‘The Debrief’: Saudi journalist, migrant caravan, search for missing Wisconsin girl | ABC News

‘The Debrief’: Saudi journalist, migrant caravan, search for missing Wisconsin  girl | ABC News

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29 thoughts on “‘The Debrief’: Saudi journalist, migrant caravan, search for missing Wisconsin girl | ABC News

  1. HRC OBAMA & SOROS Democratic Party is trying to false flag by sending explosives devices to their mail boxes… they are trying anything to stop the midterms momentum

  2. I just dont understand WHY would you move somewhere and NOT be WELCOME when u get there? Let other countries take them in and feed, clothe, educate, and medicate the illegals( not migrants ) The US needs to take care of its own citizens first. 🇺🇸

  3. in a world where people are being replaced by machines, labor is becoming less and less useful. the Industrial Revolution needed bodies to move things, to pound things. this isn't the case anymore. so what's going to happen to all the unskilled people in this country? is it good to be adding more and more unskilled laborers to our population? No. ask the Left and you'll get a label of "Racist" glued on you.
    we send millions to these S.American countries and they are still screwed up. they are as bad or worse than Puerto Rico. sorry people, but if you live in a shit hole you're going to have to dig in and change it. i don't care if Mother Teresa is crawling on glass to get in, my family comes first. face it, we're the big dog and everyone wants a piece. but there's a limit and we can't half the world kicking down our doors.

  4. I invite you to do a piece of educational/investigative news story that I think is a good time to shine a light as to the REAL  reason why this horde of immigrants are headed to the U.S. There is a article in the Guardian "Did Hillary Clinton stand by as Honduras coup ushered in era of violence?" By Nina Lakhani wed 31 Aug 2016. It speaks on the 2009 coup of President Manuel Zelaya of Honduras. It speaks on the heavy U.S. involvement,  the massive amounts of money, the origin of the corruption,  violence,  drugs, etc. Hillary Clinton was secretary of state and help implement the corrupt present president that is in league with drug lords, robbed government agencies (proven) unconstitutionally was re-elected which ironically was the supposed reason for Zelaya's coup. This was in the wiki leak emails of Hillary Clinton.  The assassination of environmental activists Berta Caceres along with 118 other real activists not SJWs since 2010.  110 (campesinos) field workers massacred for land since the sell-off of mining and hydroelectric concessions that followed the coup. That is just the tip of the iceberg.  I hated when Obama went on his apology tours and that is NOT what i'm suggesting here. I was fascinated by the multitude of people pushing through and just didn't know why. I'm a Hispanic U.S. citizen that first time ever walked away from the Democratic party in 2016 and voted for trump and plan to vote in the midterms. I understand Spanish so I was curious to hear what these people were saying and decided to learn. I'm absolutely against open borders but I'm also against demonizing people.  This guy was saying how he had moved from his small town to the city because of gang threats that are very real with his 3 young daughters,  he couldn't find work to sustain them, I believe him, he sounded so desperate.  I'm saying there's 2 sides to a coin and we as Americans (our government unfortunately) has a massive hand in these people's situation.  I also don't think it's fair when I start seeing more and more derogatory comments.  I'm not pretending to know what the right thing to do is but its also important for us as Americans to educate ourselves as to what our government is doing and the consequences it has on countless lives.

  5. These people are from Central America where most of the countries are run by right-wing extremist. They're just like Trump. Some of those people were wearing Fox News? hats. Wouldn't surprise because one of the murdering dictators from South America was on the board of Fox News . News Corp. Perhaps the Saudis can spend some money to set up a camp in Mexico to help them out for now.

  6. This pregnant 🤰🏻 women looks like she doesn’t want to be there 🤰🏻🤰🏻

  7. Build a metal fence not wall it is cheaper… did I mention that pass 10000 V current through it like they do in Jurassic Park film? NO need to worry or surveillance 😉 Let them come in millions………….

  8. Saudi King has been killing and silence his own people. Not mention what he and his now crown son also are doing with women in their country. They got the oil and money who will cross their path for sure they will kill or make the personal "disappear" this is no shock to anyone.

  9. Love you Trump🇺🇸❤💪🙆build the wall!!!!

  10. Trump’s lying has reached an all time Midterms max… Obviously, if ABC Reported on just Trump’s lies there would be no time for any other news but we shouldn’t lose sight on just how unusual and incredibly damaging to the United States a Liar and Chief is to our International Reputation… What gets lost and always forgotten is Trump is a result of an obsolete system by which the loser wins… Abolish the Electoral College

  11. They should be helped and their kids futures paid for. We have enough money as it is. Let everyone in this is why i vote democratic it helps the needy when they need help. There should be no borders we are all immigrants. Greedy americans always being greedy and racist.

  12. If we wanted to prove to the world that we are the greatest nation, open the borders and help these people. They are mostly children and women, and background checks for the men. We are looking like fools, thanks trump

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