‘The Briefing Room: Mueller investigation, Stone meeting, Vote 2020, job numbers, Super Bowl – Car Mod Pros Portal

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By carmodpros


30 thoughts on “‘The Briefing Room: Mueller investigation, Stone meeting, Vote 2020, job numbers, Super Bowl”
  1. Did anyone noticed that when the government was shut down, no one missed any of those people. Everyone went to work, every one had their beer after work, every one felt safer. Only those places, parts, people, services, etc that were GOVERNED by OUR GOVERNMENT suffered their own "set back".
    I think, for what I saw happening, that WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, don't need any ORANGE SHIT embarrassing US all.
    Let's wipe that Orange shit up with some MEAN GREEN stuff and some Pine Sol. Every thing will look and smell clean and will be free of viruses and whatever illnesses and infections that orange shit is spreading around.
    God bless America and the PRESIDENTS of USA.

  2. Lies. just because you say one sided bullship doesn't mean it's True. Look at everything he has accomplished the president trump. are you blinded . Finish the wall and stop Disrespecting your president. He is your president , get over it and support him. Remember we the people of a United States of America wanted trump as president. If you are a true Patriot you don't disrespect You're president elect

  3. My president want us to chant "finish the wall" but he hasn't even started to build "his wall". I'd say that the new chant should be, NO MORE LIES, NO MORE LIES or maybe, GIVE ME BACK MY VOTE, GIVE ME BACK MY VOTE.
    Later Gators.

  4. I personally doubt that Mueller will find direct evidence for Trump's collaboration with Putin; as a trained field officer Putin knows what can be tracked and as a Russian (former) KGB expert he knows how to make long term plans.
    What did he start with to conquer the Oval Office? Maybe a bunch of failed indivuduals in the outgoing 20th century, all with prominent reputation, good PR work and many legal and financial problems.
    Trump being only one of them when Putin began his career, but he singled himself out at a time when Putin had established his grip on power as a failed presidential candidate in the 2000 election (when he was obviously rather trending towards the dems in his published political views and with his campaign donations given in the past).
    2006 after Trump's (up to now last) bancruptcy Putin (who had begun to amass a wealth which today may top 200 billion dollars making him the richest individual in the world, permanently rising tax-free) bought Trump for what is a tip, some cumshaw to him; after that the money laundring intensified with the Russian mob joining the Trump business and the R party as a corrupt base to take over by infiltrating the NRA and campaign donations and R senators with property in Russia (greetings to mr Rohrabacher).
    In 2013 at the Miss Universe pageant Putin told Trump to run, and whatever followed did not need much of a conspiracy, Trump was following orders and the corrupt and broke puppet Manafort was installed to organize that.
    Trump's collaboration may well be confined to nodding ever since 2013 to whatever Putin tells him.

  5. The democrats behaviour is predictable.

    They are still traumatized by the 2016 defeat and have not accepted that reality yet.
    Rather than facing their responsibility in that loss they see anything and anyone else as the being the cause of the defeat.

    In particular to justify their loss they demonize. The main focus of that demonizing is well the person who they see as the main perpetrator of their defeat.

    If it were not him well it must be,who else, but the Russians the usual public enemy number one for who they could get a large number of sympathizers. Or even better, these two devils were both involved. Heck why stop there, it was not only both working separately but rather both were collaborative in their push to deny the democrats their predefined destiny.

    Like an animal licking their wounds the traumatized democratic party has become focused only on themselves even to the detriment of the country. They are both internally confused and outwardly intransigent.

    With the realization, by some of the more conscious and rational elements of the democratic party, that reality wasn't going away no matter what the reasons of their defeat, the catch cry has become be as intransigent, uncooperative, destablising and as hindering of the current government as possible and look ahead to the next election. Look ahead not just in terms of the next election but ideologically. Hence the refusals, the tlaibs' the omars and the like.

    2020 is their assumed great deliverance, present concerns and needs of the country are not relevant to them if it doesn't serve their own 2020 fantasy.

    So expect, refusals, intransigence, hinderance. Expect the needs of the country being neglected and a constant referral to 2020. For these people, in denial, the present is an unreality.

  6. Democrats voted for it in 14 now they won't. Democrats said they won't give one dollar. They voted down coast guard getting paid when shut down started. They hate trump. People know this. Fake news guys aren't fooling anyone.

  7. I am beginning to realize Robert Mueller is the Anti-Christ!!!🇺🇸😡👊💥💀

  8. All we have to do now is finished the wall, The democrats need to take the security of this country seriously By supporting the President in Congress The right and reasonable way because it is an emergency and has been for the last 60 years Facts don't lie Research it for yourself heres a hint use the census status as base line. Anyways Or the president will Execute his Presidential right to Enforce state of emergency to get the wall completed the make everything safe and protect Our county and its people. Have a Wonderful day and Finish the wall

  9. It's really annoying trying to Wade through all these ridiculous comments by Russian bots infiltrating the system again!!!! Ignore all these idiotic comments they are just bots!!

  10. utterly stupid commentators, one of whom seems to be speaking from a well. In a time of national crisis (not The Wall, but the criminal T.Rump) their main interest is football.

  11. He didn't build anything yet!!! Hes not building a wall!!! EVER!! He's not going to build anything with emergency money!! Period!! Get over it no wall!!!!

  12. ABC sounds like ALL BULLCRAP NEWS. They ignore the border disaster and never query the Dems about the real reason they don't want wall funding despite they wanted a wall in 2013. It's all about hating Trump. ABC like the other fake news outlets fail to report the booming economy resulting from the tax cuts, reversing the constructive regulations, the improved trade deals, etc. They never ask Pelosi why there is an immoral wall around her house.

  13. The wall is a waste of money! This man that is "acting" like a President, needs to stop throwing a temper tantrum like a child that doesn't get his way!! What a loser!!

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