The Debrief: Shutdown continues, hunt for Jazmine Barnes’s killer, jobs report | ABC News

The Debrief: Shutdown continues, hunt for Jazmine Barnes’s killer, jobs report | ABC News

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50 thoughts on “The Debrief: Shutdown continues, hunt for Jazmine Barnes’s killer, jobs report | ABC News

  1. That other black girl that was shoot in the arm could of describe the people who shot them. This is pathetic. I’m still trying to understand why is it a white man they put on the sketch why are you blaming a white guy with blue eyes that open fire on them this feels like some sort of racial agenda. So we’re just gonna ignore the fact that the family lied right where is black lives matter for the black on black crime?!?! So we’re just gonna ignore this and move on with our lives right where is the people who are marching are you going to go home?!?!! Shit is so fucking pathetic.

  2. The government has shutdown every year i can remember. Unfortunately its a way for presidents to push their agenda, but its only fair that it works both ways

  3. Family of 7 yr-old Jazmine Barnes killed in drive-by shooting said gunman was "bearded white male" in red pickup truck. [HYSTERIA] Suspect confessed: Black male driving a dark SUV. So now liberals are cool with Jazmine's death. The whole thing was just an opportunity for the left to basque in and spew their anti-white hate for a few minutes. Once they found out it wasn't the evil whitey, it was back to business as usual. no bearded Trump loving NRA member killed little Jazmine, so there’s nothing to see here via the MSM. The talking heads had moved on . . . .

  4. This man is trying to stay out of the final truth with Muller, no government no investigation no jail. ….So he thinks. Holding the Country hostage. All we hear is yack yack yack!!! They wanted him, and they got him.

  5. The suspect arrested was black and it was gang related. Still look for 2 other black suspects. The fuck yellow journalism media took the white man fake news photo and ran it Nation wide

  6. God answers prayers, I believe in the power of prayer! He WILL BE CAUGHT! He took a precious life, GOD WILL NOT SPARE HIS!! A horrible, unconionable act from a scary ugly MONSTER!👹 He has to get caught!

  7. This killer is probably a cop or related to one, the way HPD is "white glove handling" this search. How do they know his vehicle doesnt have a tag unless they have a much better pic of the white murderers' truck. Houston is 4th largest city with hundreds of street light cameras and they'd have us believe they don't know exactly what kind of truck the white killer was driving and where it and he is. GTFOH!
    Another year begins with white supremacy doing what it does. Black ppl, this is the straw….buy firearms to protect yourself and your family. Form community search parties and search
    for people who harm you yourselves. The police are not interested in finding, prosecuting and convicting white ppl who harm black ppl. IT IS YOUR DUTY TO DEFEND YOURSELF AGAINST WHITE SUPREMACISTS.

  8. what the hell is impressive about the amount of jobs when you compare to the number of federal employees not getting paid and not getting a raise, the farmers, auto industry ect ect ect who have all been impacted by this idiots nonsense with trade wars, not allowing the immigrants in to help out the farming and sea industries. He claims border security but does not care about these people getting paid. Also what you have failed to mention is that most of these jobs are low paying and do not raise you above the poverty level, have terrible hours, are part time and no health care

  9. Those are mostly part time, minimum wage "Seasonal" jobs at TARGET, & Walmart. They hire you for the Christmas season(3 months) then let you go after the New Year. What good is a job that only lasts 3months then you're out of work again?

  10. They need to check with the DMV. He would have had to register his truck there. Now the have a description of his vehicle and a sketch of his ugly face. Pray that this PHYSIO MONSTER gets caught!!

  11. Nancy Pelosi and Dems keep saying a physical wall is ineffective. That is NOT what BP and other experts say. Where is their PROOF? All talk but never any statistical or other proof. The American CITIZENS are NOT stupid.

  12. Never seen a host’s voice break so much. Need to take a speaking class so those nerves can be controlled. I know most people have a hard time public speaking, but most people don’t have jobs where they need to.

  13. poo overflowing in our national parks……museums closed…..800,000 unpaid federal employees receiving late notices…..and more presidential investigations than i have seen in my lifetime………………… we feel great yet…?

  14. How convenient for you do exclude the border protection agents backing up Trump in his briefing yesterday saying yes we need a wall! This media outlet has become as bad as CNN 😲☹️🙁

  15. trump is the last trumpet to sound across the world and death and hell will follow after. bible calls trump the last trumpet,look at the mans skin.he looks sick and pale, he is death of the horsemen.

  16. what the hell is impressive about the amount of jobs when you compare to the number of federal employees not getting paid and not getting a raise, the farmers, auto industry ect ect ect who have all been impacted by this idiots nonsense with trade wars, not allowing the immigrants in to help out the farming and sea industries. He claims border security but does not care about these people getting paid. Also what you have failed to mention is that most of these jobs are low paying and do not raise you above the poverty level, have terrible hours, are part time and no health care



    On their way to get married, a young Catholic couple is involved in a fatal car accident. The couple finds themselves sitting outside the Pearly Gates waiting for St. Peter to process them into Heaven. While waiting, they begin to wonder, Could they possibly get married in Heaven?

    When St. Peter showed up, they asked him.

    St. Peter said, I don't know. This is the first time anyone has asked. Let me go find out, and he leaves.

    The couple sat and waited, and waited. Two months passed and the couple is still waiting. While waiting, they began to wonder what would happen if it didn't work out, could you get a divorce in heaven. After yet another month, St. Peter finally returns, looking somewhat bedraggled.

    Yes, he informs the couple, you can get married in Heaven.

    Great! said the couple, But we were just wondering, what if things don't work out?

    Could we also get a divorce in Heaven?

    St. Peter, red-faced with anger, slammed his clipboard onto the ground.

    What's wrong? asked the frightened couple.

    OH, COME ON!, St. Peter shouted, It took me three months to find a Priest up here!

    Do you have any idea how long it'll take me to find a lawyer?

  18. Trump is acting like a tired baby with a sour stomach and a dirty diaper. Mary Poppins, where are you ? Good luck Nancy, America is praying for you and your success in getting our Government up and running again.

  19. in France I see the yellow vest movement yelling in the streets for "we want Trump" French President in deep sh*t
    Hunduras people chanting Trump
    Paloma people chanting Trump
    Mexico people chanting Trump
    Tijuana people chanting Trump
    Canada people chanting Trump
    UK people chanting Trump
    Paris people chanting Trump
    London people chanting Trump
    German people chanting Trump
    Ireland people chanting Trump
    Hungry people chanting Trump
    Russian people chanting Trump
    Switzland people chanting Trump
    And growing.

    Stopping the New World Order

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