump's ass, it gets kissed a hundred times a day.

  4. Dr. Fauci is most likely quarantined because they dont want the media asking his opinion on all the States reopening when some states cases are still on the rise ! He suddenly goes in quarantine at same moment all those States are reopening , thats easy one to figure out !

  5. They needed to have lead by example from day one.
    Safe Distancing
    Now, 3 months in
    Your gonna wear a mask, maybe,sometimes, some people
    president not at all

    Isn't the mask suppose to protect others from you
    As you wear your mask to protect them

    Not the press I dent

    Maybe they should bunk together.

  6. USA is terrible country. Robut call cheat money. USA Hk church sex homecare, defund, accident, ticket, rape, to keep sex them. Spread to Fremont high school district sex youth. Kill virus family. No one knows so no one care. Very secret!

  7. Ask good prayer like catholic pope, not USA hongkong church. Ca Sunnyvale kwong wah Baptist Hk Church cheat money and woman and kill people. Join hongkong government and bayarea tv26 virus war, mask war. Wear mask only cannot prevent wuhan disease.

  8. people in the White House and Senate need to get back to work. They are crucial employment. They didn't care about the meat Packer employees and frankly we may not care about them getting Coronavirus. They've already told us that the masks are Superfluous. They've already told us that testing isn't important all while they test every day some of us can't even get one test. So they must not be that important. So get back to work White House get back to work Trump family get back to work pence family get back to work Congress

  9. So we're 5 months into the pandemic…and they wait until somebody test positive to realize they need to wear mask and social distance themselves?? And these are the people running the country?? Seriously..

  10. First reporters were complaining to open the state and now that he has opened these reporters are complaining 😂 😂

  11. To ABC News: Your reports are informative and useful but their endings with Stephanopoulos are irritating. PLEASE CHANGE THEM.

  12. Life is a joke
    People are people !!! and people will do whatever they have to To “survive” That will never change.. no one really cares about you they only care about how it impacts them.Everyman for himself -the end
    Every man for himself in the end

    The day you truly realize this , it’s a hurt that sucks every bit of joy from your soul

  13. That's NOT why they are "self quarantining". They are HIDING because the got caught for their LIES. Dr. Birx told off Redfield and told Trump Team that she "no longer trusted the CDC". They are INFLATING the death numbers. This whole HOAX is about to fall apart as just another part of #OBAMAGATE. 1. "Russia Collusion" (didn't work) 2. Ukraine Impeachment (didn't work) 3. Destroy economy with the flu. (WORKED, but now coming unglued.)

  14. I am bothered and angered by the fact that staff at the White House get tested daily, using precious supplies and medical staff, but continue to show disregard for the public by not wearing masks.

  15. It will take a year in 100% lock down to wipe out the virus temporarily. We need to keep the masks and social distance from now on regardless of improvement. The press put it like, is bad to open but at the same time gives news about how the economy is collapsing. The government can't fix both overnight, unless they have none human super powers. …I wasn't born here, I came as an adult. I ask myself why Americans depend so much on what government can do more than how can I make a difference? If you don't wear a mask and keep a distance while outdoors then you are not helping and just demanding.

  16. Wonder how this is gonna work out now that its hit close to home for the government maybe now we will properly assess this disease instead of act like it doesn't exist

  17. You are not safe from Covid-19 anywhere. Each person who gets Covid-19 will infect 10-12 other people. It's the most contagious airborne disease ever. The asymptomatic contagious period efter exposure is variable, from 3-4 days to a couple of weeks. We know very little about Covid-19.

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