The Housewife and the Shah Shocker’ | Streaming Nov. 29

The Housewife and the Shah Shocker’ | Streaming Nov. 29

ABC News Studios Presents ‘The Housewife and the Shah Shocker, premiering November 29 only on Hulu. DETAILS:


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37 thoughts on “The Housewife and the Shah Shocker’ | Streaming Nov. 29

  1. Ain't no party like a jen shah party cause a jen shah party don’t stop, heeeeeeyy🤚🏻🤚🏻


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    Someone: Says ''heck''

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  3. These ladies really don’t see that the producers are the ones turning them in for story lines. It’s happened to Theresa, Erika, now Jen..they know the financial situations of these women clearly to let them on the show then when storylines die they turn them in for views

  4. Lmfao why is this even a show? Like who’s behind producing this show? God knows she’s probably the one who wants planned this as her spin off 💀

  5. 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

  6. Dana is so thirsty!! Someone give her a bucket of water 🪣💦

  7. Dana getting paid again, as she should. She puts her work in and knows all the ☕️

  8. First Teresa and now her… All Bravo needs is a couple more to commit crimes and they could have a show called The Real Housewives of Fraud Street . They could all hold up handcuffs as opposed to Apples or oranges or diamonds LOL

  9. The title should have been reworked. Seems rushed, but I will watch because I want to hear the victims. Glad they have a platform & it influences the feds with sentencing. It just isn't worth it. What a horrible matriarch. Praying for the victims & her sons. She is psycho.

  10. To this day I don't understand why people who are knowingly involved in criminal activity, knowingly go on reality television knowing they'll be under public microscope smh

  11. Good Morning. May the love and peace of God be poured into your heart and may His angels help you in your struggles. The Creator of heaven and earth is not man that he should lie, nor son of man that he should repent. Everything the bible says is fulfilled. Praised be God. Jesus Christ will return soon. Read Matthew 24 and Revelation 13. Your life is precious to God. Pray. Always read the bible. Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and your house. God bless you. Greetings from Brazil.🙌🌷🌷🌺🌺🌹🌹🌷🌷

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