Tony Green thought COVID was a hoax, until family died – Car Mod Pros Portal

“I believed the mainstream media and the Democrats were using [COVID-19] to create panic, crash the economy and destroy Trump’s chances at reelection,” he said.

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#ABCNews #COVID19 #Coronavirus #Pandemic #Politics


By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “Tony Green thought COVID was a hoax, until family died”
  1. Covid was politicized by both parties?? No. It was politicized by the right by saying that the left's call for taking this more seriously with mask mandate, social distancing, and temporary closing of businesses are all a scheme to destroy trump's america. You can't call it "politicizing" when the left calls out BS on your ridiculous claim and then later in hindsight try to water down the right's responsibility by saying that everyone was at fault.

  2. "FaItH nOt FeAr" can land people in these unfortunate situations. It isn't real until it happens to them personally.

  3. A long as the Fox Sewer and Right Wing Hate liberal anything and anyone talk radio is allowed to Poison peoples minds 24/7 with all this bullshit and propaganda your going to have what you have! Durring the 1918 Pandemic we didnt have anywhere near the division we have today because the news was the news it wasnt left wing or right , it was just the news . There was no internet in 1918 that now allows all these insane uninformed maskholes to now all communicate with each other and start groups of like minded thinkers.There was no TV either so you didnt have Fox news and Qanon and One America Propaganda and Alex Jones type conspiracy theorist poisoning peoples minds with a constant stream of misinformation and propaganda. People are People, they are simply products of thier environment and they are only as smart as the information they consume and if that information is BS well his is the resultof that, an uninformed public that votes against its own best interest.

  4. Covid is caused by 5g weapon !! social distance ?? better TARGET !! aim it anywhere on the globe. looks like a pandemic, but its NOT !! its 5g people !! wake up !! if you have a 5g phone your a TARGET !! I work FRONT LINE COVID, where are ALL THE HOMELESS PEOPLE ?? NONE !!! 5g is a Weapon !! and the VACCINE IS A WEAPON !! WAKE UP !! THE MARK OF THE BEAST IS COMING !! That NO man can buy or sell !! unless you have the MARK !! DON"T TAKE THE SHOT !! you will be very sorry !! in about three years from now Under the Solar Eclipse of 2024 there are going to be a lot of dead people !! the solar eclipse of 2017 was your warning !! We saw it all in the HEAVENS !! you aint seen nothin yet !!!

  5. The best evidence I’ve ever heard for Darwin’s survival of the fittest.

  6. People need to stop thinking that if something doesn’t affect you, it doesn’t matter. Then they cry and moan when something does happen today.

  7. Funny how they report these stories but fail to report that almost 5,000 people have died or had adverse reactions (chronic seizures, etc) from the corona vaccine. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

  8. People like this need to disappear. First they lecture people that covid is fake. Then they catch covid and now want to do a 180 and lecture people about the dangers of covid. These people got is so wrong that their opinions are not needed and due to their stupidity they should just go away.

  9. Republicans and conservatives don't believe the virus is fake, but they do believe that people should be allowed to take their own informed risks, so long as it does not unduly impact others. A lot of the policy decisions are being made by people that still have jobs that can allowed them to work from home, socially distance, and have everything they need delivered right to their front door. Others have everything they own wrapped up in a small business and are losing everything. Some people don't qualify for unemployment and can't work. For these people, the calculation is very different.

  10. Those policy measures that kind of restricted various parts of our life e.g. Hand washing, physical distancing, try best to avoid contact, mask wearing, is what I thought brought the flu to record lows

  11. 😂😂😂😂😂

  12. I had been asking myself "Why would anyone think it was a hoax? A hoax to benefit WHOM?" But I suppose what we've witnessed was a sterling example of projection. Exactly what you've were suspecting of the Democrats, you're seeing from the Republicans now!!! If the disease originated here in the States, we might have an excuse. However, we had warnings internationally!! We had forewarnings. What did it cost anyone to wear a mask? I'm sorry anyone ever took Trump seriously.

  13. Tony only believes what he can see. And he only watch what confirms his beliefs. He killed 2 family members, and now he is finally sorry. What a loser hypocrite

  14. You don’t have a doubt? After all what you’ve seen he did? Action speaks louder than words. Trump is all words. No actions but lies.

  15. Because you know, you’re going to lose!😂😂😂

  16. A friend and former office mate died of Covid. She was in her mid 50s. She texted me a few days before she passed, "take good care of yourself".

  17. It's really a deep-rooted ignorance and arrogance problem, that people literally believe that US is the centre of the world and simply neglect information coming from other countries

  18. When you stand by the people, the people stand by you. I'm glad that the people elected a president that elected them. And when you look at the fruits of the labor, when you look at the walk, there's 1 leader that has lead, has walked the walk, has stood by the people. We are not out of the woods, but at least now we have a compass.

  19. When you glorify "ME" instead "WE"…this will hit you badly because you have the regrets "If only I don't do that, We will still be together."

    This is not socialism…it calls empathy, humanity and be considerate…

    I catch covid-19 last 3 week during me working outside my hometown…I got tested once I got symptom like covid-19…after D-day gave me result Antigen +, D+1 gave me result PCR +…So I am confirm covid-19…I spend my 1st week staying inside hospital, because I cough badly…

    After 1 week, I then quarantine in the previous hotel I stay…I don't know these people who stayed or worked in hotel where I also stayed..I don't care if people still having dinner, staycation, etc. in this hotel…but damn, for sure without any surveillance…I WEAR MASK 24/7 inside my room for 14 days…I stayed inside my room and I told hotel not to let anyone come into my room…My current 5 star hotel room is looking like pig sty…I clean my own hotel trash, I clean my own underwear, I put my dirty clothes in bulk (every 2-3 days I will put everything in plastic bag and sealed it…

    I let go my "freedom", let go my "convenient", I try to be considerate with others. I don't know how good the air conditioning system, what I know I don't want anyone even those I don't know died because of me…because I can be potentially be a super spreader with the endless cough..I want to get better ASAP, I want to be free outside ASAP, but last thing I wanted to do is killing people…

  20. You don’t look like there’s a problem with a smirk on your face

  21. 😔😔😔😔

  22. I wear my mask and my partner is a trump supporter I'm a Biden supporter and have liberal views and I'm bigger than him yet I never caught it and he did and thankfully survived it but he thinks he can't recatch it and since then has had health problems one after another I've tried talking to him about wearing his mask and that he's part of the lucky few that had have it and survived the takeaway from my story is that despite me being a bigger guy and being less healthy I've not contracted it or pass on the virus to anyone during its course here in America mask do work and its saving my life as I speak

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