Tom Steyer ends his campaign for president l ABC News

Tom Steyer ends his campaign for president l ABC News

The billionaire Democratic candidate for president dropped out of the race, saying he no longer saw a path to victory. READ MORE:

Billionaire businessman and liberal activist Tom Steyer, who poured millions into a bid for the White House despite initially saying he would not seek the Democratic Party’s nomination in 2020, has ended his presidential bid.

Running a campaign centered on rooting out corporate influence over American politics, and combatting the challenge of climate change, Steyer spent over $150 million of his own money on television advertisements to boost his name recognition and get himself in front of voters in the four early voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina.

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44 thoughts on “Tom Steyer ends his campaign for president l ABC News

  1. I’m Tom Sayer and this ad is to claim that I’m out of the campaign race


  2. He doesn't know the people. Putting his country down won't help. Saying things he knows that will easily get an applause. Stuff that's been said before. His whole act is derived from media expectations.

  3. This arrogant old leaky colostomy bag thought he was a million times smarter than Trump. Spent $300 million on a race and won ZERO DELEGATES. Everyone saw Steyer as rancid human turds in sewage stew.

  4. This guy is like the definition of a douchebag. Both him and Bloomberg went on and on about how they were "real" billionaires, that they were smarter than Trump, but not only did neither of them win their parties nomination, they blew $750,000,000 in the processes. They saw Trump come in as an outsider and wanted to mimic him, but failed miserably like the wannabies they are. Bye, bye Steyer and Bloomberg, guess you weren't better billionairs than Trump, couldn't even win your parties nomination.

  5. All y’all need to stfu that man doesn’t care about yo comments he would have made a wonderful president 😐

  6. Is this the same Tom Steyer who bought a private prison (90% black) but didn't know that the prisoners are hog-tied and treated brutally. This billionaire didn't bother to have examined the prison guidelines for discipline, or prabably anything else. Only when he decided to run for office did he sell the prison (profits anyone?) because it might put a stain on his otherwise perfect (?) record on all he's DONE for black people…………You might think Trump is a nightmare, but then you realize he's only one of many such monsters.

  7. Thanks for wasting lots of your money on a campaign Tom ! You're an utterly unlikable and pandering D-Bag , please learn from this catastrophe and do us all a favor and disappear !

  8. Dear Editor,
    Millionaire Tom Steyer dropped $200,000,000 down a media shaft and never heard it hit bottom. Had he spent $200,000,000 on feeding the homeless and needy he would have gotten $400,000,000 worth of free press. Even if he lost his bid for the nomination ,he would have become a legend. Now when he dies, he'll be no more significant than any of us.
    At least former Mayor Pete Buttigieg can make a living doing coming out parties for parents to get their 15 minutes of fame. I wonder what child will hold the ultimate Guinness World record for being the youngest child ever to come out of the closet.

  9. Go to to find your best candidate. Mines Bernie Sanders. Support Bernie by volunteering and $2.70 donation s through actblue. If your tired if corporate greed, ridiculous cost of healthcare and college tuition support Bernie. We are taking on everyone, oil, drug and insurance companies. we need health for us and our planet. Spread love not hate. Please take the political compass quiz at to find your best candidate.

  10. Go to to find your best candidate. Mines Bernie Sanders. Support Bernie by volunteering and $2.70 donation s through actblue. If your tired if corporate greed, ridiculous cost of healthcare and college tuition support Bernie. We are taking on everyone, oil, drug and insurance companies. we need health for us and our planet. Spread love not hate. Please take the political compass quiz at to find your best candidate.

  11. Go to to find your best candidate. Mines Bernie Sanders. Support Bernie by volunteering and $2.70 donation s through actblue. If your tired if corporate greed, ridiculous cost of healthcare and college tuition support Bernie. We are taking on everyone, oil, drug and insurance companies. we need health for us and our planet. Spread love not hate. Please take the political compass quiz at to find your best candidate.

  12. He actually would have been a good candidate, and in a head to head would stands chance vs Trump. He combines economic knowledge with sound liberal values, without going too far left. Unfortunately, the far left can't see beyond billionaire = evil, and because of that we're going to get a socialist leading the charge. Embarrassing .

  13. What a shame, he drops out if the election he was a good canidate and better than trump and others. We need a president that will fight racial injustice and bring colored people to become more elite in society but most importantly no more ghettos and cleaner and climate change

  14. 30% LGBTQP on his election staff. 30%, is that a cross section of America? No. It is a cross section of CNN and MSNBC news only. Steyr is a USER, a panderer for publicity. He's not real.

  15. Bye bye! He was a waste of time. This’ll be the first time I’m voting Republican for president. RIP Democratic Party.

  16. Buh-bye fuckwad🖕

  17. Trump needs to drop out lol and I don't even vote lol 😂👍🤗

  18. Oh crap. I am sad to see you go Tom. Blessings to you and yours. ✋☺💕

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