The Debrief: Mueller memos, NC snow problems, volatile stock market | ABC News

The Debrief: Mueller memos, NC snow problems, volatile stock market | ABC News

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25 thoughts on “The Debrief: Mueller memos, NC snow problems, volatile stock market | ABC News

  1. More distractions… blah, blah, blah. Gotta keep the masses from focusing on what's actually important. How? See: Why would they do that? Because distraction allows those who benefit from the status quo to continue benefiting. Who might that be? The fossil fuel industry, who have spent billions on campaigns of intentional disinformation, funded think tanks and bought politicians (and major news media outlets) in order to shape public opinion through intentionally deceiving them See:

    So what is important, you ask?
    Democracy depends on an informed electorate. The American electorate is being intentionally lied to by those who have been granted licenses to operate "in the public interest". Need an example? Look no further than this show for failing to make clear to the public the connection between yet another extreme weather event and abrupt human caused climate change. For every 1C the average temperature rises, the air holds 7% more moisture. Heavy downpours (like Houston's Harvey) when it rains, heavy snow when it's cold… Extreme weather events are happening worldwide. Scientists are now able to attribute increased damage from these events to human caused climate change; not any specific event itself, but the increase in that event's severity and impact. Why does MSM (main stream media fail to make the connection obvious for the public? Because it goes against their masters' and owners' wishes. Why, for example, despite COP24, the current conference of parties, taking place in Poland, have we heard next to nothing about it on US MSM?
    Care to know more about the most important event in human history? I can point you to some excellent resources.
    Here's a link to a video of a Swedish girl who went on a one woman school strike to protest her country's inaction on human caused climate change:

  2. I'm coming after you if Trump is impeached!!!🇺🇸😡☠🐍🖕

  3. President Trump you need to put all these people in jail that you need to send to get before the end of this year, otherwise the Democrats are going to try and block then you may never get them there. There is 5 to 8 people need to go to GITMO (Democrats)that we're try to impeach you. Get them

  4. You're making my one and only favorite president, Donald Trump, look like a Martyr! I swear ,if he's impeached, I am coming out to get you, TRUMP-HATERS, like a poisonous snake ready to strike!!!🇺🇸😡🖕☠🐍

  5. Trump bankrupted 6 times in his career. And I won’t be surprised if America bankrupt during his administration. 2 years to go, we shall see..

  6. LMAO… Paralyzed by fookin snow
    Guess I should go mow my grass last time for this year. The south even stole our snow. Steal our jobs and presidential elections..
    Ignore climate change..
    Have fun digging out..
    Wanna borrow my snow skis?

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