Top academics explain the heated debate on critical race theory | ABC New – Car Mod Pros Portal

George Stephanopoulos discusses the new cultural flashpoint with professors Leah Wright Rigueur and Glenn Loury.

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #CriticalRaceTheory


By carmodpros


23 thoughts on “Top academics explain the heated debate on critical race theory | ABC New”
  1. Dialogue like this would give credibility to it’s sponsors and show a sincere effort in uniting Americans. I would watch more often too 😊

  2. 6:00 Glen Loury nails the issue with very clear points concerning "what's bad for America". The counter point is a beautifully framed effort to create a grueling oppression narrative and foster division. This isn't the road to "the promised land". What I here is arguing for a narrative to elevate one part of society to a morally superior place and use this as a lever "to correct" in perpetuity the indignations of the past.

  3. He's a sellout who doesn't want his master to be uncomfortable while he sits in a white institution with there titles that he's falsely worshipping but that's what sellout do…

  4. C.R.T= (C)omplete (R)acist (T)rash ! C.R.T and Marxist indoctrination has been caught on several occasions being taught in K-12 in many cities most all being black Democratic lead cities although it was not school approved and not parent approved. It should be banned on all levels Good people and good parents of all races need to stomp C.R.T in the ground with authority .I'm see in good Americans of all races waking up and pushing back on ignorance like "woke-ism" and " Everything is racist" and C.R.T and Defund the police and gang violence etc…Americans are waking up

  5. Its a shame we historically paint such a small picture of all this. We need to recognize the role the Irish had in this, who were forced here to control the slaves. We also never talk about the history of slavery, from the Barbary coast trade when N. Africans enslaved Europeans in the 19th century or even the Ashanti empire which became Ghana, and is directly responsible for the slaves being caught in the first place. Americans, all Americans, seem to think the world ends and begins with them. We understand slavery and racism BETTER by looking at the rest of the world and history beyond this country. Critical race theory can have a place in this, but it needs more perspective. This won't happen though, Conservatives don't care and Liberals are all about saving face.

  6. CRT is a step too Socialism. How do you think Hitler achieved power and the killing of 11 million people?
    We don’t need to get to the root, the root rotted half century ago and the Liberal’s hold down to the narrative because the “black Vote it’s essential, but not the black people”.

  7. For those who don't understand what CRT is, I'll summarise it: If a white kid is born poor and disadvantaged, it's their own fault. If a black kid is born poor and disadvantaged, it's the white kid's fault. That, in a nutshell, is the entirety of CRT.

  8. This is awesome. My question is how many people have not read books from the authors of CRT but are screaming to ban it or to have it, snd are just regurgitating what the men and women of their political sides scream?

  9. As a black Moderate, Im done with all this. The question is, does CRT makes us better? Makes us grow and successful as a minority? No, it divides us. thats just my opinion..

  10. This crap is funny to me…. Bottom line, teach your children true history YOURSELF but only after you learn it yourself. It’s very obvious to me that most on this thread are just regurgitating talking points that they’ve heard from news outlets (that fit their narrative) or the American compulsory education system. The education system has only one purpose and this is occurring to the people that implemented it. I’m here only to finally take the time to see what all the fuss has been about. My conclusion = yet another distraction…

  11. WTH ; stop white people from saying that they are the only ones that have done for this country , stop white parents from lieing to their kids that their better than others , stop white people from using the laws against others that they write for themselves , REALLY I JUST DON'T SEE WHY THEY LIVE IN THE FEARRR THAT THEY DO , JUST LEAVE US ALONE ,

  12. Take a look at Paul Rossi video ….see for yourself….there are many teachers let go for speaking out against CRT! Why try to stop racism with racism??? Do the research yourself …look at the books being used to teach it parents unite have courage be involved in your childs education!

  13. Glenn's an idiot. He's trying to get one of tjise nice pats on the head from white people. Typical black conservative talk centers around blaming Black people for racism. They like to come across as "one of the good ones".

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