The latest in San Diego synagogue shooting investigation

The latest in San Diego synagogue shooting investigation

Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein and several brave congregants describe what happened when a gunman allegedly opened fire with an assault rifle on their synagogue during a Passover service.


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24 thoughts on “The latest in San Diego synagogue shooting investigation

  1. Now this young man will cry and beg for the rest of his life for forgiveness when he allowed himself to be hitlerized by some twat who also is full of hate. Remember all you young who are being dished up bowls of hatred, You will probably be sleeping with lifers in jail and they will penetrate you many more times than the bullets you sought to penetrate your victims with. Yu had a life, a life in which you had perhaps 70 years to do something constructive wih and you threw it a way on the whim of a person who will sit back and laugh at your stupidity. God bleess this boys family for their sadness in shame but remember, teaching starts at home and that includes teaching against radicalization

  2. Jus a btw. Not all of us Israelis can’t speak English. Some of us are fluent 🙋🏽‍♀️

  3. I don't feel no pity for your people your people funded the transatlantic slave trade your people funded every war in Europe and around the world your people funded World War 1 and World War II your people still fund Wars even today you must reap what you sow! The people have woken up now they are starting to know Zionism all the people your kind have oppressed will rule over you, we will wash our feet in the blood of your people. the land can only be cleansed by the blood of your people we know your kind are of the synagogue of Satan and there is hell to pay!!!!!!!

  4. So in a state where its impossible by law to buy an AR 15, this guy gets one. Do you all see how useless gun control is? Now look at the other shooting in a church, one old man had a rifle to shoot back and stopped the shooter. You can only stop a gunman with equal force. Abolish gun control.

  5. I'm very scared to go to Synagogue in Eugene, OR, city outside of where I live. You can't go anywhere without worry that something bad will happen @ church. That is why we own property in a Rural setting, 17 min. from Eugene. We feel very safe. However, I want to learn about my "roots" in Judaism & possibly convert, but now I am scared because of all the anti-semitism. God bless the lady who died trying to cover the Rabbi, who had his hand injured by the bullets. May she RIP. This is so awful!

  6. "Rabbi Sorry for your loss"
    How many times have I been told? But everyone is ignoring my opinion. But this is a bitter truth that fbi is still working harder by security. And since then it has begun since the wall of the wall on the US border has passed. Now, first of all, all Americans need special consideration on all Muslims and the Mexicans. Where they go and what other activities are involved in. And if the Muslims are there, then destroy them all over the country. I am giving this proposal to Pakistan. Now you understand America's people will understand after the destruction of America. Repeat the Muslims and Mexicans immediately. So the United States will be clean and clean. In the same case, synagogue church and Hindu temple in America can remain safe. And all the worship of Muslims should be stopped closed immediately.

  7. Yahshuah Ha Mashiyah is coming soon the Jewish community is not safe we had a treat 3 months ago that there was a bomb in the Makom shalom in Anaheim California kehila. Many police men arrived. We need Yahshuah Ha Mashiyah to come soon. Repent come back too almighty father Abba Yahweh. Satan is working hard too take as many people he can with him. But he forgets that Yahshuah is are Savior are Salvacion. He could take are body but not are soul. Yahshuah Ha Mashiyah paid the price in Calvary. Amen

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