The Debrief: Clash at US-Mexico border, Mississippi Senate runoff, Alabama mall shooting mix-up

The Debrief: Clash at US-Mexico border, Mississippi Senate runoff, Alabama mall shooting mix-up

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47 thoughts on “The Debrief: Clash at US-Mexico border, Mississippi Senate runoff, Alabama mall shooting mix-up

  1. I’m a Democrat… I assure you I don’t want these violent people just breaking into our country… if they really want to apply for a dam asylum they could do it legally and study for the test they need even if it’s difficult… but the fact that they are treating the Mexican people like crap is just straight insulting.. the us just has too much going on …

  2. Have you seen an Albino man running around in circle hysterically? He panic! Went bananas and screaming like a girl." The Hombres are coming, the Hombres are coming!"he screamed.

  3. Explain to me that I been finding more immigrants buying polo gucci or louis vutton products in stores how can they afford this ? We still have vets and real homeless peoppe but these people get paid by our tax dollars to do nothing

  4. I'd help house and feed a war vet before one of these entitled migrants. People that suggest an open border should offer to house and feed them in their own homes. I'd like to see how many are willing to do that.

  5. Let's not think the woman and children are not threats. Remember the movie American sniper??? His first confirmed kill was a child. This is an invasion. Target practice at the border seems like a good way to warn them that we aren't playing

  6. Here it’s again women and children how thoughtful ABC they wants Gucci fragrance gas to be fired on them, the reporter doesn’t know meaning of tear gas and it cannot be in fit in sponge container or spongebob square pants toys

  7. So when USA destroys whole countries and make thousands to flee for EU it is ok. Now every coutry in EU is multinational yet fully arabic. When USA makes nazi like revolutions in Ukraine et.c. and 4 million of people move to Russia, 3 to Poland and so on – it is considered to be good also. But when Mexicans want some better life USA starts shooting them on sight saying it is a problem. Is it a good idea for big players to perform the same to USA? 1.- To make all Mexicans hate USA and its citizens like USA made Ukrainians and Georgians hate Russia? Just make them repeat "USA is the main enemy" for 20 years and finish it with a small revolution headed by the well-payed local nazi leaders. 2.- To destroy half of the South American countries with the massive air bombing to make totally uncontrolled migration of savages to USA? The World mass media and leaders could imagine that chemical weapons are produced there like in Iraq or that democracy is not so democratic…))))

  8. I am American too my heart.Yet right is right and wrong is wrong. The United States started this along time ago. They took the land from the original inhabitants. Through force of arms. Violence has been Americas way from the being enslaving and raping people from around the world. This will come back to haunt this dear republic if it doesn't change its ways. It may not be today but it will come.It may be our children or our grandchildren great grandchildren but it will come. I agree we can't save the world but we need to be careful how we treat people because it will come home to roost on us.

  9. Our Father, Who Art In Heaven
    Hallowed Be Thy Name
    Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done
    On Earth As It Is In Heaven.
    Give us This Day, Our Daily Bread
    And Forgive us Our Trespasses
    As we Forgive Those Who Trespass Against us.
    Lead us Not Into Temptation but Deliver us From Evil.
    For Thine Is The Kingdom, The Power, And The Glory
    Now And Forever. Amen

  10. I was led to believe the USA was a Christian country. I’m an atheist but I still act more like a Christian than faux religious Americans. The hate in their hearts must be painful. I do believe in karma though and I know he’s stalking America there will be payback for their crimes against humanity, there always is. Even if it’s the grandchildren/great grandchildren that
    have to pay for the sins of the fathers.

  11. We have enough on our OWN plate! We do NOT need these people to bring their problems to our ALREADY precarious daily JOB of holding our country together! And WHO has these women and children trying to jump the fence! We CANNOT save the world! In trying to save them from drowning are we supposed to drown ourselves? Don't get me wrong, I'm sensitive to their problems but I have to consider the welfare of MY children, indeed my country, for without my country MY children and their future will then be at risk! I'm truly sorry that their lives are such as they are but that is NOT responsibility! The United States did not become the beacon of freedom it is today over night. Sacrifices and hard work is what it took and it took years, indeed decades and centuries and American lives sacrificed and working hard for us to reach this point! They must be willing to go to their own country and work and sacrifice to make it a better place for their children and their citizens. And it will NOT happen over night and it will not come at no cost! But they must be brave as our forefathers were in order to improve their plight. My people have been here in Texas since before the WAR for Texas' independence. Fighting and dying inside the Alamo AND at San Jacinto and then later in WWI and WWII, KOREA AND VIETNAM. My family's blood has paid time and again when the bell rang for our great country to become a better place and they in turn must also be willing to pay WHATEVER the cost to make their country a better place. Freedom does not come cheap. God bless those people but they need to return and begin the hard work it will take to become a better people.

  12. Border Security / The Wall


    US border states such as Arizona and California are critically important.  They represent the gateway/pipeline for many bad things to enter our country: MS-13/illegals, sex trafficking (children), drugs, guns, China/Russia intel pass-through and more.  The above are sources of revenue for the CIA to fund off-the-record black ops.  Big money / cash flow is involved, and Trump's Wall will terminate it.

  13. No sympathy from me. None at all. When I tell people not to come over, they don’t usually insist and break in anyway.

  14. This is playing into dictator Trumps hand beautifully . We don’t have an immigration issue this is a political talking point for Trump nothing more , these people would have been turned away regardless , nothing has changed except now ICE has more power . But immigration is not a problem hasn’t been in years just surprised that Mexico’s doesn’t obviously have a border , so they will have to deal with the issues I think this reporting is incomplete if they can cover the reason these people are fleeing Central America .

  15. Ukraine isn't in NATO or the European Union. NATO can't defend a nation that isn't apart of it. That situation should be between Russia and the Ukraine only no one else needs to get involved

  16. Ha Ha Ha Lmao 😂😂🤣🤣🤣immigrants calling immigrants immigrants. Seems safe to say Satan’s kingdom is falling. Stay woke!!!!!!

  17. My people fight for your rights! We enter this country because we want to escape the third world country we live in. Please Americans give us asylum. Let me tell you how life is like in El Salvador. It’s poor. In fact there’s a huge percentage of the population that lives with just under US $6 a day. There’s also the gangs. In El Salvador I would leave my home to buy food but I didn’t know if I could make it back home alive because the gang violence is that complicated. The gangs control the entire country and that’s why so many of us come to the US. We want a better life. In a country where we can feel safe.

  18. This is an assault on our nation. The United States will is not a push over country. We will not and we can not like these immigrants to illegally enter the country. We have seen how mass immigration has affected Europe. Let's not allow that to happen to us.

  19. Mexico let them cross their border? Let Mexico give them asylum and they can take care of them. Whats the problem. They knew they were not welcome when they started the journey. If we let them in, then what. They started off with no respect for our laws or legal process. Do you really think that will change if we give in now? We have to draw the line at some point. I dont think we should budge on this. Mexico gets aid form the USA, so use it to build them a proper refugee camp.

  20. Ms. Reporter, If they want to do it legally-fine! And , shame on these parents for subjecting their children to all of this! Things are going to get nasty, tired of people who want a free meal ticket!

  21. most of yall that say let all these people in wont even open their doors to let them stay at their house.. where will all these people go when they get into the country? so many people now cant even find a job much less thousands of migrants from the south

  22. Meanwhile there is NO fight against corruption in HONDURAS, the great exodus of immigrants to the United States will continue. Honduras is NARCO-STATE A STATE WHOSE PRESIDENT IS NARCO.

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