The Gravediggers Wife l 20/20 l PART 5

The Gravediggers Wife l 20/20 l PART 5

Ex-husband of Lori Vallows niece shot at while returning home: Part 5
Brandon Boudreaux, the ex-husband of Vallows niece, said someone in a Jeep shot at his car. He believes it was Vallows brother, who rebuffed the accusation along with Vallows niece and family.


#ABCNews #ABC2020 #Documentary #TheGravediggersWife


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39 thoughts on “The Gravediggers Wife l 20/20 l PART 5

  1. The whole family is covering each other 🤦 "Alex is honest….blah blah blah". You should be saying that when you hired him in the first place 😑

  2. Religion and money, bad combination. 144,000 people surviving the end of the world. Heads up, no Mormons make it either. To think, all your crookedness got you nowhere.😂 Its takes forever to arrest Lori because, she is part of a religion that covers thy own. Creepy bunch of people.

  3. Wow, its no wonder this Lori chic is a nut job! Look at the family?! 🤪 Must suck to live in such denial!

  4. I’m done with you. Post the ending or don’t post at all.

  5. Even the full episode link leads ro incomplete video. Just watched the glorious Mindy Kaling do 7 versions of soup commercials in a row bit it keeps ending. Great job, ABC!

  6. Ugh WHY!!!!!! Must be a man running this channel since they can’t seem to ever let anyone finish ….. they finish first 🤯 not cool

  7. No part 6 ? Now ill have to go through outher posts & put the final parts to this story together ? Annoying😡

  8. Melanie is insane, carrying on the insanity of that family. she’s as evil as they come.

  9. That Melanie 🤮🤢

  10. It’s a cult. Chad Daybell is making them all do these things. Cult leaders are almost always doomsday preachers. Those poor kids!

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