The impact of Ketanji Brown Jacksons historic hearing l ABCNL

The impact of Ketanji Brown Jacksons historic hearing l ABCNL

Former Ohio Supreme Court Justice Yvette McGee Brown weighs in on Jacksons historic confirmation hearing and the tough road ahead.

#ABCNEWS #SCOTUS #KetanjiBrownJackson


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27 thoughts on “The impact of Ketanji Brown Jacksons historic hearing l ABCNL

  1. More importantly, Has she ever presided over a “Devil’s Triangle”?!

  2. She’s actually more qualified than any of the other seated justice’s.

  3. It will be the biggest mistake If she gets appointed. This woman is disgusting. She has defended and supported pedophiles all her career! I was disgusted when i read her paper and cases. Beyond sickening

  4. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
    and he will deliver you."
               Psalm 50: 15

  5. The president picked racism a black woman that's what he wanted to get the votes to buy the back roads or to buy a black woman I'm using the term black woman because that's what the term he used a black woman a woman African her skin color must be black I want a black woman so a black skin woman from Africa the one thing Mr Brighton didn't say is that he wanted a woman black or any other color bright brilliant well-educated impartial hard-working and credible none of these words or any other words to compliment a black woman came out of his mouth none of this was important the color of the skin was important because black women are cheap and easy to buy to the standards of Democratic party and the president of the United States and don't matter how much propaganda and lies are being told about a black woman this a black woman is there because the color of her skin if she was Asian Chinese Japanese Slavic race in the European Scandinavian white white Inca Maya Aztec completely not Indian American would never be there so stop your feces commentaries because you shovel is so small compared to the pile of feces that you're throwing down to the American people the show is over she will sit on the bench a black woman will sit on the bench chosen by racism

  6. Diversity hire. Simply shameful💯🤮👎🏽

  7. This whole thing is a farce. Blacks constitute about 14% of the US population. 2 Blacks on a Supreme Court makes their representation 22%. The real issue is this nomination was based on discrimination, sexism and racism. Democrats and liberals are total hypocrites and pretend to champion the fight against those 3 social ills. Lastly, the final insult is they never talked about considering the first Asian American or Native American for the SC. Blacks are the squeaky wheel that gets all the oil.

  8. Haters say she’s selected because of her skin color. Trump selected his favorites based on their ideologies. There’s always a reason, so suck it up please.

  9. Yeah she's going to make an impact alright I'm not against anyone trying to make it in this world but she's going to have a 50/50 like to dislike ratio🤔

  10. She presided over a case pertaining to black people: The case Ross v. Lockheed, a 2016 class-action lawsuit brought forward on behalf of 5,500 Black Lockheed Martin employees, Jackson presided over the case, and Ketanji Brown failed to greenlight the settlement that was reached, which was set to disperse $22 million to the employees. Judge Jackson gave the axe to a settlement designed to benefit black workers at one of the nation's largest employers, denied the injunctive relief agreed to by Lockheed Martin that would have addressed a root cause of systemic racial bias that could have been a model for a nation hungry for racial equity solutions; denied the black workers the right to seek evidence to prove their claim of company-wide racial discrimination, and knowingly frustrated the rights of black workers to appeal her decision.14 employees in Meridian Mississippi were killed some 10 years earlier at a Lockheed Martin facility where executives did know that this person was a danger for a year or more and did nothing about it. She is a nothing burger. Clarence Thomas is black. How has that work for Black Americans?

  11. Son unos 3 in 1 DRISEX.Uno de los mejores ❤️
    Mañas no se la

    Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
    los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer

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