The students fighting for a more diverse lesson plan | Nightline

The students fighting for a more diverse lesson plan | Nightline

Machayla Randall and some of her high school classmates have demanded that African American studies be a required class for all students. At Stanford University, a student-led movement has taken off.



#Nightline #StanfordUniversity #MachaylaRandall #AfricanAmericanStudies


30 thoughts on “The students fighting for a more diverse lesson plan | Nightline

  1. To be fair then, you'd have to make Asian American studies mandatory too, and I guess then you'd also need Latin American Studies etc. Pretty soon you'd run out of time. African American history, Asian American history, Latino American history, etc. are all American history. The core complaint seems to be that the history of non-white people in America is overlooked in American history taught at schools. That might very well be true, but the solution is to fit them into American history.

  2. Notice all the hate in this comment section, that’s how you know the youth are doing something Right! Keep fighting for justice and righteousness. America is a diverse country

  3. Anything for the SJWs to whine about 🙄

  4. Good luck on having success with that idea lol. You learn about history in factual information and with that’s relevant to the topic. Plus, what’s the point of Black history month, if we don’t learn about black figures; you won’t see a prominent person of African descendants being studied in the Opium wars compared to the Civil Rights movement. Teaching of hard facts about key figures regarding their involvement with important events in history is what matters, not whether we see one ethnicity over another; diversity doesn’t have a stake in what should and shouldn’t be learned about, that falls on the curriculum topics of choice. And there’s been plenty of history regarding other groups besides white Europeans that students learn about on the daily.

  5. The Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, and he was buried, and he rose again the third day, and he is offering everlasting life to all who will believe in him.

  6. Sorry Asians and Mexicans and so on… apparently nobody cares about YOUR studies 🙄

  7. In my school there is an African American history class because over 50% of those at my school are black. My school is also an international school with students from over 50 countries speaking almost 30 languages. The hate in this comment section is disgraceful and discouraging. Diversity benefits all students and America as a whole needs to WAKE UP and get educated about other cultures so the Americans don't become perceived as a disgrace by other countries. My school has 18.9% white, 52.6% Black, 2.4% Asian, over 20% Hispanic, 4% mixed, 0.5% indigenous.

  8. @Highlander001  The early church from the book of acts who practiced what they preached observing the Torah and Jesus teachings. Man made laws ( the constitution to international laws) are being broken more often like the recent 🇺🇸 capital riots to insurrection pushed by Trump who thinks he's above God's law as well man-made laws. ) money and evolution doesn't address corruption in school system

  9. The only people that would be mad are racist so that's on brand. I we have to sit through 4 years of colonizers terrorizing natives, colonizers terrorizing land, air & sea, colonizers starting war and colonizers terrorizing women we can do a semester of learning who invented the lightbulb, Yma smac or Anna May Wong. Don't be mad we have the guys to do what y'all failed to do 60 years ago.

  10. What about the slaves in Africa today? There's over 9 million slaves in Africa today, where's your bleeding heart for them? Stop believing political propaganda.

  11. The second trial of the second Impeachment began today. The Americans don't understand, I explain. The absurdity is obvious. The reason is not named. Just like that, just the political repression of Comrade Stalin.

    150 million Americans voted for me, what does Biden want to tell me? Biden don't make my slippers laugh.

    Today, analyzing the activities of Biden & Co., I found a number of wrong decisions that will lead to the defeat of the United States in all directions. The collapse of the economy will become an unselected ending for the crooks who have seized the White House.
    Then the Senate will have something to talk about.

    President Donald Trump

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