The fight over masks in America

The fight over masks in America

Over the month of July, masks became a lightning rod of debate. Will they help defeat COVID-19?


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37 thoughts on “The fight over masks in America

  1. There is NO fights, only ignorant selfish people that can't grasp that this has nothing to do about what they want. We are bot there anymore, they don't have a voice in this.

  2. I Don’t care about others. Don’t care if you feel unsafe, stay home then. I’m not wearing one

  3. "Masks are integral to protecting other people." Bullsh#t. You wear a mask for yourself, I wear a mask for myself. Wake up!
    And by the way, lady, regarding seat belts last time I checked we DO trust people to decide to wear them, although sometimes people don't. There wasn't anybody at my house last time I got in my car checking out my compliance. (And yes I wear my seat belt.) Listen to yourself. Next pandemic they'll want a freakin' constitutional amendment (⬅️sarcasm).

  4. If you are not sick, you should not be wearing a mask, if you are sick, you should wear both a mask and face shield or stay home until you recover. This way we know who is infected. If two people are completely healthy then why do they need to wear masks around each other, if a group of 100 people are completely healthy why do they need to wear a mask? Is covid19 going to materialize out of thin air? How are healthy people going to infect other healthy people? As long as people are not sick, they should not be wearing a face covering of any kind. It spreads fear and panic which is not helping the situation.

  5. Too many adult cry-babies out there😠 GROW UP AND WEAR YOUR DAMN MASK/SAVE LIVES

  6. If it comes down to people's lives yes they have the right to tell you to wear a mask because you are receive what happens to people so where did Dan mask and don't worry about your damn rights

  7. For what it's worth, I'm a biomedical engineer. The virus has never been isolated. If you ever take the time to read the scientific publications that claimed to isolate the virus you will find that they Did Not. That should be a bit of a red flag, because isolating a microorganism is absolutely necessary to AT LEAST prove that it exists.

    When I became suspicious, I decided to personally review the papers myself and found they're all the same. All they've really done is taken some respiratory tract samples, cultured that on some vero cells (monkey kidneys), and then did some genetic sequencing as an "isolation" technique. That is deceptive & misleading.

    For TRUE isolation to be achieved; fluid samples would need to be taken from patients and then filtered out to let viral sized particles pass thru for collection, followed by density gradient centrifugation to further separate (ISOLATE) the virus from any remaining microorganisms & substances – None of them have done that!

    Also (because I hear this a lot), “Sequencing” is NOT an isolation technique. It strictly serves to analyze & determine the unique genome structure (base blueprint) of the virus, OR rebuild the genome structure (like they claim to do in vaccine viruses for example).

    To be clear: Before ANY legitimate sequence mapping can occur, the whole virus needs to be purified (Isolated), so it can be properly Analyzed TO DETERMINE what its' physical structure and full genome sequence looks like.

    But since lab scientists haven't actually isolated it, they rely on Computer Modeling Software to piece together a long THEORETICAL genome sequence from a few small fragments of whatever they're claiming to be a virus. And yes, the "tests" being used to diagnose someone with covid-19 are based on the same faulty science. Out of curiosity I checked the product sheets from several test manufacturer's, and found they all say "for research use only. not for diagnostic use". For example (pg. 5):

    Combine that with arguably the most important fact is that there are NO experimental studies whatsoever that demonstrate this "virus" causes ANY disease. It's good to be skeptical, but we have to at least wonder how the "Health Officials" can make these claims that have us in a pandemic without any evidence to support viral causation. At best, I would call of of this Fraud.

    To say the virus must exist because people have gotten sick is circular reasoning. It's like saying presents under the tree means Santa Claus must be real. As we know, that's not really evidence in itself. Understanding & Perspective is Everything in making sense of the world and seeing through the smoke & mirrors… There are other reasons some people have gotten sick & died, but that's a topic for another day (post is already long).

    Don't let them fool you.

    Question everything. Including this.

  8. Wow look at all the cuckolds in this thread 😳. I can smell the fear infected vaginal fluids oozing from their pores.

  9. Freedoms go hand in hand with responsibilities. We may, for example, have freedom of speech, but we have a responsibility to use that freedom wisely. Masks help to save lives (not just the wearer’s), and one is morally obligated, in a free society, to consider the impact of not wearing a mask. Let’s not invoke freedom without invoking responsibility.

  10. Next time you see someone wearing the mask below their nose or mouth or with wide gaps at the side or if it’s a simple bandana I DARE you to say something. See. It’s all bull crap and you know it.

  11. I carry around pink party hats so if people ask me to wear a mask, I say ok, but only if you’ll wear one of my party hats. It’s so easy. Just wear it.

  12. I mean if you can wear a MAGA hat that was made in a factory in CHINA then you can sure as hell wear a face mask 🤷🏾‍♂️ why is wearing a face mask political? 🤔🤦🏿‍♂️

  13. It should be a choice point blank! If you are worried about getting sick then you wear your mask if you have yours on why you worried about who is not wearing one 🤔

  14. This just shows you how brainwashed some Americans are. Now imagine it being a military super power with this kind of misguidance 🙂

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