The Briefing Room: Bolton out, Trump approval rating, gun control, 2020 debate | ABC News

The Briefing Room: Bolton out, Trump approval rating, gun control, 2020 debate  | ABC News

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33 thoughts on “The Briefing Room: Bolton out, Trump approval rating, gun control, 2020 debate | ABC News

  1. Thanks for the GOOD news like the good old newspaper. 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♂️💋👩🏾‍💻

  2. You get those GODDAMN FUCKING Democrats out of my state of Texas! I have NO MERCY FOR THOSE LIBERAL TRUMP-HATERS! ALL OF THEM!!!🇺🇸😡⚔🏹💣💥🗡🛡

  3. Trump has been CLEANING HOUSE! THE ONLY THING I CAN THINK OF IS WHEN TRUMP SEES CORRUPTION he takes care of it. What else can it be? He is the President of the United States and if you disagree with the president you lose period end of story! Trump is not your common politician and I actually respect that!

  4. We don't need gun control laws. We need to get rid of the politicians and government making the laws. This just proves to me that right wing or left wing it's all the same bird.

  5. Donald Trump the president of the United States of America should be embarrassed because he has made arrangements with the same people that drove planes into the World Trade Center in the same people that drove a plane into the Pentagon he have made for rangement stew be at peace with these folks think about that for a minute now all those people in the First Responders all those lies done been taken because of the inability of the United States of America making a treaty with a terrorist I know Ronald Reagan is turning over in his grave right now and I know JFK is turning over in his grave right now and I know George Washington car is turning over in his grave right now trying to understand the concept of what Donald Trump is doing now he don't understand what's so ever what he is doing he is making friends with the same people that killed all of us that wanted to as they say Western us Americans died

  6. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.All these are the beginning of sorrows.
    ~ Matthew 24:6-8~

  7. The Democrat and Republican parties have been infiltrated by
    Communists.  The goal is to destroy the
    constitution, take power from the people and give to the government and then use
    their power to control what you eat, your healthcare, how you travel, and take
    away your means to defend yourself.    They use mass shootings and climate change to
    justify their tyranny.

  8. I used to be a loyal ABC news fan but all you guys do now is LIE!! Who did you get to respond to these so called polls??? You didn’t ask me!!!! MAGA TRUMP 2020!!!!

  9. Donald Trump should not keep any of his officer for more than few days, never more than a week….he should keep firing his senior officers every week… chance to new faces to further complicate US positions for the sake of world peace….

  10. Leave the guns alone. There is no one asking for gun control. Just you communist. That's how Hitler started. Go away back to Germany. And leave us Americans alone.

  11. What will you do when Trump wins in 2020:
    -Burn down your city
    -Scream at the sky
    -Violently attack a Trump supporter
    -Ask the FBI and DOJ to attempt another coup
    -Blame the Russians
    -Buy Joe Biden's book detailing why he lost called "Russia 2.0"
    -Move to another country (Still waiting on half of Hollywood to fulfill this promise)
    – Try to trigger a civil war
    – Enjoy life and prosper under the Trump economy

  12. I considered selling my weapons back to the government, but after a background check and thorough investigation into the buyer, I determined the buyer has a history of violence and mentally unstable. Big risk to the general population.

  13. Trump is continuing to fulfill his campaign promises. Bolton is driven by war. In fact democrats love war as long as they aren't the participants. Bring our troops home. TRUMP 2020! Because he is a winner.

  14. It's because Bolton refused to stay at the Trump Turncoat property in Scotland on a fake layover just so Trump could continue bilking government resources to save his belly up property.

  15. It’s now obvious, trump is flailing and he is failing. The man is overwhelmed by the ponderousness of the office he holds and is clearly inept and unfit for the presidency.

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