The new normal: How to be a caretaker

The new normal: How to be a caretaker

Psychiatrist Dr. Janet Taylor helps us navigate how to support our loved ones during this pandemic.


15 thoughts on “The new normal: How to be a caretaker

  1. STOP using the term new normal aka NEW WORLD ORDER. We were just in the best economy our country has every had a month ago and we can get right back to it and even better if we simply go back to exactly how we used to be. Ignore this fake news anti American propaganda by the left that only goal is to spread their socialist one world agenda and this is a practice run. Be prepared because prophecy is unfolding and the mark of the beast is coming. Read your Bible and be prepared to know what is coming because it all has unfolded so far to be 100% true!

  2. 👍🏻

  3. Obama/Biden let over 17,000 American Citizens perish of Swine Flu, no Warnings, Quarrantine's,or the like, just praise and admiration from the Democrats and their Un American Globalist MSM Propagandists.🇺🇸 TRUMP OWNS NOVEMBER 🏛️ GAME OVER

  4. The crooks and homeless taken advantage the temporary free bus system which only carry 10 riders at a time. They ride around to be off the street meanwhile people with jobs get left at the bus stops . after 3 buses my fiance gave up. 😠

  5. We as home health aides have it rough because most of the people we care for need showers, toileting, grooming and help walking we can't do these things from a distance! The agencies we work for don't always provide us with gloves and masks. My agency gives us only 7 masks and we have to reuse them.

  6. Therrs going to be so much emotional and mental damages in tte next couple months. I've been a care giver for several years. I see people giving up and deteriorating where i work. The people heavely quarentined are going to be dieing due the isolation. Lack of affection people are struggling with will affect suicide rates and impulsive bad decitions.

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