Damon Tweedy, a Duke University professor and author of Black Man in a White Coat,” on how to tell if your mental health is in jeopardy.
28 thoughts on “The mental health stigma in African American communities affected by COVID-19”
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The vid was actually knowledgable! I've been trying to research for a YouTube vid similar to yours that explains the topics in this vid. 🥼Your explanation actually is like the content of Doctor Ethan. Doctor's videos are for sure informative and I actually learned a lot for my wellness. He is the most informative health enthusiast in Europe and he talks about diabetes.
You should check out his YT out and give the medical student a like! ➡︠#DrEthanEducation
Honest black gun owners are about to lose their guns
Learn the Distance Dance and say, "Excuse Me, I'm Distancing!" https://youtu.be/DSJWMHF8UlQ
Grow up soon!
Good afternoon, I would like to suggest a therapeutic book I wrote which is also  available for free in
electronic format. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5BhH_m2WtY This book may be read for free in electronic format at: http://gabrielgherasim.com/Gratia-Cantantes-GABRIEL-GHERASIM.pdf
Thank you so much
Ain’t nobody got Time for that â‰ï¸ÂÂÂ🤪🤪
Why is it A race thing Now ,, Your either Americans or NOT â‰︠Make up your Mind ðŸ¤â€ÂÂðŸ¤â€ÂÂ👌
Here: The mental health stigma in Black communities affected by COVID-19
This is so awesome! I’m planning on starting one just for white people!!! We have to look out for one another!
Great video, but it has so many dislikes because it mentions race which makes some people uncomfortable. I guess white people don’t care that black people are dying disproportionately.
Hey abc news where's the news report of mounting evidence against Joe Biden for sexual assault? What are you hiding?
I agree with Taraji on Mental Health but I noticed that she neglected to add the fact that since she is so blessed that we also must connect with God.â˜ÂÂÂâ¤
Racism blah blah. Don't trust no Faucci or no Billy Bob Gates no Birx no matter if they're black or white!
Corona is RACIST.
Black people don't prescribe to these fake symptoms and diagnosis… It's ALL BS
FIRST OF ALL I COMMUNITIES HAVE BEEN UNDER SEIGE FOR YEARS. AS AFRICAN AMERICANS HAVE BEEN IN NEED OF SOCIAL AND MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENTS. NOBODY TALKS ABOUT THE DISPARITY BEFORE THIS VIRUS. These disparities of income,employment, healthcare and education are just a few disparities. And they were here long before this virus.
cant blame whites for this one
cant blame whites for this one
Ya keep messing with them like that, they might figure to get rid of the healthy so the sic can rule the world instead cause if they got nothing to lose, heyyyyy…..
By injecting Disinfectant, the death toll of USA is rapidly increasing! Why does USA gov hate its people so much?