The Perfect Liar l 20/20 l PART 5 – Car Mod Pros Portal

Jailhouse informants used as prosecution witnesses at James Dailey’s trial: Part 5

After his co-defendant Jack Pearcy received a life sentence for Shelly Boggio’s 1985 murder, Dailey went to trial, where prosecutors used jailhouse informants to win a conviction.


#ABCNews #ABC2020 #Documentary #ThePerfectLiar


By carmodpros


46 thoughts on “The Perfect Liar l 20/20 l PART 5”
  1. One of these men killed a little girl and an innocent man by lying. Murder and lying go hand in hand.. my bet – the man with the big blue eyes. Lying comes very easy to sick people.

  2. I hate y’all at abc for never finishing these 🤦🏽‍♀️

  3. Any good lawyer can take this case and defense this man if he really innocent?👏🏻👏🏻

  4. They both killed that poor baby ! Noone plays freezebie in the middle of the night please you can't theres no lighting to see the freezebie. Of course James Daily is going to continue to say he didn't kill her ! You see how easy you can be lead to believe James Daily killed that poor baby! Think who had a jackknife while being interrogated played with that murder weapon right in front of the officers while blaming the murder all on James Daily! Why wasn't that jackknife taken to a lab for any blood splatter you never know if there would be the young girls blood on that jackknife but the fact remains she had been stabbed and then drowned and that young animal was playing with that jackknife right in front of the officers. Watch this flim again you'll see him being wuestioned twirling that jackknife on the table smoking a cig so calm and casual while throwing James Daily under the bus!

  5. This had me in tears. I'm praying for Dailey. I hope some miracle attorney can help him turn his case over.. This system in the US is corrupted…

  6. That juror is fkn annoying 😒 you can tell she’s a certified ‘Karen’

  7. Dailey is not guilty I think. Deym! Yes I don't know the whole story but watching all these? Jack is the sole perpetrator. If Dailey's put to death, it would be murder.

  8. "he never took the stand" any good lawyer will tell you not to take the stand in your own defense because you open yourself up to cross examination. Such shitty logic.

  9. what is the economic youtube advantage to breaking this show up into many, many separate vids? would really like to know.

  10. I do not think that Daily is completely innocent however I do feel he has obviously served enough time . It's definitely obvious he DID NOT kill that little girl and it looks like to me there are a whole bunch of people worried how that makes them look that an innocent man for the crime to which he was sentenced was wrongfully charged and the guy who actually done it is still to much of a coward to just be honest. Also that nasty fat guy that was interviewed that was clearly used as a diversion needed to not be involved in that case at all and should not have gotten any attention. Its embarrassing to think that there are officials who use people like him to get innocent charged and then in turn help to get people like him off!!! Just one of many examples of what our justice system is built on. Fat cowardly,child molesting attention seeking old men with the innocent and the victims left to blame 🤦‍♀️ which is exactly what keeps many people who stand up for justice at every turn from going into the profession of law to which they were born to pursue as it is a total embarrassment to which I personally would be no part of and would be ashamed to even sleep at night knowing to which the things that have been let slide in the system!!🤦‍♀️❤☂️❤☂️ the thing is man may think in the end he judges man but that's not the case and for every crime committed as well as not handled justly I know for 100% certainty god will have the last laugh as well as judgement for all responsible. Just think somewhere in the world right now is a young girl/ boy close to im sure or just above or below the age of that poor little girl that was murdered wondering why her innocent grandfather is being murdered by a system that is supposed to be built to protect her although it is not and crying herself to sleep realizing what the system does to good people…in turn creation of evil continues on through another innocent 😇 child because a bunch of criminalistic officials and or attorneys don't have enough balls to set records straight.🤦‍♀️so completely sad and embarrassing to say the least!!!

  11. Shelly Boggio was the same age as me…if you put our seventh grade pictures together (next to each other) we even look a like – We could have been twins. She lived not far from where I grew up. I see her innocent beautiful face and I think of so many things that run through my mind. Shelly Boggio could have been my twin sister. I feel horrible for her actual twin sister – her heart is broken forever.
    It makes me sick, What happened to her – her being murdered is disgusting.
    I do not believe that James Dailey is responsible in anyway for her murder. It is blatantly clear that the career snitch lied – and the coward that murdered Shelly Boggio Refuses to tell the truth. I would not wish on anyone.

  12. Paul Skalnick, the inmate whose testimony sealed Jim's fate, turns out to be a professional snitch. The Pinellas County Sheriff's Office used his testimony THIRTY FIVE DIFFERENT TIMES in court cases to convict people that Skalnick alleged had 'confessed' to him in jail–including 6 people who ended up sentenced to death in part based on Skalnick's testimony.
    So it's hard to tell who the 'Perfect Liar' is in this case. Maybe it's the killer Jack who implicates his friend Jim. Or maybe it's Paul Skalnick, the jailhouse snitch who testified that 35 different prisoners each confessed to him. Or maybe the perfect liar is the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office or the DA, who knowingly offered Paul Skalnick favours on his criminal charges in order to secure his testimony to convict THIRTY FIVE PEOPLE like Jim who may be innocent. Including, don't forget, 6 people who wound up getting the death sentence.

  13. There is a pill for everything today. Why is there not a pill that decreases a man's sexual desire? As there's a problem when a man's sexual desire and self gratification supercedes the action of murdering a 14 year old child for personal pleasure, which is wrong on so many levels. Sexual gratification, personal satisfaction trump's a 14 year old childs life. Think about wickedly selfish is that? To murder a child for sexual gratification. That's what this boils down to..a man's urges being satisfied at the cost of murder of a 14 year old child. I say..find a pill that reduces a man's desire to commit murder of children for his own selfish sexual satisfaction.

  14. This doesn’t make any sense!! James didn’t have the girl a ride back home!! It was Jack!! Then Jack came home and woke James up to go party more!! but the girl was gone by then . What the hell ?!!! It’s not making sense !!!!

  15. Why is this guy still on death row over 30 years later? What's the point of giving him a damn death sentence if your never going to go through with the sentence 🤔

  16. This case showes more than anything what is wrong with the jury system. This juror is obviously unable to reason in a rational way. Decades after the trial she is still very emotional. She uses the defendants legitimate and neutral right to not say anything to draw negative conclusions about him and judges him on his behavior or lack of behavior in court. Nobody should be judged by people like that. The problem is the prosecution on purpose selects such gullible and irrational jurors knowing they have an easy game with them if they just play it right. Modern ciminal justice systems provide educated, trained judges who know a bit about the law and basic psychology. I don't know if Dailey is innocent or guilty, sure there is reasonable doubt and using snitches is just another sickening aspect of the system. But one thing I know for sure: the jury system has to be abolished!

  17. James is 100%%% not guilty, Sad that this is more common than you think, Jack you will have your Day, ensure you do the right thing….

  18. One look at James Dailey's mugshot says everything we need to know about the internal rage and coldness he carried with him. Don't be fooled by his soft demeanor.

  19. All these little segments only add up to half of the 20 20 show. It's missing the whole second half of the show which was about the so call snitch who lied and got him convicted. That was the most terrifying and interesting part of the entire show and this stops right as that was beginning

  20. The criminals in this are ruthless couldnt care less to let the family's heart's heal with the truth. He cant be tried again so why does the killer and his mother feel better with a man, who has done his time, go to death for being set up? Of course the guy told him to leave. Ge probably was going to try n kill him. He never lied in this process, couldve tried to conceal his identity in AZ, being hired by a private person and brought to CA, being paid in cash likely (in Cali) he couldve lied so hard. He didn't lie down to his pants getting wet. He couldve easily said "no that didnt happen" there is no evidence. Hes a veteran for crap sakes he couldve been respectful of the process in the courtroom why he wasnt showing emotion. He been through alot too. Regardless its not about them. Its about Shelly… I hope she is able to Rest in Peace ❤

  21. Again…… where’s part 6? …. this is the 2nd story I’ve seen without part 6. I’m sure there’s more stories with a missing part 6. Really?

  22. Why weren’t they tried at the same time? Why do they believe snitches, especially when they have appeared 20+ times in court as witnesses. That alone seems quite like opportunistic for the Police. Are the Police providing information to a habitual liar to condemn someone? This is the perfect liar. This explains why I think the real murderer got less time. This is a case of the Police framing innocent people.

  23. So her twin sister was okay leaving her behind with those grown men…😑. Smdh.

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  25. I can't say that I ever thought someone on death row, especially after I hear why or find out more about their record and past behavior, have thought someone didn't deserve to be where they are but I really feel like this man is innocent. That's an awful feeling, when there's pretty much zero hope that anything will change in his situation.

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