Top prosecutor defends office’s decision to drop Jussie Smollett’s charges

Top prosecutor defends office’s decision to drop Jussie Smollett’s charges

The Chicago police union wants Kim Foxx investigated by the Department of Justice and a former attorney for the brothers, who said they staged the bias attack, said they told the truth.




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30 thoughts on “Top prosecutor defends office’s decision to drop Jussie Smollett’s charges

  1. The public prosecutor needs to lose her job, and her past conduct needs to be investigated. If she is willing to let a high profile case like this be dropped, she is either extremely biased racially or has been bribed.

  2. Usually because of some bias. As a side note, judges recuse themselves, lawyers withdraw. … A communication breakdown is a very common reason for lawyers to withdraw from a case.

  3. Despite being an unethical and substandard human, Kim Foxx is the kind of person who looks at herself daily with no shame. She sleeps, eats and lives well at the expense of every person, thing or system she can take advantage of. She truly believes that she is above it all.

    It shows in her eyes… Kim Foxx is corrupt and has absolutely no conscience.

  4. This situation shows the case fix by DOJ. Was this a fix? Evidence show some sketch decision by Kim Foxx, it makes a person wonder. So, if Foxx recused herself, why did she keep talking to people afterward? Looks bad!!!!

  5. Ms. Foxx is using Trump speech logic. She will not be in that position much longer because she is probably going to be charged. She, nor a surrogate, has spoken to the specific justification of Sollett's charges being dropped. I would love to know "what was she thinking". The police union can give routine excrement of fecal matter about Sollett. They have other issues with Foxx. And dusting off Jesse Jackson – well.

  6. I agree with all the others. She is corrupt. She has made a joke out of my service to this nation. I served to protect our nation, its laws, our democracy, and the constitution. She is a disgrace and has no business being a prosecutor. A prosecutor who disrespects the Chicago Police, the Illinois Prosecutors Association, the Grand jury, and the people of Illinois needs to go, immediately. She is a prize jerk! This case must go to trial.
    Former Sp-4, U.S. Army Chemical Corps., Veteran of the Viet Nam War, 1968-1970

  7. All of your OPINIONS dont mean shit. You fools swear you knew exactly what happened with Judge Kavanaugh and now you think you know this situation. Only person who has to power drop the charges is the states attorney, not any of you fools, not the mayor. If you dont like it go to school to become a states attorney to see how the shit works instead of sitting in front of a computer acting like you know. And if the FBI does a scope into him it should be a limited investigation and they should only be able to speak to certain witness. This is what happened to Kavanaugh and the system let it ride but Im sure people would have a heart attack if the same treatment was done to Jessie because only certain people get those passes. This system is a joke and should be shitted on daily until its fixed.

  8. 1. Why is the city of Chicago so adamant to be in the news about this when they have more pressing matters in their own city to deal with like ongoing murders?
    2. Why is the mayor of Chicago trying to bring so much light to this incident when he can’t even clean up the streets of Chicago?
    3. The police are going after a male who allegedly created a crime to boost his ratings. Now why does it seem like the city of Chicago and it’s mayor are trying to do the same thing, boost the ratings in their city? It seems like in order to keep the cameras on Chicago, the mayor and the city are doing by any means necessary to keep the limelight on them.
    4. If these brothers claimed they were fighting Jessie, then what did they gain from the fight? Were they looking for their 15 minutes of fame? It seems like this case could destroy their career so what are they gaining from this?
    5. If Jessie has people helping him, let them. It’s no different than what non-people of color use to get out of negative situations. There is something called White Privilege. An example of this was last year when two college Students committed a rape to their fellow female students. The black student received 29 years in prison while the white student with the help of his wealthy white family, received no jail time with 6 months probation. It’s not fair but certain families have judges and attorneys in their pocket to fix their problems.

    I believe there’s more to this case and everyone is being very hush-hush about it and that’s their prerogative.

  9. Oh it's ok ….we all make mistakes.
    He's a good boy why are we so hard on this fine young man. He seems like a model Citizen. I personally don't think he could hurt anyone. I lol I lol dont pfffft …..😁 AAAAA who am I kidding lmfao…WHAT A PIECE OF SHIT

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