Thousands line up at food banks as unemployment claims rise

Thousands line up at food banks as unemployment claims rise

Volunteers, non-profits and the National Guard are stepping up to serve those in need during a time of financial uncertainty for many Americans.

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39 thoughts on “Thousands line up at food banks as unemployment claims rise

  1. Close your businesses, stay at home, muzzle yourself with mask, submit to testing anywhere, allow yourself to be tracked everywhere, don't shake hands, don't even hug your kids, certainly don't go to church, surrender your genome to an irreversible, DNA altering vaccine, hate and report others who don't… and government will feed you…

  2. Ok so why is USA the only ones with lines for food banks? Is this war from the world governments even Saudi has no need for our food at this time which is very unusual they’re all very stocked and ready for this. I suggest people prepare for war and do it before the food banks run out of food.

  3. Congress just passed bills to bail out multi billion dollar corporations,but left the American citizens without nothing.SHAME ON YOU SENATORS 👎🤛🤛

  4. There was a Time in around the 1980s We had the Government Block of Cheese 🧀 Lines I remember that and The Big Peanut 🥜 Butter Lard Where we Had to go Pick it up lines were long May God Bless All the People Helping !All the Families in need in all the cities in these hard times I hope all the Rich People 🤑 of the World 🌎 Open their pockets their Hearts ♥️ to help others as Humanity needs This right now During The Covid 19 Corona Virus Crisis You will be blessed 10 Fold I hope when our country opens back up everyone will have a Job and not go hungry 😇🙏🏼!

  5. You see, this is the time when white people should have had sustainable relationships with their Minority Employees, Colleagues and even domestic help. This is the lesson they would have learned: their is no legal job to low that should stop you from feeding your family. Because most minorities work a main job with at least 2 side. Hustles in case the boss wants to 🔥 DeShawn, Loquesha and Alberto while the keep Ned Flanders. Now that Covid-19 has affected everyone's lively hood, the minorities who have had to obtain their American Dream through the Backdoor have established generational coping methods. You know what else their thinking, the moral majority have been doing nothing but spending their white privilege incomes on appearances better known as Keeping Up with the Joneses. The Jones aren't going to help you keep your overpriced Car, House or Feed your children. 👊

  6. Work for HEB here in Texas
    Been working since the Covid-19 started.
    I will continue to serve the community… ✌😷

  7. It's very sad to see so many people without. A lot of people struggling before this .Hopefully this gives people some kind of empathy for other people hopefully when things go back to normal and see how they live since you're taking a walk in their shoes. don't be so quick to judge don't be so quick to be mad about programs that involve helping others with less. may be a bit more likely to help somebody next time when you can.

  8. Sell the Mercedes and buy some food. I don't feel the least bit sorry
    for you selfish A holes. How many of you turned your nose up in the past
    to the one begging for food on the corner. Do you care that the Widow and the orphan cry alone. Karma is a bitch.

  9. Legit question: Do people have enough money for the gas, car payments and car insurance to wait in that line? I know gas prices are down but when I was really low on money as I went to get my second degree, after bills and rent I had less than $7 a week to cover groceries, gas and laundry. I walked and biked everywhere so I could keep every bit for food. I was lucky if I found extra change left behind in the washers/dryers. Bulk bins were really helpful because I could purchase some rice or flour with whatever change I had. I would have to skip meals 1-3 days if I didn’t have anything. Sometimes I traded art supplies to students that had meal plans in exchange for a dining hall pass. My job had a pantry where people left peanut butter, jam and sometimes bread if you needed something to get you through your shift. Every job should have that. I’m just wondering how some people are getting through this especially if you have kids. I don’t understand why there isn’t a rent freeze or at least a reduced rent right now.

  10. GOP did not fire Trump when he was impeached. Too late now, Death Valley has spread across America. Trump told his supporters at rallies that Coronavirus was a Dems' Hoax. The Red Hats believes Trump lies and are responsible for spreading this deadly virus to fellow Americans. TRUMP With the support of GOP and FOX News have AMERICAN BLOOD on their hands!!!!!!! And Why? MONEY!!!!!
    MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL!!!!! Trump and his Red Hat Cult are the Jim Jones of this deadly virus, supported by GOP and Fox News.

  11. Didn't they turn cheap restaurants into soup kitchens last time? Hungry? Go in and eat. And wash the dishes. They're just going to hoard all that food and throw it out.

  12. Shouldn’t hospitals 🏥 have enough money for supplies charging some thousands or even tens of thousands for each visit?

  13. This can happen where I live in Utah today the world is fasting and praying this Sunday all over the world for healing a miracle vaccine or just the healing of Jesus through our faith to blanket the world in his healing and send his love and angels to heal this world through our faith or to quicken the vaccine through a miracle god has been known to inspire doctors and those in contact with labs we need to pray and fast for the world and our nation America right now today.

  14. Remember when folks was telling us melanin folks to get a job and quit begging? Well, well, well…. Look how times have change. Don't never ever throw stones at a glass house and hide your hands. See how God can bring you down to humble yourselves? Maybe you should never criticized the next person when it comes to hard times.

  15. Embarrassing. And, we're supposed to be the "leader of the Free world"? ABC won't tell you about how they are complicit in justifying corporate fleecing of the American public, year after year. You won't see them at ABC in the unemployment line.

  16. Just like recession, we will bounce back from this!!! Stay safe and healthy everyone. If you can afford, alot money for friends/ people in need

  17. American people at there best right there.. This is how we are supposed to be when our people are in trouble and in need. Not talking about Republican or Democrat, what Trump is or isn't doing. It's about the American people , helping her own to the best of our ability. Stay safe American people, and we will definitely get through this nightmare. If we can work together.

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