‘They’ve given us a fraction of our ask’ for protective gear: NJ governor l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy is interviewed on “This Week” and discusses his state’s response to COVID-19.

#ABCNews #COVID19 #NewJersey #ProtectiveGear #ThisWeek


By carmodpros


33 thoughts on “‘They’ve given us a fraction of our ask’ for protective gear: NJ governor l ABC News”
  1. Gettings a cure for HIV is a powerful concept, often described as the holy grail of HIV research. Although effective anti-HIV drugs have turned HIV into a manageable chronic disease, a disease you live with, rather than die, being treated for life is a very different proposition from permanent cure. I say to the whole human race that there is an affordable and marketable cure for HIV that has worked and that would put global eradication of new HIV infections at hand, while transforming the lives of those who are now living with the virus, given the effectiveness of this drug in treating and preventing HIV infection, I will tell everyone who reads this that I am a living witness. Unlike the fraudsters and online scammers who play you and leave you frustrated by the loss of money and hope, this medication costs less and is worth a try. If you are interested in curing your own illness, here is the doctor's communication link which is the new medication that I have taken that  to healed me. DR.WISE .. you can phone +2349063191711 or WhatsApp on +2349063191711. These are some of the diseases that it can also cure perfectly. Genital and oral herpes, HPV genital warts, Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E Candidiasis, Alzheimer's disease Cancer, Diabetes, fibromyalgia and more

    masks DO NOT stop an INVISIBLE
    disease – WATER BORNE.
    not air borne.
    ASK ?
    phuck you.

  3. You think you're going to get everything you need?? You think you're the only state that needs this stuff? They have spread it out until they have enough to keep up.

  4. That idiot Bill Gates claimed that 10 million people will die of the Coronavirus that ucken liar! And then he claims that oh yeah countries can lock down for 6 to 10 weeks it's economic disaster! What about all the people that lose their jobs!! That little weasel! Even the governor of York said it wasn't good to shut down the entire city!

  5. This piece of crap is our incompetent anti constitution governor, this criminal has been violating the constitution since the day he took office, ordered police not to work with ice, releases criminal illegals at will, orders gun shops closed the same day he released 1000 prisoners from jail, while threatening honest ppl with jail for leaving our homes, but this is the liberal mind, criminals are victims and honest citizens are criminals, hes covering up his incompetence and lack of planning by turning NJ into a police state.

  6. Taiwan which neighbors China has their situation under control but The US, can’t? Too many organizations trying to make money off of this virus.

  7. I’m 43 years old my first symptoms I couldn’t test any food, little swallow problem and some headache I’dont have high temperature and cough just after 2 days my breathing getting so hart I feel %20 breathing we going to JFK hospital emergency there is full not acceptable we went to Edison urgent health care they just use to x-ray my lung and doctor says I’m pneumonia! They newer did any test! I couldn’t breathe I feel like dying…. any way I understood no body help any one! my husband and I we start our self idea! First searching symptoms I didn’t find my symptoms but I catching something if you take viruses your immunity going weak any other viruses if coming symptoms change! Wala! First night really hard time for me I feel %10 breathing but my belief help me and give answers my husband and I we try something that’s feeling me better today 6 th days I feel %35-40 breathing i don’t no what happen next days I’m not trust anything because yesterday we went to labs Plainfield There is belongs to indian absolutely they not help us they sing no body come inside! We call 911 they come to our house They don’t have any tests because no body thinking if people effected 911 more fast and safe visit people their home! Why whole kits use to labs? Effective people have to search tests? That’s not easy! My experience maybe not yet finish just I have one long week after that….

  8. The actual bills introduced by McConnell and pelosi.
    McConnells bill specifically left out senior retirees and was using outdated income information from 2 years ago. Also was giving 700 billion dollars of the 1 trillion dollar stimulus to corporations and businesses as bailouts but allowing them to fired their employees, not pay unemployment for the duration of the national emergency and pocket the money any way they wished including stock buy backs and bonuses. McConnells bill also didnt protect americans from evictions, foreclosures and loan defaults during this time. It was giving the highest earning middle class within the threshold the most money($1200 each adult and $500 per child)while giving the lower middle and poor (those that received tax refunds that year) the least amount($600) and $500 per child.

    Pelosis bill is using current 2020 information and anyone with a tax ID will receive a $1500 stimulus check and $1500 per child. For those making over $75000 it will be a loan without interest that only those making up to a threshold amount will have the pay the full amount back. For those making less than $75000 it won't have to be paid back. It also written in to help those facing eviction, foreclosure and loan defaults as well as helping retirees and seniors.

  9. Later in this show they had on Rahm Emmanuel – the failed mayor of Chicago. Apparently he is hawking a book. He also did his best to disparage Bernie's campaign a few weeks ago. When will these loser establishment DNC cronies shut up? It is more evidence ABC news is carrying water for the DNC.

  10. New Zealand now did the same crack down. All of us have to isolate ourselves officially from Wednesday. Yes we have to do this or there will be hundreds thousands of deaths. 💓

  11. Cool your jets Horseface, this is a highly contagious virus sent to us by your friends the Chinese, who are now only helping the Russians. Why don't you give them a call and use a bandana. The protective gear that EVERYONE needs is being manufactured. You make everyone in NJ sick anyway. I would like a cure for that ASAP!

  12. It’s coming like the movie The Ten Commandments and you can’t stop it ABC Reporters to homeless on the rivers it’s coming👀

  13. It’s about time does Calvin or did something after all it is his job to protect his people not the White House

  14. I notice that Democrat Politicians are not politicizing this, it is the media doing it. It has been the media all along. I remember when Trump first got elected, Chuck Schumer was heard on a hot mic in Congress saying:” I think Trump likes me,” then he changed his tune when the media put it all over the news! They are the ones that want Trump out of office.

  15. 😷💜😷💜😷💜😷
    PLEASE SHARE this video

  16. I know a lot of people may disagree with me but I think testing people for the virus is a waste of time, equipment, and supplies. I think we have to come to the realization that the pandemic is here and everyone should assume that they have been expose and possibly infected with COVID-19. We should be more worried about how we are going to take care of the sick. Testing should not be the main concern at this point. It is time to move to the next stage of this crises. There is not enough hospitals for the sick. The government should be talking to hotels, urgent cares, universities and start preparing where to accommodate the sick. Also, the government should start saving supplies like masks, gloves, gowns.

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