The new normal: How to ease financial strain

The new normal: How to ease financial strain

Certified finance education instructor Bola Sokunbi discusses ways to ease financial strain.

#Pandemic #FinancialStrain #BolaSokunbi


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21 thoughts on “The new normal: How to ease financial strain

  1. I feel sorry for Americans. Almost 3 million more people voted for Hilary Clinton yet they got landed with Donald Trump. A fool who doesn’t know he’s a fool. A man who denies the virus was serious. Now he’s telling people to go back to work. It will cost hundred of thousands of innocent Americans’ lives. And when it happens he will be happy shoving McDonald’s into his fat mouth.

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    Apocalipsis 17 con ella cometieron adulterio los Reyes de la tierra y los habitantes de la tierra se embriagaron con el vino de. Su inmoralidad
    Apocalipsis 18 se a convertido en guarida de demonios y en guarida de todo espíritu maligno por que todas las naciones han vevido el exitante vino de su adulterio
    Todos los capitanes de barco, los pasajeros, los marineros y todos los que viven del mar se detendrán a lo lejos al ver el humo de fuego que la consume,

  3. This country was dealt some serious lessons during the last recession. Some people never recovered from that, despite the recent " economic miracle." Do families need to spend $600 a month in auto leases? Did they need million-dollar homes? Do they need iPhones? Now all of this is dependent upon where you live, but the gravest mistake anyone can make is to spend up their earning power at the moment. Some people will be able to replace their job matching the income, many will not. This is heartbreaking to see on a more devastating scale. Hope this country recovers.

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