The latest on congressional talks on a coronavirus relief bill – Car Mod Pros Portal

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell takes to the Senate floor to discuss the latest on negotiations of a potential COVID-19 economic package.


By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “The latest on congressional talks on a coronavirus relief bill”
  1. The number one thing about leadership, everything is your fault. When you fail, you pay for it. When you screw up in life, you pay for it. Don't be a coward and have the American People pay for your crimes, you so called congress men and women. Give what the American People want. It is your fault congress that We The People are suffering. If you can afford to give Our money away to other countries, then you can afford to pay our debts and suffering. Shame on you playing this game. Because if you don't stop this child's play, you're going to be in world of hurt of your own. 😤

  2. President Donald Trump is demanding lawmakers raise the second round of stimulus checks to $2,000 per person, from $600. This is nothing but a bluff. In the poker world, there’s a name for the style of game Trump plays: “aggressive maniac.” The aggro maniac is the player who raises and raises on poor hands, hoping to cow more passive players into submission. It’s a style of play that’s incredibly high in variance: You win a lot, but you also lose the maximum as better players figure the maniac out. Never back down against Trump. If you want to win, you must call his bluff.

  3. over 5K pages who reads this? If Trump signs without reading Biden could be declared winner in one sentence.

  4. Pass it to know it never works.
    Time to make a rule of no more than 3 issues per bill.

    Money is gone to Egypt, Ukraine, countimg fish, abstinence to name a few unrelated issues that should be separate from a deadline to help the American people during a pandemic.

    Jimmy Dore a comedian is more informative than the news.

  5. Where can I find the Relief Bill to read?! I want to read where it says Venezuela will be receiving my hard-earned money.

  6. the last stimulus was 1200 dollars approximately 9 months ago. This is 600 dollars. So for the people who have lost their jobs will be getting about 3 dollars for everyday they could not work.

  7. The poor and starving will have to start eating the rich … here's a recipe, straight outta Sweeney Todd: politician pot pie. Yummy nummy, tastes like decadence and corruption

  8. We have to get rid of mitch! he has been holding out as long as he possibly can they've been so called working on a bill for months and now here it is the last few hours before you have to pass a bill and they tell us they haven't even read it so that means the Republican has got some word play in there that basically means you get screwed they get paid

  9. So basically you'll fund money to find issues with statues and gender studies in Pakistan but wont do the one thing that's supposed to be the issue of this bill.

  10. McConnell needs to go back in his turtle shell or he can come back out when he’s really ready to talk business

  11. Yeah, notice they contrast what the pigs offered to Americans as only $900 billion as some big gift by Democrats "Pelosi, Schumer" and mr. marble mouth turtle-man "McConnell" by name, but the more generous package President Trump offered as "what the government offered". They hate the President so much they dont even want to mention his NAME!

    IT WAS PRESIDENT TRUMP, YOU ASSES, WHO WANTED TO REALLY, MEANINGFULLY HELP. Before thousands went belly up, so Pelosi could twist the knife. Pettily, spitefully, cruelly to AMERICANS, NOT THE PRESIDENT IN THE END. TO AMERICA. Those demoncrats are traitors. Period.

  12. 1.922 Trillion Dollars for Operation Iraqi 'Freedom" was easy for the GOP. They love to waste money on military nonsense that helps the UK oil interests more than anyone else. The injured American soldiers can beg for charity after that debacle. Real help for their own country? Ha….

  13. The CDC recommends you safeguard yourself and others by taking the following precautions: cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you sneeze or cough; wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds; avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth; If you’re sick, avoid contact with others so that you don’t spread the infection. More than 150,000 people die every day. The leading cause of death isn’t a virus. It isn’t old age. It is sin. The Bible says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom. 6:23). Sin is the violation of God’s law. God has written His law on your heart. Being created in the image of God, you know it is wrong to lie, steal, take God's name in vain, or hate another human being. Because God is good, He must punish sin. The punishment He has determined for sin is eternity in Hell. God has provided only one way for you to escape His wrath and receive His forgiveness. Your only hope is for Jesus to save you from the wrath of God. God the Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth. He voluntarily shed his innocent blood and died on the cross, taking upon Himself the punishment sinners who would believe in Him rightly deserve for their sins against God. Three days later, He defeated sin and death when He rose from the grave. Repent and believe the gospel while God has given you time.

  14. We don't Trust Mitch McConnell we is he's up to something an American people is not going to like it he is disgraced American people he's not be truth I just hope that Georgia people other people vote for the two seat for the Democrats it would be over for Mitch McConnell

  15. 8M Americans have fallen into poverty since this summer

    12M working families are now behind on their rent

    35% of working families in America have had to go ask for food assistance in the last few months because of this pandemic

    The working people of this country need relief

  16. Kick there asses Mitch the people are broke send them the dame money we’re tired of the talking….

  17. Ballots that should have been recounted were Kentucky and South Carolina….how in the hell did Mitch McConnell and Lindsay get reelected?

  18. The best thing we can do is give 160,000,000 Americans $1000 every month for the next 4 months. The total cost would be $640 billion.

  19. This dude is from the poorest and backward state in the Union and yet still he holds the entire nation in a chokehold. Stopping everything good that could make the USA a better place to live.

  20. GOP is so garbage. don't act like it's the dems who are stopping this bill from passing. republicans want to give table scraps and dems actually want to help

  21. Hey Mitch why don’t you retire you’re a disgrace all you care about is big business in the line your pockets with money merry Christmas Mitch I hope you can live with yourselfI know you can you’ve been doing it all your life

  22. The Republicans is full of sh**, because they known alot of people losting there jobs and apartment, and housings that money belong to the American peoples., the Republicans is running the Economy to the ground……….

  23. They don't give two shits about the AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!! ITS ALWAYS ABOUT THE RICH GETTING RICHER AND THE POORER GETTING POORER…. Its ok to bail out banks and big tech, the people can go hungry and more people can Parrish, good for us!!!! They will all burn in hell….😡😡😡😡

  24. That light at the end of the tunnel Mr. President is a another train, driven by McConnell. Can't even listen to ASS-CLOWN anymore.

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