Thousands stuck on quarantined cruise ship off the coast of Japan

Thousands stuck on quarantined cruise ship off the coast of Japan

At least 12 Americans have tested positive for the coronavirus, and at least 723 people have died worldwide among 34,000-plus cases.




#WorldNewsTonight #Coronavirus #CruiseShip


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43 thoughts on “Thousands stuck on quarantined cruise ship off the coast of Japan

  1. 1) The ship's nationality is the UK and it's operated by an American firm. They could've suspended the cruise.
    2) Japan has no responsibility but coping with the trouble with special medical support by goodwill.
    3) Those who complain about the treatment should go and take own people away without contaminating Japan.

  2. Hi everyone!  I had to sneeze this morning and hope I don't have that new virus.`  But I followed it with a series of farts, so I guess I'm ok?

  3. Japanese medical stuff working so hard right now, also Japanese ppl afraid to starting pandemic in Japan. please each country's government take them home country. Now only U.S. Government offer to Japanese government about take care American, also take them to home country.
    This ship has total 51 different countries ppl on that I heard. How about other 49countries government??
    Japanese hospital has limit, already medical team working so hard. Japan can not take care of all 3200ppl if already pandemic inside this ship.
    Also that way is better than these ppl just stacking inside ship, I thought they ofcause want to go home country.

  4. <Japan Has A Specific Medicine Against Novel Coronavirus!>

    Favipiravir or "Avigan," which was initially developed in Japan as an anti-influenza. However, as it is a viral RNA polymerase inhibitor with a new mechanism of action, it is also expected to have an enormous effect on the novel coronavirus.

    The problem is that it would take a longer time for us to get it, or in the worst case, it may be impossible. It's because Deep State is orchestrating this epidemic and blocking the release of Avigan. You can't count on the Japanese government, as Prime Minister Abe is a member of Deep State too.

    You can require Zhejiang Hisun Pharmaceutical to release Avigan because it has the patent license of the generic medicine. But I don't think that they will happily help us for some reason.

  5. People who are infected by corona virus can drink warm tea produced by healthy plants like cammomile,peppermint leaf,rosehip fruit,thyme herb,nettle leaf,lemon balm,elder flower,sloe fruit and if they are not alergic on linden,linden flower too.But the water for tea must be boiled and tea must be used from the boxes in little bags for tea.They can eat only cooked meat.None of fried meals.Only cooked meals for lunch.For breakfast,lunch and brunches stronger food in minerals and vitamins,but dinner not so strong and a lot rest.As I already mentioned,they can drink warm cow milk with 2/3 warm goat milk too.Water must be boiled.

  6. Gotta love the visa rules in America. Married but still can't take your wife to America without 6 months to a year a BS paperwork. I feel for all the guys that have foreign wives and have to deal with this.

  7. FROM WHERE does ABC get their information? It's STILL February 8th, and THEY DON'T KNOW it was 40 yesterday, and a new 60 found TODAY ?how LAME. Had to go to Agenda Free TV to get the update! BREAKING MY HEART-NO BREAKING "news " in the United States nor from Global National, either ? WHERE IS ABC GETTING IT'S INFO ?????

  8. Rest in peace 💔🙏😇

  9. The reported figures are for people in hospitals, the majority of infected people are not in government care and the death toll is much worse, be worried. There are many sources claiming the new "hospitals" are crematoriums, if true than were fucked.

  10. Sweet baby jesus, those " hospitals look like shipping containers with slits cut out for window light or air. I guess if you die do they just seal it up and truck you off?

  11. Did our government do enough for our American citizen who passed away? Is everything being done to help his family?

    May he RIP and his family find solace. May this virus be contained for all the Chinese citizens, and everyone else, affected by it.

  12. I'm kind of shocked people are still getting on cruise ships given the current events combined with how cruise ships are known for the spread of respiratory illness. I wish those suffering a speedy recovery.

  13. This British ship is owned n operated by princess cruises ( British American cruise operator) . There are over 200 Australian passengers on breads. Thank you Japan for looking after our citizens, at least they are in good hands.
    Japanese government is taking care of all passengers incl foreigners and trying to provide medicines etc, it's a lot of work for them.

  14. कोरोना वायरस इज वेरी वेरी डेंजरस वायरस Corona is danger China is big क्रोना वायरस माता

  15. Umm…… Those masks that everybody is wearing? Completely ineffective against the viruses. Viruses are extremely small and the only masks that are effective are n95 or higher.

  16. I don't normally voice my opinion regards religion.however it all fits in with God's timing and how we must refuse the microchip.i see bill Gates is in South Africa now.some say he will combine a vaccine with the microchip .it would be compulsory.just saying

  17. Those numbers ARE NOT RIGHT- every video I watch the death toll gets lower- wtf??? They are making up numbers now🙄🤯🤯

  18. Not trying to get all up in your faces religion like but the bible does state in the end times one of the things will be disease. I'm in Florida, 55 years old and have copd so if I get it I know I'm kissing my rump good by.

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