Times Square manhole explosion sends people running l GMA

Times Square manhole explosion sends people running l GMA

Firefighters and police responded to the loud explosion that was caused by a cable failure, ConEd said.

#ABCNews #TimesSquare #NYC #Manhole


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36 thoughts on “Times Square manhole explosion sends people running l GMA

  1. One time my boyfriend and I were walking around in downtown Dallas after getting out of a concert, when a local club thought it would be funny to blast gunshot noises over their speakers. Those that were outside looked around and ran quickly to find shelter. My boyfriend and I ran, until we noticed what we thought was the club owner laughing. NOT funny. Disgusting actually. Makes you wonder what geese go through every hunting season when they are just trying to stay with their lifelong mate, huh? Puts things into perspective of how scary it is to be hunted.

  2. I mean yeah obviously 🙄 after the shooting obviously people are going to be scared/paranoid

  3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 they were ready

  4. 😂😂😂😂😂

  5. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🖕

  6. LMFAO!!!!🤣😂

  7. See how jumpy Americans are yet they still want their guns. Imagine living your life one noise away from chaos and panic because you want a gun to defend yourself from an unknown future threat.. Paranoia has got to add to all the heart problems Americans have

  8. In other countries people would have assumed nothing bad happened but in the States it could always be a shooter or a bomb. I don't know why this is funny in some way. They are so pitiful.

  9. Trauma, fear, to coerce the masses into submission. Lucky Christ will end all evil in the years to come. ✝️

  10. The Sheep got scared.🤷‍♀️PUSSIES!!!!

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