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20 minutes of Trump bashing and interviews with children brainwashed into promoting gun bans followed by a 4 minute fluff piece – pretty typical of what ABC calls "news" these days #MSMADNESS
My thought is background checks has nothing to do with it because you could put background checks in every state but when you turn down the facts facts are Chicago does background checks but yet has the higher murder capital from guns so do you background checks guns are still going to be sold because it doesn't take much to get a gun in America that's not hard
The guy who interviewed Kevin McAleenan should be fired. The guy said something about how the laws can hurt families and how parents are bringing kids through a dangerous journey when he was asked about the video of the crying child. That child is likely an American citizen because they didn't arrest recent border crossers, they arrested people that have been living in the US for years and who are working and paying tax, but this Kevin asshole ties it to the current border issue which these raids have nothing to do with. Do your job ABC.
You said something along the lines that you can't blame Trump for taking a vacation… He takes a vacation like every 2 weeks, charging the tax payers an astronomical amount of money that his businesses profit from. He cuts health and safety, he cuts education, if he wasn't on vacation at his own resorts all the time those cuts wouldn't need to happen, maybe report on that.
I might have an idea about this gun control taboo thing. Maybe just maybe we shouldn’t be placing the responsibility of gun control on the politicians but instead your fellow gun owners the responsibility should be on them.
Trump 2020🇺🇸â¤🇺🇸â¤🇺🇸â¤🇺🇸â¤🇺🇸â¤🇺🇸â¤😊😊😊😊ðŸ˜ÅÂÂÂ
President Yang has a nice ring to it
Wowwww, she knocked the roof off!
All this guy does is take vacations and talk shit to his stupid supporters
The USA has repeatedly failed to act on the problem of gun deaths and mass shootings, so I very much doubt it will act now, under this failing administration, led by a misogynistic, racist, former bankrupt, draft dodger and climate change denier.
Background checks happen already. They can be more thorough. Need to get military guns and large volume clips out of general population.
Here to watch liberal pussies cry
I know that The Criminals will have No Problem with Background Checks. We all know that they go to Licensed Dealers for their Firearm purchases.
Pray God Almighty will give guidance to all leaders to do what is best for the people.
Any one who is Godly has to be a good person or leader.
Satan is evil everything in his sight is bad.
Americans pray for guidance and knowledge to build a better America.
A good leader brings peace and prosperity.
A bad leader brings suffering hate and greed.
We don't need no more infringements to our 2nd A. Keep arm personnel in all stores schools and churches….. this alone will solve the problem…no law on paper will ever change mass shooting…..
We need our guns to protect ourselves. Point blank period. Just check their social media pages.
Good intentions behind red flag law HOWEVER a vindictive coworker or ex-spouse/lover could make a false claim and really wreck someone's life.
Why aren’t Republicans yelling at Trump they yelled at Obama for just talking about just toughening the background checks? I belong to neither party at the moment I vote on the issues. I’m just noticing the selective condemning seems a little lopsided.
Where is Charlton Heston
Trump will never tighten gun regulations as long as the NRA is whispering in his ear. Trump will need more than Russia's help to get re-elected, he will need the help from the NRA as well.
You can fix the refugee problem with gun law changes .
Gun problems in Mexico are caused by America .
Most of the illegal guns in Mexico are coming from the US.
People are running from the crime and armed gangs .
According to [U.S.] Justice Department figures, 94,000 weapons were recovered from Mexican drug cartels in the five years between 2006 and 2011, of which 64,000 — 70 percent, according to Jim Moran — come from the United States
You can't "Get rid of guns" They will always be around, and banning certain guns won't stop anything. You have a guy killing people with a Knife. But just recently a gunman was stopped by a guy with a concealed gun carry. The only answer to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Just take Chicago for example, they have the HIGHEST gun control messures in the country, Guns are not allowed and yet, they have the HIGHEST Gun Crime rate in the USA. Why is that do you think? Because Criminals do not care what kinda laws you pass they will get a gun and use it no matter what the law says. Get out of your bubbles and realize this is real life not some fairytale that just because you tell people they can't do something means they will just be like OH I can't have a gun ok.. well here take my guns then.. No they will find a way to get a gun or even MAKE a gun.
Get rid of guns
Trump never rests so all vacations are "working vacations"
Back ground checks is not enough. We need to get rid of military style/assault weapons. We don’t need military tip weapons on our streets. The NRA is just a front to launder Russian money. We need to stand up on this BS.
I wish Mitch was my Dad