The Perfect Lie l 20/20 l PART 5

The Perfect Lie l 20/20 l PART 5

Mark Winger elopes with nanny Rebecca Simic: Part 5

After their marriage, Winger wrote to the mother of his first wife, Sara Jane Drescher, to tell her that she would no longer be called the grandma of his first child, she said.


#ABCNews #ABC2020 #Documentary


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49 thoughts on “The Perfect Lie l 20/20 l PART 5

  1. So creepy. This lady had not one but two demons amongst her. That’s hurtful right there

  2. Damn. They got me again. 🤦😤

  3. Where's the ending to the story ? Good thing I've seen it already and know how it ends … just getting to the good part . This guy was the devil in disguise , and at the end of the whole story he looks like a completely different person . #Nutcase

  4. You can watch the full episode on Hulu under ABC 2020 it is season 43 episode 22. I can't believe DeAnn Shultz did not also go to prison. If you know someone is conspiring to commit murder and you don't say anything aren't you guilty too??

  5. A Jew converting to Christianity…

    There’s something you don’t hear every day.

  6. Screw you 20/20 / ABC giving your audience 5 parts and not finishing the story is just BS. Glad someone else did your job and left the ending in the comments. Pfft

  7. We need to unsubscribe & not ever hit the “like” button.

  8. This is the last time I’m going to watch anything from ABC. I’ve fallen for this bait and switch too many times – a bunch of background fluff, then ends when the investigations heat up. NBC and CBS have their own awful apps and lame YouTube videos. They aren’t even trying any more because why should they? Capitalism and corporate consolidation ruins everything

  9. Welp🤷🏽as for the ending, we may never know😩

  10. Sure prince charming🤐🤐🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕🤷😞😞😒😒


  12. Y’all are really ridiculous for not uploading the full story! What’s the fucking point SMH

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