Thousands of Boeing 737s ordered to undergo emergency inspections

Thousands of Boeing 737s ordered to undergo emergency inspections

ABC News Gio Benitez explains the engine shutdown issues that led the Federal Aviation Administration to call for the urgent inspections.


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36 thoughts on “Thousands of Boeing 737s ordered to undergo emergency inspections

  1. Off airport landings seem like they are a big deal even for single engine planes, let alone passenger jets. Good thing this was caught before an entanglement occurred.

  2. Wait a minute, so you're telling me that machines need regular maintenance to ensure they stay functioning properly? Holy crap! Why isn't everyone talking about this?

  3. If ever we needed THE LORD  before-we SURE do need HIM Now– pass it on:

    FOCUS on GOD–and NOT your problems.
    GOD'S message to ALL BELIEVERS IS-and herein lies OUR POWER:
    2 CHRONICLES 7:14:

    THEN if MY people, who are called by MY NAME [belong to ME], will HUMBLE themselves, if they will PRAY and SEEK ME [MY FACE] and stop their evil ways, I will hear them from heaven. I will FORGIVE their sin, and I will HEAL [RESTORE] their land.

    (HE DID IT for the RIGHTEOUS Kings in the OLD TESTAMENT.) (KJV  )

    ( EXB) Read also KJV or NKJV.

    GOD will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you (HIS people.)

  4. I've been warning people for 2 months not to get on these planes as well as I've noticed several other people have. And all of us have been criticized left and right, you were warned only to save your life and yet you criticized. These planes were rushed they have been proven before they even started to have major flaws and failures and no possible way to recover.

  5. C'mon guys! When are you guys going to realize that becoming a reporter isn't a substitute for the hard classes in high school ? What did you REALLY give your listeners besides a dose of fear ? What you left out, in your appalling ignorance, is that this is the system working as it was designed to. The corrosion point is INSIDE the ENGINE !! Which engine ? General Electric
    ? Rolls-Royce ? Pratt & Whitney ? CFM International ? Engine Alliance ? International Aero Engines ? Williams International ? Honeywell Aerospace ? Aviadvigatel ? Ivchenko-Progress ? Klimov ? EuroJet ? …..
    Boeing builds the 737 itself. Others, decided by the purchaser, make the engine.

    You guys misinform almost as much as Trump.
    Stop pandering to ignorance and promoting the dumbing-down of America.

  6. I thought the engines was made by General Electric. Either way sounds like 737 needs to be retired and a new fleet made. New anti virus flights, new seating in enclosed sections of 1 to 5. less packed planes.

  7. To all the dunces making comments, imagine if you didn’t start your car for 6 months, your battery would be dead, your fuel would be stale, tires flat spotted and that not taking into account the newer cars technology

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