‘The Debrief’: Kavanaugh investigation, Trump rallies Mississippi, MLB playoffs | ABC News

‘The Debrief’: Kavanaugh investigation, Trump rallies Mississippi, MLB playoffs | ABC News

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14 thoughts on “‘The Debrief’: Kavanaugh investigation, Trump rallies Mississippi, MLB playoffs | ABC News

  1. I know a woman liars as hell. Tery nova. From calexico city. She work as redelopment they. Reinstall a mobil home in 2011. Since I can.t open my back door. Fleetwood manufacture sent 4 contractor snd the door habe a half inch open all the croac.goes inside. The inspector david trevino in total they leave one and a half poker deck numbers problem the refri no close. The stove explotion. Steal my gutter awning 5 windows dpesn.t open. 5 doors. Etc etc etc. Help help.

  2. I live in the state of Connecticut..about 36 percent is Republican and 60 percent Democrat and the rest you coukd say is independent..
    Im not going to rehash the entire criminal satanic element of DNC party..it would take too long and ive done so for over 2 years.
    I'll just simply say that what the Democrats have finally done now to the nation through Kavanaugh is going to be i think the reason for there to no longer be a democratic party..i think this event will wipe out the DNC forever as they have finally overplayed there hand.
    When you make statements like the Senator from Hawaii did saying all women are to be believed over men..there is only one way to look at it..pure fucking evil..and essentially the DNC is saying that women should enslave men like whites once did to blacks…
    Now i really didnt realize how badly democracts fucked up this time when several democracts who either approached me or i just bumped into having casual conversations with and the kavanaugh scenario came up.
    One man in particular voted Democrat all his life and twice voted for Obama said he would never vote Democrat again and fuck the democracts and they should all burn in hell..
    Now again..i live in a fairly liberal democratic state…and im just going to say if this man and others like him are this pissed off and they are registered Democrats and voted that way all their lives..i just don't see how the DNC is going to make it..
    Trying to be a political party that hates all men..think about it..how can you win any election without the male vote? You cant?
    The DNC didn't just isolate white men like They did in 2016 which was bad enough since they are the biggest voting block…now they have isolated all men..how…you say?
    The Democratic Senator from Hawaii when she said if a women says something its to be believed over the man..not due process and not innocent until proven guilty but now they want to subvert all justice by saying your automatically guilty until proven innocent.
    Guilty until proven innocent is about as pure evil as the DNC party can get and saying that a woman can allege anything at all against a man without a court of law and the man is automatically guilty..now they have crossed the mind and pure evil regardless of party affiliation can always see right through that..
    And in do doing the DNC has signed their own death warrant!!

  3. Ok, soooooo the first 6 FBI investigations did not find the police report? Hmmmmmm🙈🙈🙉🙉🙊🙊

  4. How could any Democrat go before the Supreme Court and expect a neutral and unbiased hearing from a Justice Kavanaugh? Imagine had Kavanaugh slammed the Republicans before the entire nation? Republicans may think it’s okay to have far right conservative rulings by a Court Mitch McConnell manipulated but perhaps it’s time the majority exercise its absolute power and just simply change the Court? Certainly unprecedented like McConnell’s picks…

  5. Thumbs up to the FBI investigation being able to expand its scope of work into the Kavanagh hearing. Thumbs down to any rally Agent Orange ever does. Is it me or does all of his rallies look like he just went to trailer parks and rounded up the Pabst Blue Ribbon crowd, with all those tacky red baseball caps and T-shirts, and said come on down to our good ole' boy rally? I mean really. These people look just like the Jim Jones cult people except all white. They look like if they had two brain cells between them they would fight over sharing those. Just say no to the Narcissistic megalomaniacs all about my lies get together in high school gymnasiums. These are just the height of slow trains for brains family reunions.

  6. omg, Stop the presses, IN 1985 Kavanaugh got in a fight, oh shit we have to stop functioning now!!
    but we are going to ignore the 23 times Ford purjuryered herself on the stand!! Democrats are making the justice system look like a 3 ring circus!! what a fucking joke!! if this whole thing isn't proof Democrats are trying to do away with American constitutional rights!!

  7. and after his EPIC rant………i have concluded that Kavanaugh…..IS…..and has ALWAYS been…..a belligerent drunk………..we ALL have seen them at parties………….they are the ones that chug a 6 pack….do 3 shot of Tequila….start a fight……grope someone's wife…..then curl up in a fetal position……blubbering like a child begging to be forgiven…..then get angry again when nobody forgives them.

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