The Debrief: Severe weather in the Plains, LA car chase, Long Island Sound shark sighting

The Debrief: Severe weather in the Plains, LA car chase, Long Island Sound shark sighting

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33 thoughts on “The Debrief: Severe weather in the Plains, LA car chase, Long Island Sound shark sighting

  1. Democrats needs to stop talking and start arresting them. I don't care if they are at work, birthdayparties, home, family gathering put the handcuffs on them make them do the perp walk.

  2. You are not going to get rid of The Trump! Anyone going after our President at this point should be considered a traitor to the United States of America and if you won't take them out back and shoot them in the head at least remove them from what ever platform they are on that allows them to attack the USA.

  3. Unpopulated areas report?!!…….?.Shame on you ..!……next!!….save the dogs…….to hell with the human …….chased ..forced by the cops….As usual…?..THIS STATION ..CHANNEL sucks!!!……..the cops..That …caused all …..she was running for her .LIFE

  4. This is a continuation of an ecological change caused by human action begun just after the First World War.
    At the end of hostilities, America was prevented by law from supporting the starving members our one time enemies, so, to skirt the law, we lent our allies a vast amounts of money be returned to purchase the needed supplies with the assumption that the loan was a ploy to be forgotten .
    Then, we went wild throughout the middle of the United Stat. unwisely Gerrymandering our farmland to the point that, when a season of heavy rains fell in the Mississippi Basin, we had a fifth Great Lake in 1927.
    When the waters finally receded , dry winds replace the rain to strip our farm land thousands of miles out to sea as the geography as preparing itself for a American desert.
    Our current situation is the repeat of 1927 when the last of the old structure and diversions are giving out to replay the final scene of an old disaster and must be treated with great concern as we slip back into the understated dust-bowel of 2021 that we can ill afford

  5. LISTEN TO PELOSI!! She is a very wise old politician🤘
    Sanders on the other hand works for Trump….enough said.

  6. Sarah Sanders can not be believed. She has been proven to be a liar and misleads the American people whenever it suites her base or position!! It's so obvious the White House IS NOT cooperating! That's why the WH told McGahn not to testified to Congress and go against a subpoena!
    Secondly, Pelosi is starting to piss people off! She's playing too much politics and not caring about what's more important and that is we have a criminal dictator as a president who doesn't care about the entire country and only about himself and his cronies! Trump doesn't even really care about his political base or Republican voters. He just panders to them and blows smoke up their asses (which, I guess they really are enjoying it) all so he can continue making his Millions! (He's made more than any other President – $434 MILLION DOLLARS) by using the presidency to fatten his corporation's pockets!!! WHICH IS AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION, TO DO!!
    No wonder Trump didn't care about giving up that $200 Million dollars from his show, The Apprentice, he made twice as much being President!! And he didn't do this because he's a "smart businessman", he made this money robbing the American tax payer with his Washington Hotel and his constant trips to his golf courses, charging the American tax payers $25 Million each and every time he goes there to play golf, WHICH IS LIKE EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND!!!

  7. Snow this late in May? That's so crazy!
    Can someone tell me what good Pelousy has ever done in office?
    She seems to only run her 👄.

  8. Yo that dig was like " I'm outta hea bitch " 😂🤣😂🤣

  9. Kim always comes giving us looks 😍😍😍😍😍

  10. Why do they push for impeachment on our tax dollars? Why are they even getting paid to constantly fail at something that will never come about. Democrats are dirty criminals and most should go to prison and have their money taken from them. I'm not paying for them to get rich.

  11. 🌷Spring showers bring⛈🌪?
    " Keep the Sharks from "our" waters"?

  12. Kimberly Brooks is the epitome of natural beauty!! 🥰❤️

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