The costly effects of climate change on Chicago – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ Alex Perez reports on how climate change is taking a toll on the Windy City, and what steps Chicago is taking to protect against it’s most damaging effects.

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By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “The costly effects of climate change on Chicago”
  1. My grandpa from the CIA with a high clearance on his death bed told us that we don't need to worry about climate change because a progenitor race of aliens from Venus are taking care of it by strengthening the Ozone layer and that theirs nothing we could do anyways.

  2. I traveled up and down Lake Michigan from Chicago to Door County in my boat over seventeen years. The water level of the lake changes quicker than you expect. It can change from week to week. Back in 2012 was very low, certain harbors lost shipping business because freighters could not make it in due to low water. There's inadequate funding for dredging low volume harbors. Sailboats too weren't able to navigate to certain harbors for the same reason. The water shed feeding into the system of the Great Lakes is huge. Snow melt and rain all drain into the lakes. Draught years limit water into the system, heavy snow or rain brings the levels back, but I got news for you…the last few years the level has been high…but not close to the record high levels. If you get record snow in U.P. that affects water into the lake that then affects Chicago too. Record draught at the southern end of the lake affects the harbors in the U.P. as well. The winds blow like nothing else and with a NE wind blowing over a large fetch wave action is considerable. You can get +20 foot waves on this lake and the Chicago is downwind of that NE fetch. If you combine periodic high water levels with an adverse NE wind with high waves you get a lot of action on the coastline. Difference between 2020 and say 1920 is that you didn't have so many people living and building right on the coast line so the impact and real and damage expense. I take exception to the overly dramatic music, voice over and leading questions in this piece.

  3. Hahahahahahaha
    Chicago will be under water!!!!!!!
    So let's not build the Obama Monument Building next to the Lake and build it in Roseland where it will be safe from climate change.

  4. At minimum, we’ve been warned since the 60s.
    This is a perfect example of the impact of unsustainable capitalism. Short term profits and “progress” aka ignorance and greed is why we are where we are…at the beginning.

  5. Historic hottest and coldest days by state. For the most part what I'm seeing is more record low temperatures than highs in recent history.
    The hottest day in Alabama was  112°f in 1925  the coldest, -27°f  in 1966.
    The hottest day in Arizona was     128°f in 1994 the coldest, -40°f  in 1971.
    The hottest day in Arkansas was  120°f in 1936 the coldest, -29°f  in 1904.
    The hottest day in California was  134°f in 1913 the coldest, -45°f  in 1937.
    The hottest day in Colorado was   115°f in 2019 the coldest, -61°f  in 1985.
    The hottest day in Connecticut was 106°f in 1995 the coldest, -37°f  in 1943. 
    The hottest day in Delaware was 110°f in 1930 the coldest, -17°f  in 1893.
    The hottest day in DC was 106°f in 1930 the coldest, -15°f  in 1899.
    The hottest day in Florida was 109°f in 1931 the coldest, -2°f  in 1899.
    The hottest day in Georgia was 112°f in 1921  the coldest, -17°f  in 1940.
    The hottest day in Hawaii was 98°f in 1951 the coldest, 15°f  in 1975.
    The hottest day in Idaho was 118°f in 1934 the coldest, -60°f  in 1943.
    The hottest day in Illinois was 117°f in 1954 the coldest, -38°f  in 2019.
    The hottest day in Indiana was 116°f in 1936 the coldest, -36°f  in 1994.
    The hottest day in Iowa was 118°f in 1934 the coldest, -47°f  in 1996.
    The hottest day in Kansas was 121°f in 1936 the coldest, -30°f in 1905.
    The hottest day in Kentucky was 114°f in 1930 the coldest, -37°f  in 1994.
    The hottest day in Louisiana was 114°f in 1936 the coldest, -6°f  in 1899.
    The hottest day in Maine was 105°f in 1911 the coldest, -50°f  in 2009.
    The hottest day in Maryland was 109°f  in 1936 the coldest, -40°f in 1912.
    The hottest day in Massachusetts was 107°f  in 1975 the coldest, -40°f in 1984.
    The hottest day in Michigan was 112°f  in 1936 the coldest, -51°f  in1934.
    The hottest day in Minnesota was 115°f in1917 the coldest, -60°f  in 1996.
    The hottest day in Mississippi was 115°f in 1930 the coldest, -19°f  1966.
    The hottest day in Missouri was 118°f in 1954 the coldest, -40°f in 1905.
    The hottest day in Montana was 117°f in 1937 the coldest, -70°f in 1954.
    The hottest day in Nebraska was 118°f in 1936 the coldest, -47°f in 1899.
    The hottest day in Nevada was 125°f in 1994 the coldest, -50°f in 1937.
    The hottest day in New Hampshire was 106°f in 1911 the coldest, -50°f in 1885.
    The hottest day in New Jersey was 110°f in 1936 the coldest, -34°f in 1904.
    The hottest day in New Mexico was 122°f in 1994 the coldest, -50°f in 1951.
    The hottest day in New York was 108°f in 1926 the coldest, -52°f in 1934.
    The hottest day in North Carolina was 110°f in 1983 the coldest, -35°f in 1985.
    The hottest day in North Dakota  was 121°f in 1936 the coldest, -60°f in 1936.
    The hottest day in Ohio was 113°f in 1934 the coldest, -39°f in 1899.
    The hottest day in Oklahoma was 120°f in 1936 the coldest, -31°f in 2011.
    The hottest day in Oregon was 119°f in 1899 the coldest, -54°f in 1933.
    The hottest day in Pennsylvania was 111°f in 1936 the coldest, -42°f in 1904.
    The hottest day in Rhode Island was 104°f in 1975 the coldest, -28°f in 1942.
    The hottest day in South Carolina was 113°f in 2012 the coldest, -58°f in 1936.
    The hottest day in South Dakota was 120°f in 1936 the coldest, -40°f in 1905.
    The hottest day in Tennessee was 113°f in 1930 the coldest, -32°f in 1917.
    The hottest day in Texas was 120°f in 1936 the coldest, -23°f in 1933.
    The hottest day in Utah was 117°f in 1985 the coldest, -69°f in 1985.
    The hottest day in Vermont was 105°f in 1911 the coldest, -50°f in 1933.
    The hottest day in Virginia was 110°f in 1954 the coldest, -30°f in 1985.
    The hottest day in Washington  was 118°f in 1961 the coldest, -48°f in 1968.
    The hottest day in Wisconsin was 114°f in 1936 the coldest, -55°f in 1996.
    The hottest day in Wyoming okay was 115°f in 1983 the coldest, -63°f in 1933.

  6. Sadly chicago is in trouble they know that the gangs are the worst an are getting WORST AN WORST ,SO WHEN IT COMES TO TARGETING CHICAGO WITH WEATHER WARFARE, I BELIEVE THAT THEY WANT TO GET RID OF THEM ALL

  7. Climate change is normal. They are using it to further enslave the entire World, take away loads of freedoms, God given rights, and tax everyone to death.

  8. First of all the videos you see of runners and bikers and other being caught off guard by the waves in Chicsgo dont feel sorry for them . The city and beaches give out warnings that you cant be on the lakefront but those individuals ignore the warnings.

  9. I wish people would stop calling these things once in a hundred years events. These are the new normal. Thus if the GOP want to continue to deny climate change and infrastructure weaknesses, then force the entire city of Waverly, TN and Humphreys county to learn how to swim. I don’t want to hear any more flooding complaints next summer in the Midwest!!!

  10. As the bible reads, Gods word, says man has dominated himself to his own ruins and Men is not able to guide there own steps. (rule themselves) independent from God, God will put to ruins, those ruining the earth, God don't lie

  11. I'm a coastal and waterfront structures engineer with 4 years of experience. I chose to come back to university this spring for my masters exactly because of this issue. Wish me luck 🤞

  12. My great-grandpa tells me that the sun was different back in the day— that you could actually be around outside working without sweating your balls off here in Texas. (Hes 90y/o right now)

  13. Democrats & Regressive Marxist Progressives are horrible leaders with America last domestic & foreign policies. Horrible leaders, public servants & stewards of taxpayer $$ just look at how we lost our Energy Independence via Biden's policies. Look at our open Southern Border. Americans & allies left behind in Afghanistan while they took out thousands of unvetted refugees. Look at the districts they run. Inflation. Supply Chain. Covid responses & mandates. CRT.
    Maher speaks of Jan 6 incident which was no insurrection. He fails to acknowledge that Obama Admin, Biden, HRC & their DNC donor/voter Media hacks set up & spied on an opposition President candidate & campaign then set up & obstructed a duly elected President, his family & Admin with bs Russia Narratives & investigations costing taxpayers well over 40 million dollars for well over 2 years. The Obama Admin minions, DNC, DNC media agents & liberals were the epitome of corruption & sore losers for Presidents Trump entire 4 years in office. The true sedition & treason. They definitely stole 2020. Now we have a fraud Admin & Senate/Congress majorities completely destroying America. Stop voting in Authoritarian Imperialist NWO Resets for Agenda21 rebranded Agenda 2030 Covid/Climate Cultists of Democrats & Leftists. Globalists.

  14. Science-denying American Republicans are so certain they're right and the science world is wrong that they're even fighting to deregulate everything to further accelerate our rate of burning fossil fuels and the pillaging of the planet for their own personal greed (fear).

    They're willing to bet the world and all of its inhabitants on their certainty (limitless greed). #FearAndGreedRule #EmpathyFreeGOP

    Every single American Republican policy puts fear and greed (fear) before people and planet. Fear (and the empathy and critical thought it kills) is what separates the right from the left. The fear at the root of ”Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.” — Albert Einstein

    Liberals hate American Republicans because all of their policies put fear and greed (fear) before people and planet (including equality and empathy).

    American Republicans hate liberals for the exact same reasons, because they’re afraid we’ll get in the way of their fear and greed.

    #SwitchToSolar #SwitchToElectric #EndFossilFuels #OneEarth

    #GreenNewDeal #ScienceDeniers #GOP #GreedOverPeople/Planet #RepublicansAreNazis

    #DEMEXIT #StillSandersPlatform

  15. Let's put solar panels on every home, business and covered parking rooftop and switch to electric vehicles making nearly everything we do solar powered while completely decentralizing our power supply and empowering everyone as power generation owners.

    Solar power is CHEAPER and electric vehicles are soon to be CHEAPER to make and already are considerably CHEAPER to maintain and operate, especially if charged from your own solar power.

    A 3-5 year ROI (return on investment) for a solar array that will generate power for decades is a no-brainer and the panels can even be made locally too.

    #EndFossilFuels #SwitchToSolar #SwitchToElectric #GreenNewDeal #EmpowerEveryone #DEMEXIT #StillSandersPlatform

  16. Chicago’s year with most rainfall was in 2008 don’t believe this bullshit look it up

  17. They don't care about climate change man is f…..up the earth every were and we are feeling it no matter where you are wake the hell up people we only have one earth. 🌏🌎🌏🌎🌏🌎

  18. All the Great Lakes eventually drain via Niagara into Lakev Ontario and thus the St. Laurence Seaway.

    No way that you can 'raise' a lake's waterlevel when its drain down-river stays open and flowing down-river and finally into the sea – where indeed waterlevels are rising..

    So, this video here is cute confused nonsense….
    As are most of comments here.

    Study your maps, folks.
    You just flunked Geography 101 !

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