Top US general under fire for calls to Chinese officials l GMA

U.S. Army Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, reached out to Chinese officials in the final days of the Trump presidency, according to a new book.

Biden has ‘great confidence’ in Milley after secret actions in Trump’s final months:

#ABCnews #Milley #Trump #China


Author: avnblogfeed


45 thoughts on “Top US general under fire for calls to Chinese officials l GMA

  1. Since Edward Snowden is wanted fugitive and may face possibly 30 years in prison if he returns but Mark Milley walks free? Despite alerting the Chinese. Who is the real traitor?! Society is disgusting.

  2. General Milley should get the Nobel Price…….. why…….?

    Because he could have been this guy………………

    Vasili Arkhipov, commander of a Russian submarine /at the time in Cuban waters/ who prevented escalation of the cold war by refusing to launch a nuclear torpedo against US forces during the Cuban missile crisis SAVING ALL OF US!! Well, our parents or grandparents at the time….!!

  3. The Mainstream Media is making excuses for Milley’s treason.

    Gee. What a surprise. 🙄

  4. The fact a sitting US president states he has great trust in a traitor, tells me what I need to know. Traitors need to be hanged, simple as that.

  5. For all of you demanding a court martial for Gen. Milley, can you please cite which article of the UCMJ he violated? That would help your argument a lot. Thanks.

  6. Everyone knows Trump won. Biden is a fraud, his entire administration is a fraud. Most people don't realize this, but the JCOS staged a military coup, largely funded by China. Mark Milley is a traitor, and Communist Chinese operative. Joe Biden was installed as a civilian figurehead by the military junta that took control on January 7 after the false flag on January 6. So right now we're under military control by corrupt brass who are weeding out patriots from their ranks, and working to subvert our republic so they can control who wins the next elections. The last bastion to protect from this was the sanctity of the vote – and based on actions in the last 12 months, it has made it clear that they now control the vote. As such, the assumption should be made that we no longer have a functioning representative government. Now, in my opinion, the main question now is how bad will it get before it gets better – when the constitutionally based, people empowered government is restored.

  7. This guy should be in the brig along with the entire biden family Corruption of bidens resurfaced with more facts,

    The bidens are back in the news again, for all the right reason more corruption reveal,not by the all the media, some still protecting the bidens like roaches when the lights come on. Now it appears Mr. everybody pay their fare share, does not do, what he ask all Americans to do, but leave the biden crime family out of the loop, What a surprise, is this the deal being cut with the IRS, we will hire hundreds of more agents to attack Anericans, but leave your hands off the bidens? Much like the biden deal cut with the AG office, go after all the republicans you want but don't bother Hunter, he did not mean to lie on all his gun applications, also replace any body Donald Trump hired.,This should make his library be renamed the "the biden library of corruption in Delaware" Seen Congress is finally looking into the bidens, (Thursday, September 23, 2021) Freedom Watch put Joe Biden before its Citizens Grand Jury TODAY. In previous sessions, evidence available in the public domain was presented to the grand jury and today "he was indicted for Negligent Homicide, Involuntary Manslaughter, Reckless Endangerment and the Death of Vulnerable Children, Seditious Conspiracy, and Treason."The Citizens Grand Jury Indictment, which is embedded below and can be found at, speaks for itself. Now, we will convene a trial, where Biden will be called to answer for his deadly and reckless crimes that resulted in the deaths of seven Afghan children, 13 American servicemen and many others. We the People, under the laws of nature and nature's God, as were invoked by our Founding Fathers in our Declaration of Independence on or about July 4, 1776, must reclaim our legal system, as the current compromised and corrupt systems in both Congress and the Courts will not mete out justice. In sum, now that Biden is indicted, We the People will provide due process in the criminal prosecution of Joe Biden, seek his conviction before a Citizens' Court, and when successful — as the evidence against Biden is overwhelming — seek a sentence of life imprisonment. We the People will then summon law enforcement and the military, all of which have also been harmed by Biden and his leftist allies, to enforce any sentence that will result from his criminal trial.

  8. Unbelievable this madness happen for America! Mr. Trump seems to have made the big mistake of keeping a big fat hornet inside his shirt. Chinese must have laughed to death for not paying a dime to the traitor.

  9. Słyszałam że wasza królowa Rotchild Rockeffeler szykuje się na występy w 2022 .

    Do żyje trup andronochrome?

  10. Prezesik Joe Biden Roceffeler widzę że się utrzymał przy korycie.
    Idzie wam USA UK 😅

  11. Imagine this was done by the army general of literally any other country in the world at any point in history! We are living in unprecedented times.

  12. Jak tam wasi Prezesi USA UK?

    Ktoś tam jeszcze ma żywego oddech czy klony przejęły rząd urzędy chlew USA?
    I od tego trzeba było zacząć.
    Ciężko wam idzie sprzątanie. Ups.

  13. Czasu brakło USA UK na rozwiązanie zwykłej przyzwoitości


  14. This is hilarious america is that partizan that a top general commits literal treason and hes being defended by the media. America is a joke. Imagine if this happened dure in the first cold war this guy would be shot. UK should pull out of the AUKAS agreement we cant be giving ur our millitary secrets when ur own general will blab to the chinese if they dont like what u president is doing 🤣🤣🤣 they'll be no war with china they have already won they own Hollywood and big tech and the demorcratic party America finished at this point same with UK

  15. All these idiots… Pretending like he didn’t cause a in surrection… Pretending that he’s not a rapist and sex offender…. Pretending they don’t know every business he ever touch failed…. Pretending like they don’t know that he stole from them and spend their donations……😂 republicans will believe anything… Like literally anything if they think they’re not gonna have to pay all their taxes

  16. From the book “Peril,” written by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa:
    “If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise," Milley reportedly said.

    If accurate, Milley's communication with China does two things. One, it feeds Chinese paranoia and two, it assures them of nuclear first strike capability if things appear to be heading toward conflict. How is this not treason of the first order?
    This is the same General Milley who abandoned Bagram Airfield, stranding hundreds of American citizens and forcing all evacuees to leave from a Taliban controlled Kabul airport. This is the same Milley who handed over more than 84 BILLION dollars worth of military hardware to our enemy and abandoned the prison holding thousands of bloodthirsty ISIS, Al Queda, and Taliban terrorists. Why not line up Milley, Biden, and Blinken up against a brick wall and have the family members of the 13 murdered service members fire at will?
    P.S. Who is the female voice at the start of this footage saying, "Thank you, OK, let's go"? Is that one of Biden's handlers who tell him which reporters to call on and what to say? Biden has confidence in Milley but who has confidence in Biden?

  17. Oooo weeee china has infiltrated the US so much they dont even have to lie to you it's only a matter of time till our so called generals start speaking in mandarin

  18. So is Milley a psychiatrist and knows the mental state of people well what need do we have of Psychiatrist now just go to Milley or should I say Benedict Arnold

  19. Its very clear to those of us who watch these things that the General clearly overstepped his authority. This is exactly the kind of rogue general that we have always been afraid of. He is wrong and he should be removed from office. His efforts were against the law. At minimum he needs to resign or be arrested. Its pretty clear. The American people are not stupid.

  20. Miley did the right thing. A hard thing but right. Many of you armchair warriors wouldn't know about that. Here is a dedicated soldier. He's made decisions that would make most of you wake up in cold sweats pissing yourselves.

    China is not an enemy… They are not friends. They are a super power that we do billions of dollars worth of trade with. They hold US bonds. Did we not learn from Afghanistan? For him to give assurances was the correct thing to do. We have no need to engage with China in a physical war.

    As far as Afghanistan. Let them do the work. If he is culpable then so be it. He will have some leeway. The nature of the job demands it. Remember, we're not in that country anymore.

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