The Trump presidency’s top 5 pivotal moments of 2018

The Trump presidency’s top 5 pivotal moments of 2018

Trump upended the world order, border and trade policies, and his own staff.

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36 thoughts on “The Trump presidency’s top 5 pivotal moments of 2018

  1. If you are still against him at this point and believing this PROPAGANDA, you are not as informed as you think you are, not as smart as you thought you were and maybe not as Christian.

  2. Lowest unemployment in years. Best Christmas season in years. US hitting carbon emission cuts without throwing money away to other countries. Pulling US away from Middle-East etc. etc. He has done good things too.

  3. Excuse me dumpster fire of a presidency ????
    The Democrats are making President Trump’s presidency a nightmare for him! The mess is caused by the Democrats and if you can’t see that you’re blind as well as dumb!

  4. No mention that the steel tariff included Canada based on the law policy that they can place a tariff on Canadian steel if they are a security risk. No evidence was provided, though Canada asked, that the country is a security risk. In fact, they are now taking refugees that want to escape the USA. The USA has hurt Canada in this and in many ways during the fake president's dictatorship, the damage will take many, many years to recover from.

  5. Hey ABC, your bias is showing. You all make me sick with the flat out lies you produce. You really are truly the enemy of the people, shame on you and the rest of the mainstream media.

  6. Get your GODDAMN asses in gear, Democrats and get the fund on that border wall!!!🇺🇸😡🤬🗡🛡🐉🐲🔥🔥

  7. We all know by now that if Trump declares something as "a disgrace" it's because he has no idea what the situation really is or how to address it. He is practically illiterate, willfully arrogant, and dangerously ignorant.

  8. You guys missed the natural disasters. Trump took leadership to another level during those. He pulled up every body by the boot straps and lead to rebuild!

  9. TRUMP FOR FIRST AMERICAN DICTATORSHIP….. DON'T step down 2020 we need more time…we need the wall and more jobs coming home happiness and pride in being an American like the great generation's of the 40's and 50's before woman's rights and another thing I am not going to say…. LoL MAKE AMERICA GREAT… AGAIN

  10. All very well criticising Trump but if the US electoral process doesn't reject individuals like Donald Trump, who's fault is that? US mainstream media couldn't get enough of him.

  11. Goddamn dumpster fire of a Presidency. I cannot wait for whom ever will be the next president. Republican or Democrat, I’m sure the American public will sleep easier when this guy is out of office. Either by losing in 2020 or in chains when Mueller delivers the goods.

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