Thousands of bottles of water handed out to NJ residents with lead pipes

Thousands of bottles of water handed out to NJ residents with lead pipes

About 18,000 homes have lead pipes in Newark, where recent tests showed that the water filters handed out to residents last fall aren’t doing enough to protect them.




42 thoughts on “Thousands of bottles of water handed out to NJ residents with lead pipes

  1. I drink tap water. 🥺

  2. Again, another poor community's health being put at risk; while politicians and others in charge grow fat. And to ad insult to injury they provide them with outdated bottled water. I'd have more respect if those in charge just told the people they only care about them when they want their votes.

  3. This was reported 9 months ago, here it is again like it's new💭

  4. You can’t fix something when the loser citizens aren’t contributing to the tax base. This was Cory Bookers city btw.

  5. Democrats are coming out saying, water is targeting the poor people and minority’s, can’t make this shit up. Hahahaha

  6. What the absolute f**k! America is the richest country in the world and yet Americans are getting screwed. The government doesn't take care of anything. Americans work more with less vacation days than other western countries and don't even get healthcare coverage without paying ridiculous sums of money. They don't have access to higher education unless they want to go broke in the process. They get shot while shopping at Walmart. AND now they have to drink lead water. WHERE IS ALL THE GODDAMN MONEY GOING? These pricks in Washington need to get the boot…

  7. Fix our goddamn infrastructure already. Stop funding social programs and other secondary bullshit to get votes because all of that is worthless if you don't have access to basic clean water, working roads, stable bridges, and flood control

  8. That town has an airport that looks like a Central American airport unless they've remodeled…so close to NYC yet such a waste of a city. That place is the most overpriced under-quality place in so many aspects.

  9. I don’t like to drink water out of my sink, I’m from Indianapolis

  10. Thought Donald Trump said “we had the best air and water than ever before, since he’s been in office”? Just another broken promise he can’t keep but blame on others? Worthless president!

  11. we are so extinct: the government has no remorse or care. Our monies go to delusional war mongering and malfeasance of corporations. America has become what it has been moving to for 50 years. A BANANA REPUBLIC.

  12. Clueless Cortez
    20//30 👈😉🇺🇸
    [#JOBKILLER 💊]

  13. What do you want New Jersey is a Democrat ran State have you ever known a Democrat to run a state correctly????

    New Jersey voted for a Democrat basically they get what they deserve have a great time don't come crying when you get what you ask for it's just a simple as that.

    If you want your infrastructure fixed you don't vote Democrat hello every single Democrat ran state or city is falling apart when you going to wake up and realize Democrats are out for themselves they're not out there for the normal citizens.


  14. There's also a disappearing car epidemic over there. You park your car and leave it unlocked, you return around half an hour and it just disappears like some twisted magic trick!

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