The Perfect Nanny l 20/20 l PART 4 | ABC News

The Perfect Nanny l 20/20 l PART 4 | ABC News


investigators uncover alarming facts about Dr. Martin MacNeill: Part 4

Investigators from the Utah County Prosecutor’s Office found two falsified transcripts that helped MacNeill gain admission to medical school and a past felony conviction.

#ABCNews #ABC2020 #Documentary #TrueCrime #ThePerfectNanny

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49 thoughts on “The Perfect Nanny l 20/20 l PART 4 | ABC News

  1. She was absolutely beautiful. The husband demanding she get a face-lift. How bout he get a set of balls and be a man and leave her and pay her child support and alimony and live his life with that evil woman.

  2. A pathological liar? Like, either he truly believes that he did nothing wrong or he thinks he’s still trying to convince everyone that he’s done nothing wrong!!! 🤷🏽‍♀️ Buuuuuut, Gypsy is a criminal too, sooooo… 🤷🏽‍♀️

  3. Dude was getting paid $3000 from the Army for being schitzophrenic? And for 30 YEARS? I don't even bring home $3000 a month working my butt off, 60 hours a week! Where the hell are the checks and balances? How does a man without a medical degree do surgery-where are the checks and balances there?

  4. Over 1 million dollars in VA benefits, for serving 2 years, yet veterans today can’t even get appropriate doctor appointments. Fucking ridiculous.

  5. He planned on getting married in the temple. TSCC obviously didn't think anything was wrong with him and his mistress. I bet the cops who "investigated" were Mormon, too. As sad as it sounds, the church would turn a blind eye. Imagine the huge tithing they were getting based on a doctor's salary, plus the military money.

  6. The mistress took his adopted daughter’s name and ssn???? How is she not jailed !!!!

  7. It's incredible how far white privilege can get you. Everyone assumed he was who he said he was because he looked the part. Not saying that its a bad thing, but a black man would not have been able to con his way through life like this. Our backgrounds are looked at with fine tooth combs and we are always presumed to be criminals.

  8. Did y'all notice the daughter Alexis has the last name Somers? I believe that was Michele's maiden name. I bet she changed her last name so she wouldn't have the same last name as her evil father. I would too.

  9. He paid those police officers, 100% paid if they were even mocking the family for mentioning thier doubts. Pathetic to think you can buy those who are ment to serve and protect

  10. This is why women don’t come forward. Even after they are murdered, no one cares. So much misogyny, it’s insane.

  11. faking credentials
    falsifying documents
    malingering (on the US government's dime)
    check kiting (for the purpose of living a luxurious life)
    60 pairs of shoes (and 30 pairs of socks)….right out of the narcissist's guidebook
    convicted felon: forgery and fraud
    described by law enforcement as a "con" or confidence man
    jailed for 180 days, paroled for 3 years
    went into med school WHILE on that 3 year parole

    …but here is the QUINTESSENTIAL narcissistic play out of the guide to demonstrating you're a pathological narcissist

    When called out on all a lifetime of crime, theft, fraud, deceit, and malpractice….the NARCISSIST CRIES THEY ARE THE VICTIM even though a *mountain of evidence collected over decades proving a life of exploitation*.


    The narcissist will give others a LAUNDRY LIST OF CRIMES they have committed by telling you what they haven't done…
    …didn't commit adultery
    …didn't kill your mother
    …didn't have a mistress

    Followed by nuggets of truth to help make the lies seem believable…
    – I do not have [a mistress] now
    – I'm planning on getting married in the temple (which would never have been allowed had I divorced your mother) which will allow me to remain "good" in the eyes of the entire community of Mormon's who would otherwise have ruined my public image in the Mormon community)

    Worse still, the self-serving douche-monster was going to "rehome" the adopted children AND destroy the medical education and future career of his own daughter should she publicly "out" his fantastic-narcissistic-scheme.

    Yes, narcissists WILL DESTROY YOUR LIFE for telling the truth about them PUBLICLY. The narcissistic public image is EVERYTHING to them, even more coveted than their children's future success (they will "devalue" their own children in the blink of an eye if it means saving face publicly).

    People think narcissists aren't dangerous, and that it's only psychopaths and sociopaths who are dangerous, but…depending on the severity of their character disorder and what they've been able to successfully get away with in the past…they can be EQUALLY dangerous.

    The biggest different is that psychopaths are usually criminally sophisticated to keep from getting caught, whereas narcissists assume they are the smartest person in the room…and they ASSUME police are not smart enough to catch them. Psychopaths rarely make that mistake.

  12. Thanks her sisters and daughters, Michelle can finally rest in peace🙏🙏🙏

  13. Gypsy knew he have money. She knew he is old and that’s why she married him. She will get all his money and he will just hand it to her. She pretend to love him. Seen this and heard it all the time.

  14. You have never seen a group of people like the Mormons when it comes to the good ol’ boy network. The least of the civilian underground ever investigated.

  15. This arrogant POS! He said he was going to “get married in the temple”…you cant do that if you are a MORMON and DIVORCED! You cannot tell me Gypsy wasnt aware of his plans!

  16. Wow. Even her own family thinks Gillian is a psycho. Damn. These two deserve each other.
    Smart ladies. Truly their Mother's daughters. If it doesn't feel right, they banged on doors until someone finally listened. I know a beautiful Mom is in heaven watching over these babies. Much love and prayers for these babies.

  17. Cops not believing victims – dismissing them, being condescending and rude? NO WAY! 🙄🙄🙄

  18. 4:25 “He bought a year’s supply of chocolate covered cherries”.
    Milk or dark chocolate? 🤔

  19. Sounds like the old Pleasant Grove Police were a bunch of misogynists making excuses for a husband’s & father’s bad behavior. Just shameful that Michelle’s family were treated this way.

  20. Poor children !!! They had to do the police work themselves !!! UT law enforcement are jokes !!! They can ALL be paid off too easily. Disgusting !!!

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