‘The centrist, the moderate. They are in trouble’: Yvette Simpson on Obama comments | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

The Powerhouse Roundtable discusses the latest news in the 2020 presidential election.

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #ImpeachmentHearing #Roundtable


By carmodpros


41 thoughts on “‘The centrist, the moderate. They are in trouble’: Yvette Simpson on Obama comments | ABC News”
  1. This is why Emmanuel didn’t get into the Biden administration, talking down to a black woman. Folks like him pushed Obama to the center.

  2. Obama’s message now is stop hoping for change. I was so wrong to support him. He did not earn it; in reality, the Clintons saved him in Term 2; he gave the presidency to Hillary and she lost it to Trump. Obama was corporate socialism to the wealthy banks, car industry but not the people. He did not even give blacks affirmative action again even when the Democrats held congress under his presidency. In fact during that time, that person lost 1000 democratic seats under his and Pelosi’s leadership (if you can call the t leadership; I call it FAILURE). Now Obama is the picture of “no hope just vote”; “hold your nose and vote for Joe”.

  3. The average person says the system needs to be remade. Obama was grassroots and then sold out. He let Washington transform him. He took their money. Bernie is not like Obama. Bernie is far wiser and a much better politician. This system is broken; that is what the people are saying from those cops displaying poor policing (and shooting unarmed blacks) to foreign influence in US politics like AIPAC, Russia, etc. Big money is ruining the nation.

  4. So if your not left extreme or right extreme nobody cares about u and you deserve to be abandoned? Most people are closer to center than far from it. Just not media or famous politicians


  6. Yep do we all really believe Mayor Pete is in first place (maybe in fantasy land), I don't think so.  Main stream media is the propaganda machine of the establishment Democrats and Republicans, their commentary and fake polls tell you they are scared because the vast majority of Americans have finally woken up to what has been happening in the country and who has created the mess we see today.  The Democrats and Republicans have long been in bed with one another and work to deceive and steal from the American people to enrich themselves and their wealthy donors/corporations.  For far too long the corrupt politicians have not only taken a taxpayer funded salary but are bought and paid for by the billionaires and corporations to do their bidding and legislate on their behalf.  The billionaires and corporations along with their stooges in government are responsible for the problem and are definitely not the solution.  A revolution is exactly what is needed, nothing can be achieved in increments, Obama ran on supposed hope and change but did absolutely nothing in this regard, he was a failure in his two terms and even now is more concerned about himself and how much money he makes.

  7. Lmao who tf said it was a good idea to hire chris Christie as a panelist? Who takes what this fat fucking lard has to say seriously…he couldn't even do his fucking job as the New Jersey govern. Fucking dumbass moderate sellout hacks!

  8. dear barack obama,
    its like you were never president the last vestiges of your tenure are being dismantled in the courts as we speak you need to uhhhhh how does the ole addage go!?!? OH YA SHUT THE FUCK UP

  9. Life is getting lonely for Centrists like myself. Everyone becoming extreme right or lefty on the political spectrum 😂😫😔

  10. Obama supported single-payer when he was a State Senator. Yes, he took a more conservative position later because people like Rahm Emanuel pressured him to do so. But much of Obama's campaign rhetoric was progressive. Americans didn't know all the details of his policies; they just assumed he would bring significant structural change, and he was viewed as the anti-establishment candidate because he was taking on the Clinton machine. Joe Biden is promising his wealthy donors that "nothing will change"–the exact opposite of the message that propelled Obama to victory in '08.

  11. Look at yourself George!… Bernie Sanders has 2 million volunteers and fills auditoriums and you and other Pundits do not mention him. David Brinkley is rolling over, in his grave at what you have done to his show!… then again, once a Clintonite Centrist, always a Clintonite Centrist huh!… pathetic!

  12. The left have no nominee stars, no one really stands out that's why behind the scenes they're all sweating and having nervous breakdowns. If you look on CNN and MSLSD everything's just hunky-dory and I say….. right
    the e far left has taken over the party and Good Luck winning against Trump – it's never going to happen. Pete Buttigieg, mayor of a small town in the middle of the country, has awful approval polls especially with blacks. That says it all. how is he supposed to be leader of the free world
    I'm not worried

  13. People 60% of the wealth in the nation is inherited. If that does not tell you it is time change this nation in a major way you are crazy. That 60% is funding rightwing extremists, pushing through unnecessary tax cuts for themselves, fighting corporate wars with your children to enrich themselves even more. Middle of the road will not get it done. Be bold people and change the game. Or become slaves through debt.

  14. so you think black voters are going to vote for him after firing the first black police chief of south bend? Accepting money from the attorney who tried covering up the video of the black teenager that was shot in south bend?
    Saying black voters aren’t polling well Bc of their views on lgbt?
    Posting a bogus endorsement of his Douglas plan with false endorsements of black voters?

  15. The Center has had 4 consecutive candidates and only one has won. Where does it say that democrats only want to win without a policy that will motivate nonvoters to come out and vote? The only way that will happen is if there are policies that will make a change in their lives. That is bull Warren is losing support because she lied about her support for M4A. That she lied about the fact that she was a Native American. that she would not take Pac money. I am a Latino am I suppose to vote for Castro? I am a union card-carrying worker, its time to meet our needs.

  16. Comstock comment: Obviously there is a "women's tax" that hurts female candidates in the General Election, but to say that Warren is slipping (being attacked) because she is a women is wrong. The activist Dems, the ones affecting the primaries, have been pushing for women, people of color, and sexual diversity. Warren is getting hit because she is a front runner. She is running that "slow and steady" campaign, inching up the polls, that I think can win the nomination.

  17. Whover wins the Democrat nomination SHOULD win the Presidency. Seems the key will be turnout, and clearly explaining to the American public the PROBLEM and major issues coming out of this Trump economy: millions of UNCOUNTED people are unemployed…..trade deficits continue….the federal deficit is unacceptable. There MUST be a path for poor and working people to reach for the American Dream….in real life….while not having a-holes in D.C. fomenting division and hate among the totality that is our 300 million strong country. A sane, proud American foreign policy, which does not seemingly meet the needs and interests of our long-time rivals in the world wouldn't hurt.

  18. There is NO honor in being a centrist, NO courage. If there's anything we've learned over the past 20 years or so, if your not a devote liberal, your just another POS, mindless, f*&king Republican. Start the list with the Clinton's, Biden, and stop after listing for 4 hours and not being done! The DNC can take the position of REALLY make change, making a difference, or go the way of the Dodo.

  19. because obama won twice doesnt mean anything good….its actually a bad thing particularly for so called black people that voted and got thrown under the bus….if chris christie likes obama you know hes probaly toxic….

  20. I feel lost, the DNC has flopped and become a cesspool for faux woke identity politics and the GOP is aggressive and delusional. I don’t want to identify as a centralist or independent and I don’t find myself fitting into any side politically (especially rn) and I feel horrible because I don’t think I’ll be voting again. I don’t want Trump’s mediocre presidency for another term but I definitely do not want any of these candidates regardless of how badly I want trump out of there.

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