‘Time will tell’ if agreements made with Putin during summit will hold: Sullivan | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

George Stephanopoulos interviews White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan on “This Week.”

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #WhiteHouseNationalSecurityAdviser #JakeSullivan #PresidentBiden #Putin


By carmodpros


28 thoughts on “‘Time will tell’ if agreements made with Putin during summit will hold: Sullivan | ABC News”
  1. جناب دکتر پویان
    جنابعالی چرا مقاله ای درمورد واکسن واینکه با خرید واکسن تمامی کسب وکار به وضعیت عادی برمی گردد منتشر نمی کنید

  2. What an arrogant prick. There is nothing you can do change Russia nor China. They all looking at you as a declining power. Soon EU will move away from supporting USA self centered foreign policy.

  3. In the 80s the US gave Iraq's Sadam Hussein weapons to fight against Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini who is now 86 years old.

    In the 90s the US invaded Iraq and killed Sadam Hussein because of weapons of mass destruction that did not exist.

    January 2021 140 Capitol cops, 550 staffers and 617,188 dominated Covid families get no revenge because Traitor Trump is not Iranian.

    March 2021 15 Iranians are killed by the US as it bombs another country in the name of peace. Four decades of needless killing.

  4. US Pinky power and colonial cronyism are the world's biggest threat both domestically and internationally; not Islamic Extremism or Communism.

    New Zealand made the mistake of basing anti-terrorism on perceived threats from Islam, Communism and anti-colonialism.

    New Zealand learnt it's lesson the hard way when an Australian pinky power racist shot 51 people at two Christchurch mosques two years ago.

    Never forget that the last nuclear attack the world saw is still the US against Japan on August 6, 1945; 76 years ago.

  5. Putin made the ultimate sacrifice for Russia – declared himself president for life 😂🤣😁

  6. There are no “relations” between us since we “as a nation” blindsided a military leader of another country. How would you feel if someone randomly drone struck one of our major generals? Prematurely, with no real evidence. Just rumors…

  7. I expect nothing good to come out other than song & dance from Biden's gangs by 2024. That is what this young man doing right now. In such wonderful upper class English language. Just hear this guy's choice of words. What is this guy? Man or machine. To me a high precision machine! Machine language from WH!

  8. This new so called Iranian president is convicted of being one of the main participants of the mass murder of 1988 – executions of Iranian political prisoners. lifting any sanctions off his back is directly helping them oppress and kill even more, without any fear of international pressure. please don't be part of this filthy act of helping terrorists slay more innocents..

  9. Gasoline costs on average are now $1.20 per gallon higher than last year.

    ● Beef, Pork, and Veal have increased about 20.8% per pound from last year.

    ● Chicken costs have doubled in price since a year ago.

    ● Fruit and Vegetable Prices have increased about 3% since last year.

    ● Bacon in May 2021 was $6.35 per pound. Last year it was $3.29.

    ● In May 2019 Ground Beef was $3.62 per pound. In May 2021 it was $4.10 per pound.

    ● Milk prices today are at the highest level they have been since 2014! In 2018 for example the average milk price was $2.90 per gallon. In 2021 the price of milk is $3.77 per gallon.

    ● Tolls on the Garden State Parkway and the New Jersey Turnpike have increased by 37% and 26% respectively.

    ● Clothing, used cars, lumber, furniture all have increased by double digits from a year ago.

    ● Inflation has risen 5%, a rate not seen in over a decade. But the Biden Administration continues to spend like drunken sailors on shore leave without a commensurate increase in productivity….a blueprint for inflation! It is what inevitably happens when the government pays people not to work which is what the extension of federal unemployment benefits until September has done! If you pay people not to work, productivity declines and that results in supply shortages and drives up prices. Today we have 9.3 million people unemployed and there are10.7 million jobs available. You don’t need an economics degree from the Ivy League to figure out what is happening. In elementary school, I learned that “too many dollars chasing too few goods is inflation”.

    ● Our National Debt is rapidly approaching $30 trillion dollars. Right now interest rates are near zero. But what happens when interest rates increase to two or three percent? The interest payments on our debt will reach almost $1.0 trillion or 25% of total tax revenues our government collects! Can you get joe to comment on that?

  10. با تشکر از دکتر ناظران

  11. Blundering biden💩🚽👎🖕⚰️👺☠️

  12. Corrupt biden💩🚽👎🖕⚰️👺☠️

  13. Lying biden💩🚽👎🖕⚰️👺☠️

  14. WEAK joe biden💩🚽👎🖕⚰️👺☠️

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