The Debrief: Hurricane Dorian on course to make landfall

The Debrief: Hurricane Dorian on course to make landfall

Florida prepares itself for the storm as it gains strength, and the hurricane causes President Trump cancels his trip to Poland.

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33 thoughts on “The Debrief: Hurricane Dorian on course to make landfall

  1. Tourism will continue to Dwindle . This Storm has already taken Many Lives and Caused Untold Property Damage , It's Moving Slow and Locals seem to know the Low Areas . Expect Deep flooding . Move to High Ground , Stay near a Land Line Phone on the Highest Ground , It's about how long the Water is Pushed into the most vulnerable Ground . Florida is mostly Coral and has been below Sea Level at sometime in the Distant Past , Some Sandy areas could just wash away , know your Topography , Be Safe while Riding the Storm 0ut <3 QC

  2. If it were Obama no matter where in the states it were to happen he would go play golf and then after just say it is very unfortunate. Trump will likely go himself to access the damage and see what is needed, no matter where it hits.

  3. Stay safe y’all who are in the hurricanes path

  4. Cairo, Egypt, today I did captured the most dangerous terrorist driving a motorbike loaded with explosive weapons, the terorist is living outside Cairo in the city called Qalubeya, and the criminal travel to Cairo driving a motorbike, the criminal stop the motorbike in the main street in front of the building near the Presidential palace of el Qubaa, and use the stairs to smuggle between the floors of the building, the 11th floors building, a terrorist with a galabeya and a cheap Indian motorbike, loaded the motorbike with explosive weapons that is enough to launch a terrorist attack that is equivalent to 9/11 terrorist attacks, the terrorist is related to some war Generals of weapons in Egypt and Iraq scence 2001.

  5. It's not going to Florida so the people that live in Florida are freaking out for no reason the hurricane change again Dorian's forecast track has shifted east again, and now no longer shows Dorian making landfall in Florida, according to the 5 a.m. advisory and forecast from the National Hurricane Center.

  6. Ill know soon enough my ex is down there 😂

  7. A historically intense & widespread storm for Florida. – time to prepare & pray. "Armed with the power of they name, nothing can ever hurt me. And with thy love in my heart all the world's afflictions can in no wise alarm me." ~ Baha'i Faith

  8. So sad on what I'm seeing people running around in chaos being greedy , fighting like hungry animals,no gas, selfishness anywhere. Everyone only care about themselves! No one has no faith or trust in God ! Your failing his test world! These are the end of the days ! Y'all running around for water , shelter ,gas but yet lack your trust in God that he will provide (God Is A Provider!) just call on him ! It's all in the bible people, these are the test of the end days before the antichrist! He is walking among us ! START RUNNING TO GOD FOR SOME MERCY AND FORGIVENESS! CRY OUT TO HIM ! BEFORE ITS TO LATE ! Those being selfish for food water gas just remember "The first will be last , and the last will be first!" Book of Revelation ! To all my believers out there let go of your anger , unforgiveness , repent! Stay strong ! We will finally be home with our father in heaven , where there is no more tears, no more pain , no more fear no more worries we finally get to see Jesus face to face ! Hallelujah!!!! Its time for us to start tugging for lost lives to come with us before they are left behind! Let them laugh, mock me and not receive it ! I do not care! As long as I saved one life, touched one heart , I will rejoice !!!!!! If you deny God before man , he will deny you in the gates of heaven!!!!

  9. Live on the beach they’ll love the weather they said

  10. It’s headed towards trumps house…

  11. Did she style her hair before she got on “The Debrief”?

  12. Thank god I don’t live in florids

  13. OOH CHILD!!! Hope MAR-A-LAGO and Trumps other property's get hit hard destroyed!!! wiped out from Florida. Goddamn global warming deniers. Thank god Puerto Rico made it through unharmed and is doing just fine and dandy.

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