The strike has grown to include more than 1,000 locations across the U.S. and 4,500 worldwide, with more than 2,000 scientists pledging to attend as well, organizers said.
#ABCNews #GlobalClimateStrike #ClimateStrike #ClimateChange #GretaThunberg
Global warming is continuing to steadily advance as greenhouse gas levels build up in the biosphere, and since we refuse to change our ways, even hopeful timelines for mitigation are irrelevant. You don’t need a crystal ball to foretell our climatic future.
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Think of all the time they’re wasting when they could instead do a little research so they know what they’re talking about.
I wonder how many of them know about all the new innovations addressing our impact on climate change under the current administration.
It’s a shame the media doesn’t cover it.
Such BS and bad data:
Bro you got it wrong there’s a flashing dot on the uae but it’s too hot to protest here ههههههه
News reporters are getting this wrong, these kids aren’t protesting for global warming because they want change, but rather cause they don’t wanna go to school
Like Y2K, and the Mayan apocalypse.. Fear mongering is all it is. These people have allowed themselves and their children to be manipulated..
BEWARE comments by willfully ignorant scared misogynists.
That Sweden girl is the one that hate Donald trump
Complete brainwashing of kids. Just
Like they tried to do to me when I was in elementary school in the 80’s. But they Failed!!!! Wake up kids. You are being played!!!!!
“The sheer size of protesters†are they miniatures or giants, we need telt.
Why did this six-day-old story just arrive in my trending news?
YouTube is getting suckier and suckier.
What did they eat
George Soros is spending a ton be of money
Keep your asses off the roads.
Yes they’re students because that’s the only people that buy this bullshit. Immature dependents
So if trees produce oxygen and sequester carbon, then why does every tree anywhere one looks. Is presently being suffocated with mounds of mulch from very own oxygen trees themselves need and produce?
Sadly kaczynski the Unabomber predicted things pretty correctly. He stated in his manifesto how overzealous youth would fail to do even default research on topics they think important enough to passionately champion.
80% of this hypocrites dont even recycle weekly so there grand standing means absolutely nothing.
Stupid people
No amount of action will make a difference.
That's one way to get out of school or work..
A perfect example of a group of educated people protesting something they don't completely understand.
Can we make my Corvette run on liberal tears?????
global indoctrination of kids at schools this is sick. End the strike with a couple of good strikes of a belt. Fire the teachers teaching this crap.
All those poor, misguided, brainwashed people. They have been robbed of their ability to ask the question; Why?
The current platform and criteria of modern academia has truly failed society.
This is mass Indoctrination happening right in front of us and it must be stopped.
Forcing 1000s of cars to idle while burning gas lol
protest the GROTESQUE AMOUNT OF MONEY ( problem fixing funding) CERTAIN PEOPLE HAVE !!!!
idiots 🤦ðŸÂ¼â€ÂÂÂ♀ï¸ÂÂÂ
you and killary etc can all DONATE HALF your wealth which will leave you PLENTY to choke on while also ENDING WORLD HUNGER AND HEALTH CARE!!!! your welcome !!! no need to run for potus problems ALL solved Hillary Clinton is $46 Million.
How much is Bill Clinton Worth?
Bill Clinton net worth: Bill Clinton is an American politician who has a net worth of $80 million. âhõ nõt wþrth þf álÑ–ntþn Fþundðtіþn Ñ–Ñ• ѕþmõwhõrõ ðrþund $500 ÃÂœіllіþn. ÃÂÂœþѕt þf thõ fþrtunõ fþr nõt wþrth ÑÂÂÂþmõѕ frþm vðrіþuÑ• dþnðtіþnÑ•. âhõ álÑ–ntþn Fþundðtіþn rðіѕÃµd fundÑ• þvõr $2 bÑ–llіþn i will leave spoiled little chelsea ( cool 15 million) out of it for now ðŸ˜ÂÂÂ
Barack and his wife Michelle Obama have a combined net worth of $70 million.
Oprah Winfrey is a media mogul, who has a net worth of $3.5 billion 🤢🤢🤢🤮
please WAKE THE HELL UP!!!!
I blame our education system, if people weren't as ignorant to the world, and I don't mean the human world, I mean the world itself, the rock that we live on, they'd know that change is nothing new in Earth's climate, forest fires aren't anything new either, they've been a part of Natures lifecycle for the longest time. People are being exploited by fancy titles and monsters who recieve large sums of money to say this or that is happening.
The fastest way to curb greenhouse gas emissions, soil erosion, land pollution, and resourse waste (like water) is to STOP EATING MEAT. It will also piss off the pharmaceutical companies, because ya'll will start feeling better. It will reduce the plastics in the oceans; considering fishing itself is responsible for over 40% of plastics (not straws), and fuel for shipping livestock in planes/ships will stop using fuel. Eating meat is unnecessary in most parts of the world. Stop supporting it.
Propaganda. George Soros Open Society Foundation is behind this false narrative to make money.
Wonder how much trash these protesters leave behind in the streets.
Meanwhile, people like Scott Presler are actually doing something proactive.
Brainwashed tools.
Those ignorant global protesters leave behind horrid messes that has to be cleaned up. They are frauds who are the very ones who turn this planet into trash with their filth they leave behind.
The only climate change is happening in my wallet fuck off
21st Century Red Guards. Brainwashed by Marxist schools.
You can blame your education system
Oh please! The only cure for global warming is to stop reproducing. You dumbass people are so fucking dense.
Sad to think that these kids are dumb enough to believe the propaganda. I would hope they would do some research on their own before accepting the GW lies.
The only thing constant in this universe is change. What does not adapt, dies. Man lives in nearly environment on Earth, which means we are VERY adaptable. Our civilization has become stagnant and cannot change. It may die. The people in power are terrified they will lose power if this happens. Be calm, be brave, and be prepared to build a better civilization.
"Most surprising thing is the age of these protesters"
Yea… Boomers don't care, they got their retirement homes with ac cranked to max, they're gonna die soon so tf do they care, millenials have their heads so far up their ass with feminism and politics.
So yea it's pretty much up to Gen Z and future gens to take action, we're not the best generation, but half of us really see what damages are occuring, and we're not going to be lazy like boomers or idiotic like millenials, someone's got to clean up the mess that's been made and it's been shoved onto us, pray that we can actually solve this problem.
Us tax payers are paying money to the ABC for this bullshit ,kids are brain washed ..Eat more meat drive more car use your phone.. And stop crying ..Best thing world can do ,Is bomb Iran and god bless the TRUMP
The pendulum started to swing ten years ago, the point of it all was to stop climate change before the signs started happening. A billion teenage nerds can’t do anything to stop it now.
wow,how to understate it…tens of thousands, millions..why so little attention?
did any one mention to these CHILDREN that digging up the all the rare earth elements it would take to supply 7.5 billion people might be a bad for the planet also, not to mention the clandestine wars for acquisition?