This Morning’s Top Headlines – Oct. 5 | Morning News NOW – Car Mod Pros Portal

Democrats continue to spar over infrastructure, a Facebook whistleblower will testify on Capitol Hill and Johnson & Johnson applies for an emergency use authorization of their Covid-19 booster shot.

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#MorningNews #News #Headlines


By carmodpros


20 thoughts on “This Morning’s Top Headlines – Oct. 5 | Morning News NOW”
  1. I seen that you guys haven't put up the videos of the couple who died that were fully vaccinated they died holding hands and then there's another one to look it up

  2. There Is No Shortage of Energy; There Is Shortage of Normalcy

    Despite increased production of energy from renewable sources, and despite the slowdown in car manufacturing, oil prices are skyrocketing. Even though fewer power plants still burn coal, coal prices are skyrocketing, as well. Natural gas prices, too, are going through the roof, and energy demand seems to outpace supply in every country and in every form of energy. Have Earth’s energy sources dwindled so drastically in a matter of months? The answer is a resounding “No!” There is no shortage of energy; there is a serious shortage of normalcy in human relations. I hope the current crisis will put some sense into humanity’s insane consumption.
    The energy crunch indicates that we are over consuming. We are producing too much, throwing the excess production to the trash, polluting the ground, the air, and the water, and then we are complaining that we do not have enough. It is about as sane as killing one’s parents and then pleading for the court’s mercy because I’ve recently been orphaned.
    It is time we reconsider everything we produce—how we divide production, profits, and goods, which services are necessary and which are redundant, and most importantly, how we treat one another. The goal of this process should be clear to everyone: survival.
    There is no ulterior motive, no attempt to dominate or deprive anyone of power or wealth. It is simply that reality is forcing us to take all of humanity and the entire planet into consideration. If we don’t, our entire civilization will collapse like a deck of cards.
    Since we still do not understand it and insist on running things the way we have always been running them—through power games—I anticipate a very cold and gloomy winter for the northern hemisphere. The energy crunch will leave many in dark and cold houses; there will be no gas for cars, and renewable energy will not replace traditional sources since there will be little sun during the winter. I hope that at least, it will make us rethink our values. If it doesn’t, next summer will be even worse than the awful summer that just ended.
    I know that many people are counting on the promise of renewable energy to solve the energy problems of humanity. I think they are mistaken. There is plenty of energy, far more than we really need. We could cut emissions by at least half tomorrow. But the more we have, the hungrier we become, so our thirst for energy will never be satiated, and we will never stop exploiting the planet or each other until we reeducate ourselves and start being humane toward each other.
    We have been behaving like spoiled brats whose parents buy them whatever they want. Now, our parents have run out of money and our childhood is over. It is time for us to mature and conduct ourselves like responsible adults, caring for all of humanity the way a mother cares for her entire family. If we think like a family, we will achieve normalcy.

  3. Finally you guys doing a good job asking the right questions 👏 👍

  4. " The great dragon was hurled down that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, Who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, his angels with him"(Book of Bible,Revelation12:9)."So that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number( 666) of his name.If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.

  5. There Is No Shortage of Energy; There Is Shortage of Normalcy

    Despite increased production of energy from renewable sources, and despite the slowdown in car manufacturing, oil prices are skyrocketing. Even though fewer power plants still burn coal, coal prices are skyrocketing, as well. Natural gas prices, too, are going through the roof, and energy demand seems to outpace supply in every country and in every form of energy. Have Earth’s energy sources dwindled so drastically in a matter of months? The answer is a resounding “No!” There is no shortage of energy; there is a serious shortage of normalcy in human relations. I hope the current crisis will put some sense into humanity’s insane consumption.
    The energy crunch indicates that we are over consuming. We are producing too much, throwing the excess production to the trash, polluting the ground, the air, and the water, and then we are complaining that we do not have enough. It is about as sane as killing one’s parents and then pleading for the court’s mercy because I’ve recently been orphaned.
    It is time we reconsider everything we produce—how we divide production, profits, and goods, which services are necessary and which are redundant, and most importantly, how we treat one another. The goal of this process should be clear to everyone: survival.
    There is no ulterior motive, no attempt to dominate or deprive anyone of power or wealth. It is simply that reality is forcing us to take all of humanity and the entire planet into consideration. If we don’t, our entire civilization will collapse like a deck of cards.
    Since we still do not understand it and insist on running things the way we have always been running them—through power games—I anticipate a very cold and gloomy winter for the northern hemisphere. The energy crunch will leave many in dark and cold houses; there will be no gas for cars, and renewable energy will not replace traditional sources since there will be little sun during the winter. I hope that at least, it will make us rethink our values. If it doesn’t, next summer will be even worse than the awful summer that just ended.
    I know that many people are counting on the promise of renewable energy to solve the energy problems of humanity. I think they are mistaken. There is plenty of energy, far more than we really need. We could cut emissions by at least half tomorrow. But the more we have, the hungrier we become, so our thirst for energy will never be satiated, and we will never stop exploiting the planet or each other until we reeducate ourselves and start being humane toward each other.
    We have been behaving like spoiled brats whose parents buy them whatever they want. Now, our parents have run out of money and our childhood is over. It is time for us to mature and conduct ourselves like responsible adults, caring for all of humanity the way a mother cares for her entire family. If we think like a family, we will achieve normalcy.

  6. The government shouldn't get involved in facebook… that is just moving the US closer to being like China. It's not facebook that's the problem, it's the people who use them


  8. Biden stop lying blaming the Republicans. The democrats can pass anything they want because they have the senate and the house. Its 2 moderate democrats blocking everything. Why not go after them their the blame 4 all this not Republicans.

  9. Jesus loves you ❤💖💕💗💓💛❤💖💕💗💓💛❤my hope is in jesus not the world

  10. The president claiming that if they don't raise the debt ceiling the U.S. will default on its dept payments is a STRAIGHT UP LIE. And here is why it is a lie. The IRS takes in 334 billion dollars every month in tax revenue . The payment on our debt is 35 billion dollars every month. The very first thing that comes out of that 334 billion dollars by law is our debt 35 billion dollars right from the get go. Next comes social security, then goverment retirement benifits, and entitlements like welfare all of this is in the constitution article 1. Then the money that is left is the money left to operate the goverment. The money for our debt is automatic it comes right of the top first so there is no possible way we can default on our debt it's not even possible. It is a STRAIGHT UP LIE. And it is against the law to run up the debt so that they can levy more taxes. Congress has to by law stay with in their budget. Like every other American does. No one is above the law not even the unethical untrustworthy, unforgivable demicrats. He is lying straight through his in your face corrupt teeth. This is just pathetic but unfortunately typical of the Marxist left collaborators workingt to control your lives. And if these news people don't know that then they are truly unqualified to do the work this country expects from them. The 1st was never intended for the news agencies to use as a weapon to destroy the United States by spreading misinformation. And this debt ceiling us a lie. No two ways about it
    It's a lie.

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