The evolution of Halloween costumes have made it the sexiest holiday of the year | Nightline

The evolution of Halloween costumes have made it the sexiest holiday of the year | Nightline

Yandy, a lingerie company, is the maker behind Sexy Bob Ross, Sexy Mr. Rogers and other viral Halloween costumes that experts say are fueled by social media.



#firefighters #santaana #southerncalifornia #hurricaneforcewinds #wildfires #brushfire #battlinginfernos #halloween #costumes


40 thoughts on “The evolution of Halloween costumes have made it the sexiest holiday of the year | Nightline

  1. When I dress up on Halloween, I mix it up with horror and sexy. I've dressed up as a vampire, grim reaper, a witch, Elvira, etc I don't wear cheap looking clothes. I make it creative. That's the whole point of Halloween, you supposed to put some thought into your make-up/props/costumes. Even with this whole covid thing going on, I'm still dressing up.

  2. Its pretty funny honestly, i just hate the people taking it so seriously ,i mean really? sexy is a good thing as long as you feel good in it and your not breaking a law or something.

    On a side note nobody wears these outside at least anyway.

  3. Am I the only one who half of the time can't recognize who the character is ? Seriously one day I saw online a Starwars costume and I thought it was a weird version of the white bands costume of Leeloo from the 5th element. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

  4. They oversexualize themselves take responsibility🙄.

  5. Whores dress like whores and should be treated like whores 😎👍

  6. The Psych Profs need to learn a basic human/sales lesson: people aren't that smart, they don't need or want lots of options! Give 'em three, after that they get confused. This is what happens when biology meets ideology–people have to work to rectify them and everyone ends up unhappy.

  7. “But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death.”
    ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭8:36‬ ‭KJV‬‬

  8. All the woke people are saying that “fast fashion” is bad for the environment, but buying a stupid white claw skimp outfit that they will immediately throw away

  9. Halloween is just a holiday for hoes to dress slutty 🤷🏻‍♂️

  10. It’s to cold for this tbh

  11. Moral depravity and the breaking away of god is what’s wrong with this country.

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