The Briefing Room: Democratic Debate preview in Houston | ABC News

The Briefing Room: Democratic Debate preview in Houston | ABC News

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47 thoughts on “The Briefing Room: Democratic Debate preview in Houston | ABC News

  1. White Americans (including White Hispanics) constitute the historical and current majority of the people living in the United States, with 72% of the population in the 2010 United States Census. Non-Hispanic whites totaled about 197,285,202 or 60.7% of the U.S. population.

  2. Where’s Eric Swallowell? Eric said he had all the Russian evidence for President Trump to be impeached?

  3. Mayor Pete is right. Castro's rude infighting hurts Democrats and just helps Trump in the General election. You don't need to put Biden down to lift yourself up.

  4. The debate is a total chaos what a joke these losers have no vision and as for the ABC I am turning the TV off 15 minutes into it I’ve already gotten phone calls 35 people are also changing the station losers go trump

  5. Why does every pundit say you need to do well in the debates to win the election? Look at Trump, Hillary stomped him in all 3 debates. But debates don't matter to the millions of deplorables – mostly low income, low education, male, older, white, and racist

  6. 9:00 I called it that they would bring up Warren in 2nd place in that poll, But they skipped over Bernie at 2nd in the poll before.
    Bernie is Voldemort to the media, They know if they say his name or talk about him he will gain more power. I'm so fucking sick of this selective coverage of anything bernie.

  7. All the right wing nuts only have troll comments they never make a clear argument because they’re afraid they know they’re going to lose and they don’t know what to do about it and they don’t even know why like Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones

  8. My fellow patriots get you popcorn ready and let’s enjoy this shit movie, I love to see how all off them will dodge all questions and blame Trump for everything,enjoy the movie,will talk tomorrow

  9. Pepper days you brainwashed sheep listening to millionaires lie to you about the billionaires and by the way Milton Friedman is debunked your entire argument is lost

  10. Constitutionalist auntie Pelosi you don’t know anything about the constitution or Bernie Sanders stop trolling you’re a moron and you didn’t even make an argument all you did was her personal insults

  11. Constitutionalist Anti Pelosi is a freak and doesn’t know anything about Bernie Sanders
    completely lost in identity politics and propaganda from David Brock I presume

  12. Can’t wait for everyone to dodge questions they don’t have answers to while speaking Spanish, Native American Tribal Language, and Braille!

  13. Ive got 1 question for Warren> Since you now have all Bernie's views on where the Country needs to head, why did you endorse the Queen of WallStreet & DNC cheater Hillary over Bernie in the 2016 primary> I SMELL A RAT!!

  14. Bernie 2020!!!❣️❣️

  15. Look at your clever graphics that make it look like Biden and Warren are on top and Bernie Sanders is equal to Kamala Harris when Bernie Sanders is the leading candidate

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