‘This is our moment. This is our time.’: Medicare-for-all activist – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News Correspondent David Wright examines the Democratic debate over transitioning to Medicare-for-all.


By carmodpros


42 thoughts on “‘This is our moment. This is our time.’: Medicare-for-all activist”
  1. Each medical doctor visit is 150USD per visit. Social health insurance is priced at 150usd -250 usd per month for blue and white collar workers in the USA. They need to pay each month in order to get prescription drugs for free with 250 USD per month health insurance payments. I have seen millions of American blacks and Mexican immigrants and American citizens in their balconies during work hours and work days in the big cities of USA during my 3 long visits to the USA. 1 USD Superstores are huge markets to get necessities for unemployed people of USA with social science degrees from the universities unlike Belgium and Denmark university graduate citizens.

  2. Crying closets please!!! So! DEMS candidates' goal is beating Donald Trump?! I thought their duties and objectives were convincing the American people that their socialist, globalist, green new deal and MEDICARE for ALL was the mission?! What a bunch of losers!🤣🤣🤣🤣

  3. "Despite of all their whining…" This is how the elites talk about the working class. "Want to keep their private insurance.." Naw dummies, we want to keep our doctors. NO mention of the massive savings from doing away with our costly redundant overly bureaucratic system currently in place? No mention that you do away with all the private taxes you already pay like copay, premiums, coinsurance, deductibles?? NO mention that Medicare's overhead is only 10% while private insurance companies have around a 30-40% overhead…and that's only because Obacare forced them to shape up from their previous 40-60% overheads. NO mention the fact Americans pay 100-2000% more for medications because we have no one bargaining prices for us?? If universal health care is so bad why were there millions of UK citizens protesting just a week ago at hearing US private insurance companies were thinking about interjection themselves into the UK's healthcare system….successfully in effect since WW2??

  4. Here we go again with a leftist black woman crying racism over an issue that has nothing to do with race. If blacks were as self sufficient as everyone else, this wouldn't be such a problem for the black community. Obama was suppose to fix everything for black people. Apparently, that did not work out as planned. People who don't pay taxes really don't care about taxpayers having to pay for everyone to have medicare. Keep in mind that medical personnel don't work for free. People really need to do their homework to find out how good or bad is the quality of government healthcare. When has any government program been efficient? Before some YouTuber idiot say Sweden has a successful government healthcare system, be aware that private businesses own the hospitals there. Swedish taxpayers (who pay some pretty high taxes for their free college as well) pay for the government vouchers, and the money goes to the private businesses…not the government. Democrats have a history of making bad financial decisions, and this is just another one of those bad decisions that appeals to selfish emotions instead of selfless reason.

  5. Medicare for all
    The FAKE NEWS will have you believe it doesn't work and if you think that people wouldn't get rid of there work provided healthcare your clueless and brainwashed by corporate fed politicians.

  6. Medicare for all the first step towards socialism. Unfortunately we have too many people in the United States who want stuff for free nothing is free look a little deeper into what these Democrats are promising you won’t like it.

  7. If insurance feels threatened let them adjust their rates, benefits and policies. This is a free society, insurance can offer all demographics of the public something great……if they want to stay in business 😕

  8. If all Americans have health insurance all Americans would live healthier lives-we would have a healthier country=more productive. Drop -50% proven medication. Legalize thc meds and tax40% imported meds.

  9. our government is corrupt, the military and It's contractors are corrupt, but most of all the AMA and the pharmaceutical Corporations are corrupt. Hospital costs and drugs in the United States cost 10 times more than some countries because of corruption. But what do the Democrats and socialist want? Universal healthcare, where taxpayers are forced to pay for the corruption. You would think the Democrats in the socialist want to clean up the corruption in the medical establishment, but no they work for the medical establishment and its corruption, by forcing the taxpayer to pay Evil corrupt corporations unlimited tax dollars. Liberals and socialist are stupid

  10. Great idea in theory, but focus on getting control of the Senate first. The biggest danger to a revolution is the overreach of it's most extreme members. One step at a time.

  11. Socialism is what it is and Medicare is being drained now ! This isn’t the answer.

  12. The richest country in the world and the corrupt politicians tell you that we can't afford the universal healthcare that everyone else has. Think about it for once.

  13. MEDICARE FOR ALL HAHAHHAAAAAAAA. HOW MUCH???????? Americans can’t even afford OSAMACARE premiums! This just means HIGHER TAXES LOL & “sounds good for votes” 😆 GAHAAHHAHAAAA

    IF THE MIDDLE CLASS DOESN’t pay 💰 for it, who does?!!!!!!!!??????
    THE POOR?????????🤨🤨🤨🤨


  14. Move to EU Or Canada….. SOCIALIST MEDICINE SUCKS my friends there say!
    HIGHER TAXES sucks!!!!!!! Why do you think they all wanna come here??????😂😅

  15. ABC why don,
    't you give the whole story may cost 32 trillion but we spend more than that now, taxes may go up but we will not have premiums , co pays and deductibles. Insurance and pharmaceuticals companies have taken things too far denying claims cost so high it is becoming healthcare for the rich.There is no reason in the USA that someone should die because they can't afford insurance or medications (ex. insulin). How barbaric have we become? Our life expectancy has decreased,infant mortality has increased. Other countries with universal care, have better outcomes than we do. So ABC why not give all the facts?

  16. “This is our moment”. You know, I find it interesting that whenever I drive to work I never see any overweight black women or elderly white men building houses, bridges etc. I never hear of any overweight black women or elderly white men coming up with cures for diseases, sacrificing their lives to run into a burning building and saving somebody. But when it comes to giving other people shit away, there they go ! Here the drug companies come up with the cures for diseases and Bernie Sanders wants to tear the drugs out of their hands , call them rip off artists, and give The fruits of their labors away for free. Only parasites demand The RIGHT to live off what others have developed.

    To demand rights they go beyond their own capabilities

  17. Normally most, including myself, watch a YouTube vid, have an opinion but don’t post about it. Stories like this should be an exception. NOTE – YouTube comments are not a place to debate as it’s filled with trolls or god awful arguments. However, Medicare for all would ruin the system. It’s not perfect now but this would set it back tremendously. Simply because you can’t have free AND high quality healthcare. If it’s free standards will go way down. Basic Capitalism. Dems (not the far left) have a few good policies but avoid this or anything related to Socialism at all costs.

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