Tokyo Olympics Committee Chief Quits Over Sexist Comments | NBC News NOW

Tokyo Olympics Committee Chief Quits Over Sexist Comments | NBC News NOW

Yoshiro Mori resigned as president of the Tokyo Olympic organizing committee over his comments suggesting that women talk too much.
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Tokyo Olympics Committee Chief Quits Over Sexist Comments | NBC News NOW


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35 thoughts on “Tokyo Olympics Committee Chief Quits Over Sexist Comments | NBC News NOW

  1. Now as though the news isn't bad enough. Now no foreign spectators will be allowed at the games lol. Japan really doing a knockout job here.

    I already knew Japan didn't want the games. But their xenophobia could have been just a little less obvious.

    Either all spectators or no spectators. You can practice safe measures as they have done in other venues.

    This goes against the spirit of the Olympic Games and frankly they don't deserve it!! The IOC should just cancel the games at this point.

  2. You may not be able to see it from overseas, but please see the comment section of the 1st YouTube of former Japanese prosecutor Nobuo Gohara and the official YouTube comment section of Tokyo Metropolitan Govermet for details.
    Even now, the handle names of the examinees, which are inconvenient for the Ministry of Justice staff, are constantly called by trolls and the trolls call another persons as the handle names of the examinees , continue to incite suicide against them,and make operations that reduce the impression of them in the examination thread of 5channel“予備試験スレ ”which is the exchange net bullet in board of the examinees.
     There are Ministry of Justice staff in Japan that are not necessary in a society that only keep pulling the examinees' legs.
     I've never heard of any other crazy exam where the exam organizer desperately interferes with one student's exam. Moreover, this test is a test to select Japanese lawyers. In this respect, Japan's judiciary lags behind the United States and England.

  3. <> that's their gang sign – ",' He's a sacrifice, he's one corner of this pyramid, find the other corners of sacrifice it happens in a few days cluster…then…the balm of a ludicrous world peace to cover the pyramid…this time from the UN….A world gang? You people are fascinating. In a nother pyramid…Trump election…balm…Animal and Plant Exodus Really? This message is not endorsed by the Psychiatry Association.

  4. I Still Want Yoshiro Mori To Have Another Chance To Continue As Tokyo Olympic President I Know Want He Did Was An Accident But I Want To Do Whatever It Takes To Save And Protect The Tokyo 2021 Olympic Games To Make Everyone Happy My Hope Will Light The Way 🇯🇵🎌🗾🗼❤️💕💞🤝

  5. Why don't they just choose someone to be the more appealing, well-respected "face" of the committee, like Kimiko Date-Crum (tennis), Koji Murofushi (hammer), or Ichiro (baseball)?

  6. For those of you out in the West, what the man said isn't even that bad. The over-reaction from the international community shows a complete lack of cultural literacy. NBC needs to do some serious research.

  7. But the fact is, women do talk to much. I see them at my work every day just yapping away 🤷‍♂️

  8. In response to Mr.Mori's remarks on human rights riolations at the Japanese Olympic Games, I wanted to convey the fact that there are injustices and human rights riolations against one examinee by a more serious authority in Japan,and that there is a judicial crisis.😊
     Three years ago in Japan, a staff member who was the organizer of the bar examination ,Ministry of Justice staff arbitrarily exposed the scores of the examinees' primary exams and the contents of almost all the subjects of the secondary exam treatises to the net , and relentlessly instigated the victim for bad taste. It was an incident in which he continued to perform manipulations to reduce the victim's impression and dropped it with personality attacks such as discomfort and death.
     In addition, in order to eliminate the anxiety , the organizer uses a mobile phone to monitor the victim on a daily basis by vandalism, eavesdropping, voyeurism, grasping the location information, and continues to incite suicide relentlessly for the destruction of evidence on the net. By continuing to do so for the examinee, The Troll continues to incite suicide against victim or by unnaturally sticking and manipulating the impression, it interferes with the examination and   the victim continues to fall into the examination. ..
    It's like a prosecutor keeps trapping an innocent person by self-protection, and there was a serious and serious human rights violation.

     しかしながら、一方でSNSでは今も卑劣に自殺を煽り続け命を奪おうとする輩がいることも事実です😊。    今、日本では木村花さんの事件が起き、ネット上の誹謗中傷や自殺煽りが社会問題になっているにもかかわらず、いまだに私がよく見ている法曹という裁判官、検察官、弁護士を目指す法務省が主催する予備試験という試験の受験生が集う5ちゃんねるの「予備試験スレ」では1受験生のハンドルネームを名指しであげて「死ねや」とほぼ毎日執拗に自殺を煽り続けている荒らしがいます。


  9. Governor Cuomo and his administration must be investigated from top to bottom and he must be stripped of his emergency powers. Justice needs to be brought for the grieving families who have been ignored to protect Governor Cuomo and his Democrat allies in the Legislature.

  10. Meanwhile is America if a man grabs a woman by the P then gets to be the president! 😳

  11. According to her account, Ziawudun was transported back to the same facility as her previous detention, in Kunes county, but the site had been significantly developed, she said. Buses were lined up outside offloading new detainees "non-stop".

    The women had their jewellery confiscated. Ziawudun's earrings were yanked out, she said, causing her ears to bleed, and she was herded into a room with a group of women. Among them was an elderly woman who Ziawudun would later befriend.

  12. It’s also been reported that he just asked an old buddy of his to take over instead, which falls foiled of transparency and accountability rules in what is, after all, a state-organized matter. That move was also swiftly shot down.

    To be honest, this is all a bit of theatre, given the very real possibility of the Olympics being unable to proceed anyway, even at this stage. Nobody knows.

  13. What that F****🥇🥇

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