The Debrief: Russia plane crash, Barr versus Dems, West Coast measles outbreak | ABC News

The Debrief: Russia plane crash, Barr versus Dems, West Coast measles outbreak | ABC News

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24 thoughts on “The Debrief: Russia plane crash, Barr versus Dems, West Coast measles outbreak | ABC News

  1. God is coming SOON. My heart goes out to the Souls hope they were right with Christ. As For the Meta Gala all that Money and clothes they have yet they going Straight to hell if they don’t Repent be not Deceived God is not Mocked.

  2. Condolences💧

  3. Does anyone know that calamine lotion will help with the rash that measles causes. Most topical treatments for poison Ivey will help with the rash itching and dry skin it causes. Some topics may even reduce possible scars. Anti itch creams help but something with an antibiotic or other medicine can stop the spread. Old school advice from the last outbreak 😷.

  4. The whole attorney general, thing is a joke, DemoRats are clearly out of control!
    It is against the law to release the unredacted Muller report. It has grand jury testimony. Which by law can not be released! It's pretty clear The DemoRats just want to know which ones of them are going to be investigated!
    I say make it simple and arrest all the crooks of Washington DC!

  5. It is outrageous, that the Democrats, are demanding the whole Mueller report, when actually the Attorney general BARR, didn't have to release any part of it. Are their brains full of straw,? MUST BE………..NO MATTER WHAT, OR WHAT THEY DO, PRESIDENT TRUMP WILL BE REELECTED. MAGA2020🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  6. I can only imagine when mueller testifies they're going to say that he is working for trump as well media keeps blowing up something that's going to burst in all of media's faces New York time is already reporting that the border there is a crisis as well as the president being spied on

  7. These women who have accused R Kelly DIDN'T accuse him BEFORE they profited off a movie, their accusations should NOT be heard, it's clear the intentions of these accusers and one having Avenatti as a lawyer only furthers that intention. The accusations of the past have been addressed and they're re-attempting their lost causes. Double jeopardy may be enacted for those. R Kelly's so called accusers had plenty of opportunity to stake their claims through years of previous litigation. It's a shame they're paid to do a movie and manipulate the current atmosphere stemming from the #metoo movement. It's an insult to women who have been truly assaulted that won't be getting any payments from their tragedies!

  8. Thank you veterans and border patrol 😃👍 for keeping us safe praying you get enough help.

  9. "R. Kelly back in court today…" "…deciding on whether to decriminalize magic mushrooms…."
    "…President Donald Trump…"

    Our news is now the news you heard in the background of a movie set in the future XD Or a Family Guy episode

  10. Barr didn't have to release a single word of the Meuller report to ANYONE! Instead, he turned EVERYTHING legally allowed over to the entire country and OMG, had the audacity to allow anyone from Congress go to securely read even more UNREDACTED information NOT one Democrat Congress member showed up to do!! Now, Hillary is on TV saying the election was STOLEN, AGAIN, and they just CAN'T and WON'T let the TRUTH be! Truth is only want they want it to be in the world of the Democratic party these past few years!!! Just TERRIBLE!

  11. Communist China representative Liu He is bring nothing to US this week, but trying to slowdown Trump's punishment. The communist party they has make decisions this week, that keep plagerizing in WTO instead of stealing from US market in next few years. They decide to take a risk of economic earthquake instead of stopping communism worldwide spreading.

  12. it is sad when you have piece of s*** Republicans in the house that think they don't have to obey by the law that think they could do whatever in the hell they want Republican party are so disgusted they think they're above the law they are our disgrace to this nation vote Democrat at all cost in 2020

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